Chat moderation report

The Chat moderation report provides activity data for the moderator's activity during the event.

See Analytics tab - Reports for instructions on generating and downloading this report. 

A context in the event can be a specific session of the event's home page.

Data in the Chat moderation report includes the following:

  • contextId - A unique ID of the context.
  • contextName - The name of the context.
  • lastActivity - The last time a moderator did any action in the context.
  • pending - The number of pending messages in the context.
  • owned - The number of messages owned by moderators and not resolved in the context.
  • resolved - The number of messages owned by moderators and resolved in the context.
  • done - The number of messages that are resolved and cleared from the moderator's queue.
  • blocked - The number of blocked users in this context.
  • user messages - The total number of messages sent by users to this context.
  • moderator messages - The total number of messages sent by moderators in this context.
  • moderators owning resolved threads - A list of emails of moderators owning resolved threads plus the number of threads per moderator.
  • moderators owning unresolved threads - A list of emails of moderators owning unresolved threads plus the number of threads per moderator.


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