

Advanced audio description


Advanced (aka Extended) audio description allows the source video to be paused to create room for lengthier descriptions when necessary. This is typically utilized when there are not significant pauses in the original content, or when there is a lot of key visual information that must be described. This is important for people with visual impairments who are unable to see the images in a video. They can miss important information or context-setting clues because they are only able to listen to the accompanying audio.

Audio Description


Audio Description (AD) allows snippets of narration to be interspersed within the natural pauses in dialogue of the original content, designed primarily for blind and visually impaired people. During gaps in the dialogue, a narrator describes what is happening visually on screen.


Adaptive Bitrate

Adaptive bitrate streaming is a technique used in streaming multimedia over IP networks. While in the past most video streaming technologies utilized streaming protocols such as RTP with RTSP, today's adaptive streaming technologies are almost exclusively based on HTTP and designed to work efficiently over large distributed HTTP networks such as the Internet.

Administrator Secret

Admin Secret

A unique administrator-level security string assigned to a specific Kaltura Partner. This is used by the Kaltura servers as a key for authenticating admin API sessions initiated by client-side applications utilizing Kaltura technology.


The only difference between privateOnly and adminRole is in open galleries, where the Admin role can publish without the need to be a contributor.


Advanced Encryption Standard

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric block cipher that uses the same key for encryption and decryption. AES is implemented in software and hardware throughout the world to encrypt sensitive data. It is essential for government computer security, cybersecurity and electronic data protection.


A user who is not logged in.


Application Programming Interface

An application programming interface (API) is a computing interface which defines interactions between multiple software intermediaries. It defines the kinds of calls or requests that can be made, how to make them, the data formats that should be used, the conventions to follow, etc. It can also provide extension mechanisms so that users can extend existing functionality in various ways and to varying degrees. An API can be entirely custom, specific to a component, or it can be designed based on an industry standard to ensure interoperability. Through information hiding, APIs enable modular programming, which allows users to use the interface independently of the implementation.

Applicative Roles

Concerns what a user is entitled (or not) to do in the context of the application.

Aspect Ratio

The ratio between any two dimensions, as width and height. Most common ratios of videos are: 4:3 – normal screen, 16:9 – wide screen.



The term "asset" is used to describe the individual units of content- a digital file or piece of media content- that users upload, organize, and share through the Kaltura platform. This can include various types of media assets, such as videos, audio files, images, and presentations.



Refers to tasks that run in the background without requiring the user to wait for them to complete. These tasks allow other actions to continue simultaneously. Example: An async job status could indicate the progress of a media file being transcoded, showing whether it’s pending, in progress, completed, or failed.



Additional files added to a media entry (video/image/document).


Bumper video

Typically refers to a linear video ad with a clickable call-to-action; format is usually shorter than full linear ads (i.e. 3-10 seconds) and the call-to-action can usually load another video or can bring up a new site while pausing the content.



Call to Action

A Call to Action (CTA) is a button or hyperlink that will take the user to a selected URL. The text typically takes the form of a command or action phrase, such as 'Sign Up' or 'Register now'.



Captions are a text version of the audio part of a spoken presentation. They are in the language of the medium rather than a translation to another language. Captions can either be enabled or disabled.



Categories, also known as galleries, are used to organize media and set user entitlements in applications such as MediaSpace. They're created in the Kaltura Management Console and are usually structured in a tree-like hierarchy with sub-categories inside main categories. They're managed centrally by an administrator.

Category Page

Category Page

Category pages refer to channel and gallery pages in KMS and Media Gallery pages in KAF.

Channel collection

Channel collection

Channel collections serve as a way to organize and group related channels. They provide a higher level of categorization and help users navigate and discover channels based on specific themes, topics, or purposes. The channel collection has a dedicated landing page which makes it easier to find and manage content.

Channel ID

Channel ID

ID number that is assigned to a newly created Channel. The Channel ID number can be found at the end of the URL of the channel, for example, Simply open the desired channel in a new tab to view it.

Channel manager

Capable of editing the channel setting and manage users.

Channel page

Channel page

A channel page is the landing page for a specific channel. Channel owners can customize the appearance and settings of their channels using the editing channel functions.


MediaSpace Channels, are media repositories managed by authorized users and can be identified by their flat layout that is reflected on the channels page. Channel types can vary from open to private, restricted, shared repository or public to define the privacy levels by which users (anonymous/authenticated/channel members) may have access to view the content or to contribute content to the channel. Note: Channels can be associated with one or more galleries according to the entitlements set in the gallery.



