Event site editor tab - Create custom event pages

The Event site editor acts as a one-stop-shop for all your event page and registration form building needs.  From here you may:

  • Navigate to the Lobby page customization screen where you can customize the page that displays while your event is closed. 
  • Navigate to the Registration form where you can customize what information will be required from attendees in order to officially register for your event. 
  • Build custom pages to better customize and control the structure of your event. Admin can use this powerful design tool to create as many different pages as they want, styled with unique components, creating different experiences based on their audience. They can even choose to make these pages public, or only available to a select group of authenticated users. 

This feature must be enabled on your account. If it is not, please contact a Kaltura representative about enabling it.

After creating a new event, navigate to the Event site editor page; from the Event page, click the Event site editor tab. 

The Event site editor page displays. 

System pages

Click pencil "edit" icon in Event lobby section to navigate to the Lobby page customization screen. See Customize your Lobby page.

Click pencil "edit" icon in the Registration section to navigate to the Registration form. See Registration tab - Set up registration.

Create a custom page

  1. Click the blue Create new page button in the upper right corner of the screen.
    If no custom pages exist, you may also click the + Create new page button in the main body of the page.
    The Create new page screen displays.
  2. Type a name for the custom page in the Page name field. 
  3. Choose the type of page will custom page will be - Promo or Attendee hub.
    • Promo page - Open for everyone, this type of page is meant to spark interest and drive registration. 
    • Attendee hub page - This type of page is accessible only to logged in attendees. 
  4. Click Create.

    Regardless of the type of page chosen (Promo page or Attendee hub page), the page building flow is the same. However, there are two differences in the way the pages are pre-set upon creation. 1. The access for a Promo page is pre-set to Public (anyone on the internet will be able to access this page); the access for an Attendee hub page is pre-set to Restricted (access to this page will be limited to invited or registered users only) and shown on navigation. You can always change these settings later. 2. The Promo page has two component/sections automatically added upon creation; the Attendee hub page is empty (with no components/sections added) upon creation. 

The Page builder displays.

The name of the page and whether the page is published or not is displayed on the upper left corner of the screen.

You will learn how to rename the page and publish it herein. 

Page settings

Click the gear "Page settings" icon. The Page settings area displays. 

You may edit/add the following information: 

Page name - By default, this is set to the name you gave your custom page when you created it. If you would like to change it, delete the pre-filled text and type as desired (char limit is 120). Please note: Characters "<" and ">" are not supported. 

Browser tab title (optional) - By default, this is set to the name you gave your custom page when you created it. This title will display on the browser tab of your custom page. If you would like to change it, delete the pre-filled text and type as desired (char limit is 60).

Page URL - By default, this is set to the name you gave your custom page when you created it. This text displays at the end of the page URL after the backslash. This text acts as a unique identifier or quick description of the custom page. Please note: Characters “?” and “#” are not supported and more than one word will be separated by a "-" (dash). You can click Copy URL to copy this URL and share it with your attendees. 

Who can view this page? If you chose "Promo page" when you created this custom page, by default, the access is pre-set to Public (anyone on the internet will be able to access this page). If you choose "Attendee hub page" when you created this custom page, by default, the access is pre-set to Restricted (access to this page will be limited to invited or registered users only). You can change access as desired by clicking the appropriate button. 

If you chose Restricted access, an additional option displays, Navigation. Choose whether to display this page on navigation once the page is published. 

Once you are finished editing the page settings, click Save

Configuration components

The configuration components are listed on the left side of the screen and the preview of the custom page is shown on the right.

Hero - Background image, event name, dates, live counter, and registration button.

Banner - Grab attention in high-traffic areas with the banner to promote your content. 

Free text - Write anything you like. 

Speakers - Display your speakers' photos, names, and titles. 

Images - Two clickable images that are side-by-side, one on the left and one on the right. (Recommendation: 16:9 ratio, 854 x 480 px) Clicking on the images can redirect attendees inside the event site or out of it.

Looking for information about other components? Feel free to contact your Kaltura representative.

Add a component

  1. Click + Add section to add a new component (section) to the custom page. The Add section panel expands to the right and displays a list of available components.
  2. Hover over the desired component and click Add. In our example below, we are adding a Free text component.
    The editable Free text component displays. 
  3. By default, the free text component is pre-filled with the event description, indicated by the token {EVENTDESCRIPTION}. If you choose to keep this pre-filled text, simply click the arrow to the left of the component name. This will take you back to the main view. If you would like to change it, delete the pre-filled text and type as desired. You may also click See tokens to copy a different token from the list that displays on the right. 
  4. After your finished making changes, click Apply changes
    Note - The Hero component may only be added once (and is already enabled by default). When hovering over a Hero component that has already been added, a notification displays that this section can only be added once.

