Kaltura Events Account Home page - Create an event Updated
Creating an event is easy with Kaltura Events. This article will guide you through the process.
Kaltura Events - Account setup
This article describes how to administer your virtual events.
Overview tab - Your event at a glance
The Overview page acts as the home page for your event.
Event details tab - Edit event details
This article describes how to edit the event details and setting a custom URL. Herein, we also direct you to an article about customizing your Lobby page.
Customize your Lobby page
The Lobby (coming soon) page acts as a "waiting room" or a landing page until the event site is open. You may customize the look of your Lobby page.
Branding tab - Brand the event
This article describes how to implement your brand on the event's site.
Event site editor tab - Create custom event pages Updated
The Event site editor acts as a one-stop-shop for all your event page and registration form building needs.
Registration tab - Set up registration
This article describes how to design the registration form attendees will be required to complete in order to officially register for your event. It also describes how to publish the registration and preview the registration form.
Login link via email (AKA "Magic Link")
This article describes the event experience using the login link via email (AKA "Magic Link").
Agenda tab - Add and edit Interactive Room session Updated
This article describes how to add and edit an Interactive room session.
Agenda tab - Add and edit Live webcast session Updated
This article describes how to add and edit a Live webcast session.
Agenda tab - Add and edit Pre-recorded session Updated
This article describes how to add and edit a Pre-recorded session.
Agenda tab - Add and edit DIY live webcast session Updated
This article describes how to add and edit a DIY live webcast session.
Session publishing capabilities
You may publish/unpublish sessions from the Events to your Kaltura video portal(s) per channel. This article will walk you through that process.
Media tab - Manage media for your event
The Media page allows you to upload media to your event site and publish media to your video portal. It also allows you to edit, download, and delete that media.
People tab > Speakers - Invite speakers to your event
The Speakers page allows you to invite and manage your speakers
People tab > Moderators - Invite moderators to your event
The Moderators page allows you to invite moderators to your event, view a full list of moderators for your upcoming event (including name, email, role, creation date), and monitor their progress through the registration process.
People tab > Event team - Add team members to your event
The Event team page allows you to add team members to your event. You may also edit their information and remove them from the team using the Event team page.
Settings tab - Event settings and custom URL
This article describes how to access your event domain, enter a support email address for attendees, enter organizer details to display in notifications and networking, and set a custom URL.
Getting to know your event site, session page, and lobby page
Let's get to know your event site, session page, and lobby page
Events showcase
Event organizers who have been planning and managing a variety of events may wish to "showcase" upcoming and past events to prospects and allow those prospects to register for upcoming events and/or watch past events on demand. Kaltura generates a "Showcase page" that event organizers can customize, share directly with prospects, and/or embed on the event organizer's own website. Event organizers can choose the specific events they want listed on their Showcase page, as well as those events they want highlighted/promoted at the top of the page. Prospects can browse the Showcase page to view a list of events coming up, register for them, and watch past events on demand.
Custom event templates
If your Kaltura Events account is configured with Custom templates, the Create Event page displays two tabs - one for Preset templates (Presets) and one for Custom templates (Custom).
Closed events
Kaltura enables hosting of "closed" Single sign on (SSO) events, attendees of which are based on existing groups in an Identify provider (IdP). Users who are members of those IdP groups are automatically synced to Kaltura and can log into the said "closed" event.