Chat analytics


This article provides details regarding the 1:1 chat reports, available from the Chat Widget. 


User stats 

This report provides an overview of all users who use the chat widget. 

Contains the following data: 

  • id
  • email 
  • connections - # of connections 
  • internalReceived – # of messages received from other attendees 
  • internalSent – # of messages sent to other attendees 
  • externalReceived – # of messages received from moderators 
  • externalSent – # of messages sent to moderators 

The report does not have to be limited for a time frame. 

Context stats 

This report provides an overview of the moderated sessions/channels status.  

Contains the following data: 

  • contextId - The moderated session’s entry ID on Kaltura / the moderated channel ID in Kaltura 
  • contextName - The moderated session’s name / the moderated channel name 
  • lastActivity - last time a moderator did any action in the context 
  • pending - # of pending messages in the context 
  • owned - # of messages owned by moderators and not resolved in the context 
  • resolved - # of messages owned by moderators and resolved in the context 
  • done - # of messages that are resolved and were cleared from the moderator’s queue 
  • blocked - # of blocked users in this context 
  • user messages - total # of messages sent by users to this context 
  • moderator messages - total # of messages sent by moderators in this context 
  • moderators owning resolved threads - emails of moderators owning resolved threads + number of threads per moderator 
  • moderators owning unresolved threads - emails of moderators owning unresolved threads + number of threads per moderator 

The report must be set with from-to dates before downloading. 

Peer to peer transcripts 

This report contains the attendees 1:1 chat transcripts (not moderated chat). 

Contains the following data: 

  • sender 
  • recipient 
  • time 
  • message

 The report does not have to be limited for a time frame. 

Moderator transcripts

This report contains the moderated 1:1 chat transcripts.

Contains the following data: 

  • creator
  • contextId 
  • state
  • sender
  • recipient
  • time
  • message

Blocked contexts

This report contains the list of users who were blocked by a moderator.

Contains the following data: 

  • userId - the ID of the user who was blocked.
  • userEmail - the email address of the user who was blocked.
  • contextId - The moderated session’s entry ID on Kaltura / the moderated channel ID in Kaltura
  • moderatorId - the ID of the moderator who blocked the user
  • moderatorEmail - the email of the moderator who blocked the user
  • blockedAt - The time at which the user was blocked

Polls user votes

This report contains the polls' votes information.

Contains the following data: 

  • contextId - The moderated session’s entry ID on Kaltura / the moderated channel ID in Kaltura
  • pollId - the ID of the poll for which the vote was submitted
  • userId - the ID of the user who submitted the vote.
  • userFirstName - the first name of the user who voted, as provided during registration
  • userLastName - the last name of the user who voted, as provided during registration
  • userEmail - The email address of the voting user
  • question - The question that was asked in the poll
  • vote - The answer or vote chosen by the user
  • voteTime - The time at which the user submitted the vote
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