A Codec is hardware or software that compresses and decompresses computer data, such as audio or video files, to make file sizes smaller and storage and distribution of the videos easier. Additionally, codecs are used tso optimize file for playback.


Collaborators are users who have been granted specific permissions to manage or contribute to a media item. These roles can include co-editors, co-publishers, and co-viewers, allowing them to edit, publish, or simply view the content, respectively.


Content Delivery Network

A content delivery network or content distribution network is a system of computers networked together across the Internet that cooperate transparently to distribute content for the purposes of improving performance and scalability.


Content Management System

A content management system (CMS) is an application that is used to manage web content, allowing multiple contributors to create, edit and publish. Content in a CMS is typically stored in a database and displayed in a presentation layer based on a set of templates.

Contextual Roles

Concerns what a user is entitled (or not) to do in the context of Galleries / Channels.


Capable of adding content in the context of a gallery/channel.



A cookie is a small piece of data stored on a user's web browser by a website. It is used to remember information about the user, such as login status or preferences, to enhance their browsing experience.


Create-Read-Update-Delete - the four basic functions of persistent storage


A CSS URL is a web address that points to an external CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) file. This file contains styles and formatting rules that can be applied to your player to customize its appearance. By entering a CSS URL, you can link your player to this external stylesheet and enhance or modify its visual design according to the styles defined in the CSS file.



A CSV is a comma-separated values file, which allows data to be saved in a tabular format, like a spreadsheet. CSV files are plain-text files, making them easier to import and organize large amounts of data.





Data Center

Decision Layer

An independent chunk of code that contains the logic for choosing between multiple courses of action according to a given input. In Kaltura, the media transcoding decision layer, is the party that automatically decides which encoder engine to use and how given a source media file and desired set of output media flavors.



Default refers to the pre-set configurations that apply unless specifically changed by the user or administrator to better fit specific requirements or preferences.


A media provider or video sharing site.



A DFXP (Distribution Format Exchange Profile) file is a standardized XML-based file format used for representing timed text, such as subtitles or captions, for multimedia content like videos. It includes text content along with timing information specifying when each text segment should be displayed during playback. DFXP files are often used for online video distribution and are supported by various media players and streaming platforms.


Digital Rights Management

Digital rights management (DRM) is a systematic approach to copyright protection for digital media. The purpose of DRM is to prevent unauthorized redistribution of digital media and restrict the ways consumers can copy content they've purchased.


Publishing media entries in a destination site.


Device Limitation


Device Management System



A DVR, or Digital Video Recorder, captures video content in a digital format and stores it on a disk drive, SD card, USB flash drive, or other storage devices. It allows users to record, playback, and manage video from sources like security cameras or TV broadcasts, making it easy to save and access video content.





Enterprise Content Management



The ability to take a Kaltura entry, or video, and place it into some other web page by means of HTML iframe code. Unless secure embed is enabled, a Kaltura embed removes access restriction from an entry by means of a widget - a unique, one-time code generated for any standard embed. The widget is configured to remove access restrictions from the embedded entry.

End-User Entitlements

A permission level that enables a specific end‑user to access, contribute to, or manage a specific channel or category. In the Kaltura backend, end‑user entitlements are managed in Kaltura’s categoryUser object, which manages the relationship between a specific end‑user and a specific category.


Enterprise Content Delivery Network

Enterprise content delivery network (eCDN) providers offer access to a network of servers capable of improving website performance, content delivery, and application availability on an enterprise scale. CDN services rely on geographically dispersed points of presence, known as PoPs, that help route the delivery of digital content from the origin server to one that is as close to the browsing user as possible. Organizations use eCDN services, such as web caching, request routing, and server-load balancing, to reduce load times and improve website performance.



An entry in Kaltura is a reference to your media asset, including all related files (source, flavors, thumbnails), metadata, captions, scheduling settings, ad cue points, access control, and more. An entry is created as soon as your source media file starts uploading and transcoding. Entry types include media, video, audio, image, document, playlist, and more. Entry metadata includes type, storage location, title, tags, rating, etc.

Entry ID

A string identifier generated by the Kaltura servers to uniquely identify assets (Entries) in the Kaltura Platform.

Entry Point

(Live video) The nearest physical location where a CDN network can ingest a live feed to the delivery network.



Event Platform


Electronic Program Guide



Events is Kaltura's event management platform. With the platform, you can create and manage an entire event portfolio in one single place. Kaltura Events offers a flexible template approach where organizers create event experiences that are customized to their unique audiences and can easily be replicated and reused for any event size and type. Some events are designed to be one-of-a-kind experiences, while others are recurring events.



