Introduction to Kaltura Events
Kaltura Events allows you to create, manage, and track one-of-a-kind experiences that will expand your reach, strengthen your brand, and build a strong pipeline, all in one comprehensive platform.
General events glossary
Often, the biggest challenge that all event professionals face is understanding the technology (let alone the terminology and lingo of Virtual Events). For some of you, this may be your first time managing an event, and it might require a new team, new skills, and a lot of onboarding to help pull it all off.
Event user roles
There are three types of Kaltura Events users - Admin, Event manager, and Content manager.
Site deliverables for events
When planning your event, certain deliverables are necessary to ensure your attendees experience the highest quality event possible. Following are comprehensive lists of those deliverables.
Logging in Updated
After you are added as a user to a Kaltura Events account, you may use your appropriate credentials to login to Kaltura Events. This article will walk you through logging in via the application.
Kaltura Events - Account setup Updated
This article will describe how to set up your Kaltura Events account.
Kaltura Events - Basic troubleshooting
This article describes how to troubleshoot common issues and questions on Kaltura Events.
Home tab Updated
The Events page displays all the events in the Kaltura Events account - both current and past events.
Team tab
The Team page allows account owners/admin to add team members, edit team member information, and delete team members.
Analytics tab
The Analytics page provides a full overview of analytics across your events.
Integrations tab
The Integrations page provides Account owners/admin the ability to add integrations to Kaltura Events.
Remove users
Event organizers have the option of removing an attendee from an event via the All users page, but in order to completely delete a user from the system, Event organizers must create a technical support case, providing certain details on the user they would like to delete.