Edit, duplicate, or remove a component

  1. Click the three blue dots to the right of the component title to edit, duplicate, or remove that component. Note - Actions are component-specific AND many depend on whether the component is already added. For example, you may not duplicate the Hero banner, so "Duplicate" will not display as an option for the Hero banner.
    Example: Free text actions when a Free text component has already been added to the page -Example: Hero action -For the purposes of this article, we've chosen to edit the Hero banner.
  2. Edit the following: 
    • Edit image - Replace the Hero banner image.
    • Title - By default, this is set to the Event Name, indicated by the token {EVENTNAME}. If you would like to change it, delete the pre-filled text and type as desired. You may also click See tokens to copy a different token from a list that displays on the right.
    • Description - Enable or disable. When enabled, by default, this is set to the event description, indicated by the token {EVENTDESCRIPTION}. If you would like to change it, delete the pre-filled text and type as desired. Here, too, you may also click See tokens to copy a different token from the list that displays on the right.
    • Primary button - Enable or disable. When enabled, you may choose the type of primary button (Registration, Login, or Custom), the text for the primary button, and (in the case of Custom), the Destination (set by default to the event base URL, indicated by the token {EVENTBASEURL}). The behavior of each type of button is as follows:
      Registration button - Displays when the event registration opens.
      Login button - Displays when the event is open for attendees.
      Custom button - Displays at all times.
    • Additional button - Enable or disable. When enabled, you may choose the type of primary button (Registration, Login, or Custom), the text for the primary button, and (in the case of Custom), the Destination (set by default to the event base URL, indicated by the token {EVENTBASEURL}). The behavior of each type of button is as follows: Registration button - Displays when the event registration opens.
      Login button - Displays when the event is open for attendees.
      Custom button - Displays at all times.
    • Event countdown - Enable or disable the Event countdown which counts down to the event and disappears when the event begins. If disabled, the default text shown on the Lobby page is "Coming soon".
  3. Once you are finished editing the component, be sure to click Apply changes.
  4. Go back to the main view by clicking the arrow to the left of the component name.
    Note - If you attempt to go back before you have clicked the Apply changes button, you will be notified that you have unapplied changes. You may click Keep editing to return to editing mode and apply changes, or you may click Leave and lose all unapplied changes.

Reorder components

You may reorder the components (sections) by dragging and dropping them into the desired order.

The Hero banner is the only component that is not movable.

Go to the custom page

Click Go to page in the upper right corner of your screen to navigate to the custom page and see how it looks!

Before the custom page is published, button is grayed out a tool tip displays that reads, "You'll be able to view the page once it's published".

Publish your changes to the custom page

Once you are happy with your new custom page, you may save and publish it to the event site by clicking Save & publish


You may click the carrot "pull-down" icon to the right of Save & publish and select Save without publishing. This saves the page as a draft. You may then come back later and publish the custom page when you're ready. 

Either way, you are redirected to the Event site editor page, and you receive confirmation that your changes were saved successfully.

Custom pages - Additional functionality

In time, you will have many custom pages created for your event. Every time a custom page is created, it displays in a list in the Custom pages area of the Event site editor. 

Additional functionality related to Custom pages is described below.

Sort by page name

Click the carrot "sorting" icon to sort the custom pages alphabetically by page name. 

View custom page once it's published

You may click the go to page icon to the right of the custom page name to navigate to the custom page and see how it looks!

Before a custom page is published, this button is grayed out and a tool tip displays as follows:

Edit an existing custom page

  1. Click on the name of the custom page OR click pencil "edit" icon to the right of the custom page name. 
    The page builder displays. 
  2. Make desired edits to the custom page. Start here if you need a re-fresher. 

Publish/unpublish a custom page

  1. Click the three-dot button to the right of the custom page name and choose Publish/Unpublish (depending on the status of your page). In our example below, the custom page has yet to be published, so the option is to publish. 
    You are asked to confirm your action. 
  2. Click Publish to confirm or Cancel to exit. 

Duplicate a custom page

  1. Click the three-dot button to the right of the custom page name and choose Duplicate.
    The Duplicate page screen displays. 
  2. By default, the Page name set to "Copy of [the name of the custom page you are duplicating]." Delete the pre-filled text and type as desired (char limit is 120). Please note: Characters "<" and ">" are not supported. 
  3. Click Duplicate to duplicate the page. You may also click Cancel to exit the action.
    If you clicked Duplicate, Page builder opens allowing you to edit the duplicated custom page as desired. Start here if you need a re-fresher. 

Copy the link to a custom page

Click the three-dot button to the right of the custom page name and choose Copy link.

This way you can share the link to the custom page with your attendees. 

Delete a custom page

  1. Click the three-dot button to the right of the custom page name and choose Delete.
    You are asked to confirm your action. This is a permanent deletion of the custom page. 
  2. Click Delete permanently to confirm or Cancel to exit. 
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