Front End


Flash Media Server

Flash Media Server (FMS) is a proprietary data and media server from Adobe. [Adobe] Alternatives to FMS include Red5, Wowza and Mammoth.


Also known as 'bitrate', flavor refers to depth of information, whether in video or audio, and is often measured as the amount of information per second.


Flash Video is a file format used to deliver video over the Internet using Adobe Flash Player or other browser plug-ins. One of the most popular formats for embedded video on the web.


Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder is video capture software and audio capture software designed to capture live audio and video while streaming it in real time.


The “fold” of a website is considered to be at the bottom of the screen. Anything above the fold is immediately visible to the reader as soon as the page loads and anything below the fold requires scrolling.

Follow the sun

Follow the sun

Broadcasting the same content in different time zones/timings. A separate session must be defined for each rebroadcast. It was designed to enable companies to offer service around the clock, essentially following the sun's path across the globe. As the sun shines over different regions like New York, Berlin, Brazil, or London, business activities are conducted in those areas.



General Availability


Also known as MediaSpace Categories, are media repositories managed by administrators and can be identified by their hierarchical structure that is reflected on MediaSpace's top navigation bar. Categories provide a logical structure for your site and assist with content management as well as user navigation. Gallery types can vary from open to private or restricted, which will define the privacy settings by which users (anonymous / authenticated / gallery members) can have access to view the content or to contribute content to the gallery.

Gallery manager

Capable of editing the gallery setting and manage users.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information from individuals who live in the European Union (EU). Kaltura is committed to complying fully with the GDPR and supporting our customers in their own GDPR compliance process. To learn more about Kaltura’s Compliance with European Union Data Protection Laws, please see

global settings

Configuration options or preferences that are applied universally across all categories or channels within a MediaSpace instance. This means changes made to global settings will affect every category or channel in the platform.


This glossary describes the terminology and acronyms often used by the Kaltura Community to describe concepts in Media Management, Online Video and the Kaltura Platform.

Group ID

A unique identifier in your organizational information system representing an actual organizational unit or an ad-hoc security group. A user can be a member of multiple groups and may hold a different organizational role in each group. The organizational role of a user within a unit/group may or may not be represented within the organization information system.


hamburger menu

hamburger menu

A hamburger menu is an icon with three stacked lines that opens a list of options when clicked.

Header banner

Header banner

Image displayed at the top of an Events channel page.


HTTP Live Streaming


HTTP Smooth Streaming



HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, is the standard language used to create elements on webpages. It uses a system of tags and attributes to define elements such as text, images, links, and other multimedia.


HTML5 is a set of web standards being developed by the "Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group". The HTML5 standard includes many new features for more dynamic web applications and interfaces. One such component being specified and implemented is the element. Using Kaltura's HTML5 Javascript Library, your videos can be played back on the latest mobile devices and even on older browsers that require Flash. See .



iDevice Operating System

Apple's proprietary mobile OS, developed and distributed exclusively for Apple hardware.

Identity provider


An Identity Provider (IdP) is a service that manages and verifies digital identities. It authenticates users and provides them with access to resources or services based on their identity. It's commonly used in single sign-on (SSO) systems, allowing users to log in once and access multiple applications without needing separate credentials for each.



An iframe (short for inline frame), is a webpage element that enables cross-site content sharing. It lets website owners add visually appealing content to their websites and give context to their posts. The Kaltura iframe embed can be easily shared and embed both from KMC and Kaltura Video Portal.


IMA refers to "Interactive Media Ads," which is a technology developed by Google. IMA is used to incorporate client-side advertisements into video players. It allows for the integration of various types of ads, such as pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ads, as well as display ads, into the video playback experience. This technology ensures that ads are delivered and managed effectively, providing a seamless experience for both the viewer and the advertiser.



"Ingest" refers to the process of collecting and importing data from diverse sources into a central system for storage, analysis, or further use.



In Kaltura terms, an "instance" refers to a specific installation or deployment of the Kaltura platform, for example, the video portal. It's like a unique environment for managing and delivering multimedia content, tailored to a customer's specific needs.


Internet Protocol

The Internet Protocol (IP) is the principal communications protocol in the Internet protocol suite for relaying datagrams across network boundaries. Its routing function enables internetworking, and essentially establishes the Internet.



Kaltura Administration Console (KAC)

The Kaltura Administration Console (KAC) provides administrative control over the deployment, configuration, management, and monitoring of your Kaltura system. The Admin Console is targeted toward IT and support oriented personnel, enabling administrators to set up, monitor and maintain the Kaltura online video platform. The Admin Console also includes management level usage reports and tools that help provide tier-1 customer support.

