Kaltura data sharing integration for Salesforce - How to set up Salesforce


This article will walk you through setting up Salesforce for Kaltura data sharing integration.

Campaign members setup


The Campaign Member object is used to represent an event attendee from Kaltura Events.

To allow Kaltura to update the campaign members on their registration/attendance status, you need to first create the statuses sent from Kaltura for your campaign members. Add the following Kaltura statuses to your campaign members statuses:


You can set it up one time and use Clone with Related (Clone on classic) or Flows to create new campaigns for new events. Refer to Salesforce docs to learn more about campaign member statuses

Important Note -

For the Salesforce integration third party mapping, Kaltura passes the most granular/detailed status information available. (See the list of statuses shown below.) For example, what displays as "Registered" on the Kaltura Events user interface, is displayed in more granularity on Salesforce as "Confirmed email" or "Registered no confirmation required".  Marketers can harness this granularity to send appropriate emails before, during, and after the event.

List of statuses displayed on Salesforce:

SSO login

Invited by team member (displayed as "Invited" on Kaltura Events user interface)

Invited by team member to register (displayed as "Invited" on Kaltura Events user interface)


Confirmed email (displayed as "Registered" on Kaltura Events user interface)

Registered no confirmation required (displayed as "Registered" on Kaltura Events user interface)

Pre-event visit (displayed as "Attended" on Kaltura Events user interface)

During-event visit (displayed as "Attended" on Kaltura Events user interface)



Custom Field

In addition to campaign member statuses, edit the campaign member object and add a new custom field named "external_id". The purpose of this field is to hold a value composed of the ${campaign id}_ ${lead id}. for example: 70103000000cnFXAAY_00Q0300000AczgfEAB. The minimum size of the field will be at least 50 characters and max 200.

Make sure to set it up as required, unique (case insensitive) and External ID, for example:


Refer to Salesforce docs to learn more about creating custom fields.

Setup of Custom Object

Refer to the Salesforce docs to learn more about how to create a custom object.

The various actions an attendee carries out during their interaction at an event are shared with Salesforce as activities. Kaltura captures the actions that an attendee takes and can securely share the information with Salesforce so marketers can better score leads, trigger campaigns, share timely and relevant communications, and more.

Use the following table to create the Custom object in your Salesforce account according to the Salesforce documentation.

To get Kaltura Events user engagement data, you must create a new custom object and use "UserSessionEngagement" as the object name. Add the following fields:

Custom object name: UserSessionEngagement

Field Data Type Description
Holds the ID of the corresponding Campaign Member
Lead Lookup(Lead) Lookup to a lead
entry_id Text (11) The ID of the Kaltura entry which was watched
entry_name Text (200) The name of the Kaltura entry which was watched
email Email The email of the user who attended the session
user Text (200) Kaltura User ID
channel_id Number (18,0) The id of the channel the content was consumed from
channel_name Text (200) The name of the channel the content was consumed from
plays Number (18,0) Number of plays
vod_minutes_viewed Number(16, 2) Amount of minutes vod content was consumed
live_minutes_viewed Number (16,2) Amount of minutes live content was consumed
total_vod_completion_rate Number (16,2) Vod content completion rate
no_live_engagement_rate Number (16,2) Percentage of viewing time that the tab is not in focus, player is on mute
low_live_engagement_rate Number (16,2) Percentage of viewing time that the tab is in focus, player is on mute
fair_live_engagement_rate Number (16,2)

Percentage of viewing time that the tab is not in focus, sound is on

good_live_engagement_rate Number (16,2)

Percentage of viewing time that the tab is in focus, sound is on

high_live_engagement_rate Number (16,2)

Percentage of viewing time that the tab is in focus, player is in full screen

clap_clicked_count Number (18,0)

Amount of times the user clicked on clap reaction

heart_clicked_count Number (18,0)

Amount of times the user clicked on heart reaction

think_clicked_count Number (18,0)

Amount of times the user clicked on think reaction

wow_clicked_count Number (18,0)

Amount of times the user clicked on wow reaction

smile_clicked_count Number (18,0)

Amount of times the user clicked on smile reaction

answered_polls Number (18,0)

The number of polls the user responded

messages_sent_group     Number (18,0)

The number of messages the user sent in group chat

qna_threads Number (18,0) The number of threads of the user
combined_live_engaged_users_play_time_ratio Number (16,2) A number which represents the viewing engagement of the attendee
add_to_calendar     Number (18,0) The number of times the user clicked add to calendar
mic_on Number (16,2) Total time mic is on
cam_on Number (16,2) Total time camera is on
total_reactions_activity Number (18,0) Amount of times the user clicked on any type of reaction
raise_hand Number (18,0) The number of times the user raised hand in this session

To get Kaltura Events user polls data, you must create a new custom object and use "Kaltura_User_Polls_c" as the object name. Add the following fields:

Custom Object Name: Kaltura_User_Polls_c

Field Data Type Description
campaign_member Text (100) Holds the ID of the corresponding Campaign Member
Lead Lookup (Lead) Lookup to a lead
entry_id Text (11) The ID of the Kaltura entry which was watched
entry_name Text (200) The name of the Kaltura entry which was watched
email Email The email of the user who attended the session
poll_1_type Text (255) The visual type of this poll, i.e., rating scaled, crowd vote, etc.
poll_1_answer Text (255) User-submitted answer to the poll. Up to 255 characters.
poll_1_question Text (255) Client-determined poll question asked to the audience. Up to 255 characters. 
poll_2_type Text (255) The visual type of this poll, i.e., rating scaled, crowd vote, etc.
poll_2_answer Text (255) User-submitted answer to the poll. Up to 255 characters.
poll_2_question Text (255) Client-determined poll question asked to the audience. Up to 255 characters. 
etc. etc. etc.

Kaltura supports up to 10 polls per session (30 data points). 

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