Group chat transcripts

The Group chat transcript provides group chat transcript history for a specific occasion of your choice.

See Analytics tab - Reports for instructions on generating and downloading this report. 

Data in the Group chat transcript includes the following:

  • userId - A unique ID of the user who sends the message in the group chat.
  • userFirstName - The first name of the user who sent the message.
  • userLastName - The last name of the user who sent the message.
  • userEmail - The email of the user who sent the message.
  • messageId - A unique ID of the message.
  • sentAt - The time the message was sent at.
  • message - The content of the message.
  • repliedToMessageId - The ID of the message this message was replying to (will be filled only if it was a reply message).
  • likes - The number of like the message received.
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