Kaltura API Client Libraries

Kaltura client libraries are SDKs in numerous programming languages that provide easy access to the Kaltura API and facilitate developing Kaltura applications.

Kaltura Application

In the context of Kaltura, an application is a software tool or platform that integrates with Kaltura to offer additional features for creating, managing, and sharing video content. It combines Kaltura widgets and server APIs to support specific media workflows or extend functionality to web content platforms.platform.


Kaltura Application Framework

The Kaltura Application Framework (KAF) is a user-friendly and versatile framework designed to seamlessly integrate Kaltura’s rich media capabilities into various publishing applications. It features a modular structure that offers packaged workflows and functionalities, simplifying integration into other applications via iFrames instead of direct API integration. KAF significantly reduces integration time and ensures access to new functionalities by decoupling added features from the integration process. Embedded iFrames are responsive, ensuring optimal display across different devices and screen sizes.

Kaltura Category ID

A Kaltura internal unique identifier of a single Kaltura Category Object.

Kaltura Category Reference ID

A Kaltura Category attribute designed to hold and connect the category to an external identifier such as the Group ID. Uniqueness of the Category Reference ID is not enforced by Kaltura.

Kaltura Cloud Edition

Kaltura’s Cloud Edition allows you to host your own edition of Kaltura’s Video Platform Software on one of our commercial cloud partners, including Amazon Web Services and the Rackspace Cloud.

Kaltura Community Edition

Kaltura's free, open-source, self-hosted version of the platform, supported by the Kaltura Community. The Community Edition is developed through the combined efforts of Kaltura and the community. The platform and its source code are available for free at


Kaltura Dynamic Player

Kaltura widget for media playing, providing graphics and direct API access for media streaming, playing, sharing, sound control, advertising and more.


Kaltura Edge Server

Based on Nginx. A component that helps content be accessible wherever users are (remote sites as well the Headquarters/data-center, near the streaming server). Helps cache popular content for VOD and HTTP-based live (HDS/HLS), supports pre-positioning of content. Similar to CDN POP (node/edge). Purge scheduling is configured on the edge itself.


Kaltura Editor Application

The KEA, aka Kaltura Video Editing Tools, allows users to edit quizzes, clip or trim media, chop and splice media and add Hotdpots or advertisements to media. Note: Depending on the type of application you are using and the type of media you selected, the Video Editor window displays the relevant tabs.


Kaltura Management Console

The Kaltura Management Console is a rich media management system that enables you to ingest, manage, publish, distribute, monetize and analyze your media – all in one intuitive interface. You can use the KMC as an independent application, or as an administrative interface supporting other Kaltura applications.


Kaltura MediaSpace

Kaltura MediaSpace is a video portal for every campus or a corporate. Kaltura’s MediaSpace application, allows publishers to instantly launch a video-centric website, where users can search, browse, watch, create, share and edit videos, and video presentations, with full user management, and moderation options.

Kaltura On-Prem Edition

Kaltura's full featured self-hosted Video Platform Software installed on your own servers or cloud and supported and maintained by Kaltura. The On-Prem Edition is offered either under an Enterprise license for organizations that need an online video platform for their own media, or under an OEM license for organizations that want to offer their own OVP services. Both licenses are offered with Kaltura maintenance and support services.

Kaltura Player

Kaltura Player

The Kaltura Player is our playback tool used to view and interact with videos, audio files, and other media. It has customizable features like branding, quizzes, advertising, and plugins.

Kaltura SaaS Edition

Kaltura's full-featured Software-as-a-Service video platform, including full Kaltura support and services such as tier-1 hosting, streaming, delivery, transcoding, syndication, distribution, advertising, security, monitoring and more.

Kaltura Server Notifications

HTTP POST requests that are sent upon specific media events from the Kaltura servers to a URL on partners' host servers. Kaltura server notifications enable partners to integrate with Kaltura’s technology in a way that is synchronized with media events occurring on Kaltura’s servers. An example of a Kaltura server notification is the entry_add notification, sent upon the completion of entry creation on the Kaltura servers. Partners can process this notification and enable or display this entry on their web site, only once it was actually added to the Kaltura servers.


Kaltura Session

Kaltura Session - Use the Login request to create an active session for a user. The login request returns a user session key called KS (Kaltura Session). The KS is mandatory for all user’s consecutive calls within that session.The KS is used to authenticate users and admins when calling the Kaltura API.


Kaltura Streaming Server

Based on the Wowza streaming server. Responsible for getting the stream from the encoder, segmenting it, packaging it, translating it to multiple bitrates on-the-fly, delivering it in several possible formats (HDS, HLS, etc.) and more. This component is the content origin. Usually resides in the customer’s Data Center.


