Let's Practice
Login to your event platform site.
Navigate to the moderator’s view. You can either use a direct link or navigate through the platform. Click on the chat widget, from the vertical ellipsis on the top right corner select Moderators.
1. Select pending messages
Under the My Groups tab, click on one group name.
Navigate to the Pending tab.
Review pending messages, click on the plus icon to add messages to your personal assignment.
Click on quick reply to stat answering immediately.
2. Return message to pending
From the My Messages tab select an ongoing conversation.
Click on the vertical ellipsis, select pending.
3. Clear message from your personal assignment
From the My Messages tab select an ongoing conversation.
Once finish answering, mark the conversation as resolved:
Mark the resolved checkbox, top right corner of the chat window or click on the vertical ellipsis menu of the conversation, select resolved.
Once the conversation moved to resolved conversations area, Or click on the vertical ellipsis, select clear.