Kaltura Events

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Create an event

Interactive sessions allow attendees to connect with others during your Virtual Event. Hosts can use this...
Pre-recorded live sessions are pre-recorded videos that are broadcasted as if they were live. They are...
Blank template gives you the ability to start from scratch and create your own event with our blank...
Live webcasts are orchestrated, highly produced live streaming events for large audiences. Kaltura...
DIY live broadcasts give you the ability to broadcast/webcast a Kaltura live directly from a Kaltura studio...


Sponsors leads reports
Sponsors can download their lead reports directly from Kaltura. The report will include all attendees who opted-in to share their information with sponsors and visited the sponsor’s page, or watched one of the sponsor’s videos.  Lead reports incl...
Best practices for streaming to Kaltura
This article provides standards and best practices for streaming to Kaltura. Herein, you will learn how to stream to a Kaltura endpoint as well as the recommended settings for a successful stream. Additional related Knowledge Center articles are provided at the end of this article for your reference.
Kaltura Studio room for DIY live webcasts
DIY live webcasts give you the ability to broadcast a high-quality live session directly from your browser via a Kaltura Studio room.
Preview mode
About The Preview mode allows a live broadcaster to preview the live stream before the actual live event has started, and before viewers can actually see the live content. Preview mode ensures that the end-to-end streaming is working well an...
Green room for Kaltura Studio room
About The Green room is a dedicated virtual space where moderators and speakers can meet, prepare, and rehearse before going live. This private backstage area allows for last-minute discussions, troubleshooting, or coordination without the audi...
Understanding the numbers displayed during a DIY live broadcast session
About During a DIY live broadcast session, the meeting room displays a variety of different figures. You may be wondering, "What do all these numbers mean?" We are here to help!  ( A ) Number of users watching the liv...
Using the Kaltura Studio room during a DIY live webcast session - Best practices for Moderators and Speakers
This article is intended for those designated as a moderator or speaker of a DIY live webcast session. About DIY live webcasts give you the ability to broadcast a high-quality live session directly from your browser via a Kaltura St...
Using the Kaltura Studio room during a DIY live webcast session - Best practices for event organizers
This article is intended for the event organizer of a DIY live webcast session. About DIY live webcasts give you the ability to broadcast a high-quality live session directly from your browser via a Kaltura Studio room. Once a DIY l...
Kaltura Webcast studio for Live webcasts
About Live webcasts are orchestrated, highly produced live-streaming events for large audiences. With live webcasts you have the added flexibility of "going live" directly from a Kaltura webcast studio (if the stream has already been ...
Storyboard for webcast studio
Prepare your presentations effortlessly with Kaltura's Storyboard.
Virtual Event Registration - A guide for Tier One Support team members
About  This article provides the information necessary for Tier 1 Event Support Team members to assist and ensure all users can complete the registration process and gain access to the event.   Herein, we will cover registration flows, includi...
Join an Events session
This guide will help you join and navigate interactive sessions and DIY live webcasts on the Kaltura events platform.

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