Kaltura User

An object representing end-user with various permissions or roles. [API Kaltura User]

Kaltura User

A Kaltura backend object that holds information about a specific user and is identified by the User ID. Kaltura supports the management of different user attributes. The user ID is a mandatory attribute; the user’s first name, last name, and screen name (by default, the user’s full name) are required to enable convenient end-user management in MediaSpace and in the KMC. Kaltura User objects are automatically created in Kaltura for different scenarios. For user management purposes, Kaltura User objects also may be created manually from the KMC or using bulk services. The Kaltura User object is used for managing both KMC admins and application end‑users. Only KMC administrators have a special attribute granting access to the KMC account.

Kaltura Video Editing Tools

The Kaltura Video Editing Tools, aka KEA, allow users to edit quizzes, clip or trim media, chop and splice media and add Hotdpots or advertisements to media. Note: Depending on the type of application you are using and the type of media you selected, the Video Editor window displays the relevant tabs.

Kaltura Widget

Self-contained client-side components encapsulating graphics, media functionality and events control along with direct access to Kaltura APIs.



A keyword is a word that defines what your content is about. In terms of searching, they're the words and phrases that users enter into search engines to discover content.



Live video - The delay that a viewer experiences between delivery of a video image and its audio signal. Media player - The delay that a viewer experiences between pressing Play and viewing a video.

Live session

Live session

Live broadcast in real-time, allowing you to generate engagement with your attendees live. Live sessions can include timeline, playlist, bring-to-stage feature, native video playback, and engagement tools, such as group chat, notifications, attendee reactions and timed confetti, live and scheduled polls.


Learning Management System

local machine cache

local machine cache

The machine cache is a temporary storage of memory collecting information about the user's browsing history, preferences, languages, etc. The cache makes data retrieving easier and more efficient so next time the user opens the app, the cache will remember the used language and automatically retrieve it.

lower third

lower third

The lower third is text and sometimes graphical elements placed in the lower area of the screen. This area is used when you want to give your audience pertinent information but you also don't want it to be distracting.



Media Asset


Multi Audio-Multi Subtitle

MO file

Machine Object file

The MO file includes the exact same contents as PO file. The two files differ in their format. While a PO file is a text file and is easy for humans to read, MO files are compiled and are easy for computers to read. Basically, when you deploy your mobile/web application (or build your software) all PO files are converted into MO files, so the application is able to read the file faster and your application stays fast.



A media item can be an image, a document, a video, or an audio file.

Media Gallery

(KAF only) Course media repository.The permission to view is set on the hosting application. Other capabilities are with contextual roles.


Media Really Simple Syndication

Media Really Simple Syndication (or Media RSS) is a web feed format used to export your videos, audio, and images to 3rd party platforms such as Google, Bing!, iTunes, and other video sharing sites and social networks. Once the MRSS feed is applied on your Kaltura app, audiance can subscribe and get notified each time that their website or application is updated.


Within Kaltura Video Portal, a Member can access a channel/category they are associated with, view content in that channel/category, but the Member cannot add new content to that channel/category. A Member may join Live Rooms.



"Data about other data". This term is commonly used to describe the information being stored within the Kaltura database with relation to a specific entry. This may include: name, tags, admin tags, creation/modification dates, description, partner data etc. Kaltura's Metadata is a complex XSD driven multi-profile schema of fields.


A pre-roll is a video advertisement that appears at the middle of media content.



Minification is the process of removing unnecessary characters from source code without altering its functionality. This includes removing whitespace, comments, and other non-essential characters. The goal of minification is to reduce the size of the source code, which can improve website loading times and overall performance.


Capable of moderating content in the context of a gallery/channel.



Network DVR

Network personal video recorder (NPVR) or Network DVR (NDVR), or remote storage digital video recorder (RS-DVR) is a network-based digital video recorder (DVR) stored at the provider's central location rather than at the consumer's private home. Traditionally, media content was stored in a subscriber's set-top box hard drive, but with NDVR the service provider owns a large number of servers, on which the subscribers' media content is stored. The term RS-DVR is used by Cablevision for their version of this technology.


OAuth 2

OAuth 2

OAuth 2 is an authorization framework that enables secure access to resources on behalf of a user without sharing their credentials. It allows third-party applications to obtain limited access to an HTTP service, either on behalf of a user or by allowing the third-party application to obtain access on its own behalf.



An object refers to any digital asset managed within the Kaltura platform. This can include various types of media content such as videos, audio files, images, documents, or any other multimedia content that users upload, manage, and distribute using the Kaltura platform. These objects can be organized, tagged, and categorized within the platform for efficient management and retrieval.

On Stage

Participant in Kaltura Meetings NG, displayed in the main window, with capability for microphone/camera enabled. Can present in a Meeting.

On Prem


On-premises is the software and technology that is located within the physical confines of an enterprise – often in the company's data center – as opposed to running remotely on hosted servers or in the cloud.




(Vodafone) Operational Country Organization

Open Channel

All logged in users can view and contribute content (contribution is not allowed for viewer-role users).

Open Gallery

Anyone can view content (including anonymous users) but only admin role users and category members can contribute content.

Open Source

Open source is a development method for software that harnesses the power of distributed peer review and transparency of process. The promise of open source is better quality, higher reliability, more flexibility, lower cost, and an end to predatory vendor lock-in.


Original Equipment Manufacturer

Kaltura can be licensed under a commercial OEM license, allowing partners to launch their own self-hosted, white labeled, customized online video platform services using their data center or cloud or choice.


Object-relational mapping. Allows access to a database using a set of objects. Kaltura uses open source Propel as its ORM solution.


Operating System


Operational Support System


Over The Top


Open Video Platform




An entity used to describe a publisher's end-user. This is not a Kaltura User, but a user identified via external publisher systems such as company's LDAP or SSO systems.

Parent category

Parent category

A main category that often contains one or more sub-categories.


Partner ID

The Kaltura Account ID (Partner Id) A numeric identifier that uniquely identifies an account in Kaltura. The Partner ID can be retrieved through the KMC via the Integration Settings.


Platform as a Service

Platform as a service (PaaS) is cloud computing services that provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage applications without the complexity of building and maintaining the infrastructure typically associated with developing and launching an app.



The playback of a recording is the operation of listening to the sound or watching the pictures recorde.

playback join times

playback join times

"Playback join times" refer to the amount of time it takes for a video to start playing after a user initiates the play action. This includes the time for the player to load, buffer, and begin streaming the video. Reducing playback join times enhances the user experience by minimizing the wait time before the video starts.

Player ID

Player ID

Your player ID can be found in the Player Studio in KMC.



A list of playable media entries (video, image, audio, document). A playlist can be created according to a static list of entries or a rule-based dynamically generated list. It can be randomized or ordered according to rules. The Kaltura players also have a special UI plugin for rendering playlists, allowing playback navigation and search in the playlist.

Playlist ID

When a playlist is created, it's assigned a unique ID number. You can usually find it in the URL of the playlist page, for example, if the URL is, the Playlist ID is 123456.

PO file

Portable Object file

PO files are editable text-based files that contain the application's original text and the translation. The PO file structure is made in pairs, the source text and the target/translated text. For example, in the French PO file you might have a translation of a string as follows:msgid "Hello world", msgstr "Bonjour le monde". Each language will have its PO file with its target translation.


A pre-roll is a video advertisement that appears at the end of media content.


Packets Per Second


A pre-roll is a video advertisement that appears at the beginning of media content.

Private Channel

Only channel members can view and contribute content.

Private Gallery

Only Category members can view and contribute content. Note: Sub categories under a private category will be visible only to members of those sub categories.


The only difference between privateOnly and adminRole is in open galleries, where the Admin role can publish without the need to be a contributor.


Professional Services

Public Open Channel

Anyone can view content (including anonymous not logged-in users) and all logged in users can contribute content.

Public Restricted Channel

Anyone can view content (including anonymous not logged-in users). Only channel members can contribute content according to their publishing entitlements.


In Kaltura, publishing a media item means making the video or media content available to the intended audience. This involves setting permissions and visibility options so that users can access, view, and interact with the content.




Quality of service (QoS) refers to any technology that manages data traffic to reduce packet loss, latency and jitter on a network. QoS controls and manages network resources by setting priorities for specific types of data on the network.



Real-Time Messaging Protocol

Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) is a proprietary protocol, originally developed by Macromedia (now Adobe), for real-time streaming of video, audio, and data between a server and Flash player. Though Adobe has announced that it will no longer support Flash, RTMP remains a commonly used protocol for live streaming within production workflows.

Restricted Channel

All logged in users can view content and only channel members can contribute content.

Restricted Gallery

All logged in users can view content but only Category members can contribute content.


Return On Investment

Is a ratio between net profit (over a period) and cost of investment (resulting from an investment of some resources at a point in time). A high ROI means the investment's gains compare favourably to its cost. As a performance measure, ROI is used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the efficiencies of several different investments.


Request For Proposal

rich-text editor

rich-text editor

A rich-text editor is a tool that allows users to create and format text with various styles, such as bold, italics, bullet points, hyperlinks, and images, without needing to know HTML or other coding languages. It offers a more user-friendly interface similar to word processing software, enabling users to format content easily using buttons or menus.



An RSS feed, or Really Simple Syndication feed, is a standardized format used to distribute frequently updated content from a website. It allows users to subscribe to a website's feed using an RSS reader or aggregator, which collects and displays updates from multiple sources in one place. RSS feeds typically contain headlines, summaries, and links to full articles or content items. They are commonly used for blogs, news websites, podcasts, and other sites with regularly updated content. RSS feeds help users stay informed about new content without needing to visit each website individually.




SAML, or Security Assertion Markup Language, is a protocol used for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties, typically an identity provider (IdP) and a service provider (SP). It enables single sign-on (SSO) authentication, allowing users to access multiple applications with a single set of credentials.



Social Business Software (SBS) refers to software tools and platforms designed to facilitate collaboration, communication, and engagement within organizations through social networking, messaging, and collaboration features.



An SCC (Scenarist Closed Caption) file is a binary file format used to store closed captions for video content. SCC files contain text data along with timing information indicating when each caption should be displayed and how long it should remain on screen. SCC files are commonly used in broadcast and DVD authoring workflows and are supported by various video editing and playback software.



SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager) is a tool from Microsoft that helps organizations manage and update their computers and devices. It allows IT teams to deploy software, install updates, and ensure security across all the machines in their network from a central location, making it easier to keep everything up-to-date and running smoothly.



A schema is a model for describing the structure of information. Each data schema holds a list of customized fields. An XSD (XML Schema Definition) provides a way to describe and validate data in an XML environment.

scoped key

scoped key

A scoped key is an API key that grants access to specific actions or endpoints within an API. Unlike a regular API key, which may provide broader access, a scoped key is limited to certain defined scopes, such as retrieving specific data or performing particular tasks. This allows for enhanced security and control by restricting access to only the necessary API functions. For example, in Kaltura, a scoped key can be used to retrieve course information and user roles while limiting access to other parts of the API.


The video scrubber is the horizontal slider control that lets a user dynamically seek to any time position within the currently playing video.

secure embed

Secure embed

A mechanism that forces any user who attempts to load an embedded Kaltura entry to authenticate into Kaltura Video Portal. The authentication may be transparent to the user, that is: the user, having previously logged to the same authentication service used by Kaltura Video Portal, is granted access. Alternatively, the user is required to enter their video portal credentials.

Shared Repository

Only channel members can view and contribute content; Content may be published to other channels, according to publishing entitlements.

shell script

shell script

A shell script is a text file containing a series of commands that are executed by the shell (command-line interpreter) of an operating system. It allows users to automate tasks or perform complex operations by running a sequence of commands together. Shell scripts are commonly used in Unix-like operating systems (such as Linux and macOS) and Windows PowerShell to perform various tasks, such as file manipulation, system administration, and program execution.



Prerecorded video scheduled to be broadcast at a specified day and time as a live session with all live interactions such as chat, Q&A and reactions. The experience is like a live broadcast in real-time.


Single Sign-On

Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication scheme that allows a user to log in with a single ID and password to any of several related, yet independent, software systems.



A player skin refers to the customizable visual interface elements surrounding the video playback area, including controls, progress bars, and branding elements.


Small and Medium-sized Enterprises


Software as a Service

Software as a Service, also known as cloud application services, represents the most commonly utilized option for businesses in the cloud market. SaaS utilizes the internet to deliver applications, which are managed by a third-party vendor, to its users. A majority of SaaS applications run directly through your web browser, which means they do not require any downloads or installations on the client side.


Statement of Work





An SRT (SubRip Subtitle) file is a plain text file format used to store subtitles or captions for videos. It contains the text of each subtitle along with the timing information indicating when each subtitle should be displayed during video playback. SRT files are widely supported by video players and editing software, making them a common choice for adding subtitles to videos.


Set-Top Box


Transmission of digital audio or video, or the listening and viewing of such data without first storing it. Streaming is mostly measured by the amount of bandwidth consumed while serving content.

Sub Partner ID

A numeric identifier originally defined to enable sub partitioning of Kaltura accounts. The value of the Sub Partner ID is always 100 X Partner ID (100 multiplied by the Publisher ID).


In Scheduling, the time that an entry becomes accessible to end users in the destination site.


In Scheduling, the time that an entry becomes inaccessible to end users in the destination site.


Streaming Video On Demand


‘Small Web Format’ by Adobe. This is the dominant format for displaying "animated" vector graphics on the web, also supporting audio, video and many different possible forms of interaction with the end-user.


An open-source JavaScript library used to embed Adobe Flash content within web pages while dealing with player version detection and avoiding broken SWF content.



Tags are keywords or terms used to label content with additional information which helps describe the content. Tagging is primarily used to make information easier to find through a search.



Turnaround time (TAT) is the total time taken between the submission of a program for execution and the return of the complete output to the customer.


To Be Defined


Theming in Kaltura is a design system that customizes the look and feel of the video portal, allowing for streamlined branding and design. It offers features like custom pages and pre-built templates, providing flexibility and easy customization options, accessible when the Theming module is enabled.


A small version of an image, or an image representing a video, commonly used for preview purposes.



Toast messages help to deliver simple feedback to the user. They most often follow an action performed by a user and provide information regarding the success or failure of that action. Toast messages are informative, have a lifespan of just a few seconds and take up a very small portion of the screen.



To toggle is to switch between two different options (usually On / Off) by pressing a toggle button.


Direct digital-to-digital conversion of one encoding to another.



Translations are a timed transcription of the audio of a video footage which appears on the screen. Whether it is the dialogue between the actors, a monologue, or a voice-over or narration, subtitles provide the text version. Traditionally, subtitles assume the viewer can hear the audio but cannot understand the language. The exception to this is subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing, which assume the viewer cannot hear the audio or understand the language.


Time Shifted Television

Turnaround time

Turnaround time

Turnaround time (TAT) is the total time taken between the submission of a program for execution and the return of the complete output to the customer.


TV Everywhere


Transactional Video On Demand



Unique Device Identifier


User-generated content (UGC) is any content — text, videos, images, documents, etc.— created by people, rather than companies or brands.


User Interface

uiConf ID

The uiConf_ID is used to reference the player instance you wish to render when embedding a video in your pages or app views.



The uiConf ID is the ID of the player that plays the embedded video. It can be found in the player studio next to your player's name.



An unlisted entry can be viewed by anyone with the link to the entry page.


This role is the same as the adminRole in all aspects, except for when the account has moderation (different from the KMS moderation). Uploaded entries by this role will automatically be approved.



In Microsoft Active Directory, a User Principal Name (UPN) is a username and domain in an email address format. In a UPN, the username is followed by a separator "at sign" (@) followed by the active directory's internet domain.


Uniform Resource Identifier


A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a web address used to access websites and online resources. It specifies the location of a resource on the internet and how to retrieve it.

use case

use case

An example of how a user interacts with a system to accomplish a task.


User ID

A user’s unique identifier in your organization’s information systems. The same ID is used in Kaltura as a unique identifier of the user in a specific partner account.

User ID

A user’s unique identifier in your organization’s information systems. The same ID is used in Kaltura as a unique identifier of the user in a specific partner account.

User Secret

A unique end-user-level security string assigned to a specific Kaltura Partner. This is used by the Kaltura servers as a key for authenticating end-user API sessions initiated by client-side applications utilizing Kaltura technology.




VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) technology allows you to access a desktop environment hosted on a remote server. This means you can use a computer, with all your files and applications, from any device with an internet connection, as if you were sitting right in front of it. It's like having your personal computer available to you anywhere, without carrying it around.


Video on Demand

Video on Demand (VOD) refers to a video that can be played at any time. For example, after a webinar ends, the webinar recording can be available after the live session is over for attendees to view.

Video Portal

Video Portal

Kaltura's Video Portal, aka MediaSpace, is a secure, flexible, and vastly scalable content hub that empowers collaborative creation, drives engagement, and provides cross-channel tracking to gain impactful insights.


Participant in Kaltura Meetings NG, without capability for microphone/camera enabled


Does not have My Media, so cannot publish





A VTT (WebVTT) file is a text file format commonly used for storing subtitles or captions for web-based video content. It stands for "Web Video Text Tracks." VTT files contain text content along with timing information, indicating when each subtitle or caption should be displayed during video playback. They are widely supported by modern web browsers and are commonly used for adding captions to HTML5 video players.


White Labeling

The ability for a publisher to re-brand the Kaltura solutions as its own.



A list of domain names from which a blocking program will allow messages to be received.




XSD stands for XML Schema Definition. It's a way of defining the structure, content, and data types of XML documents. Essentially, an XSD file specifies the rules that an XML document must follow to be considered valid according to that schema. It helps ensure that XML data is well-formed and consistent, making it easier to exchange and process data between different systems or applications.

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