The Chat and Collaboration (C&C) feature empowers moderators to engage participants, manage interactions, and monitor session performance in Town hall (webcast) events.
Moderators can manage the C&C per session via the media edit page (Chat tab), tailoring the experience to meet specific needs. Check out our article Manage chat settings for Town hall events for details.
Key features
- Group chat: Pin or delete messages, block users, and connect with attendees in real-time.
- Q&A management: Respond to attendee questions in a structured format.
- Interactive tools: Launch polls, quizzes, and share real-time updates via the Interaction tab.
- Backchannel: Collaborate privately with other moderators during live sessions.
- Session management: Configure chat settings, and customize the widget’s theme to align with your branding.
- Reports and analytics: Download chat transcripts, track user participation, and review moderator activity post-session.
C&C transforms sessions from passive viewing into active participation, enhancing engagement and collaboration.
Open the C&C panel
To open the the C&C menu, click the expand button (arrow icon) in the upper right corner of the screen.
The C&C engagement panel opens.
Interactions tab
The Interactions tab lets moderators create and publish tools like polls, quizzes, rating scales, crowd votes, open-ended questions, reactions, and announcements. This tab is only visible to moderators.
- Click Poll to start.
- Type your question and options.
- Decide whether to share results with attendees.
- To allow participants to select multiple answers, check Enable multiple answers.
- Choose Save as a draft or Publish now:
Click + Add option to add more options (up to five total). To remove an answer, hover over it and click the trashcan icon.
- Save as Draft: Saves your poll for later. You can access it from the Interactions tab to edit or publish whenever you're ready.
- Publish Now: Immediately displays the poll as a toast popup and adds it to the Feed sub-tab in the Live Stage tab.
Quiz question
- Click Quiz question to begin.
- Type your question and answers.
- Click + Add answer to add more answers (up to five total).
- Decide whether to display the correct answer or share results with attendees.
- Choose Save as a draft or Publish now:
If you want to remove an answer, hover over the answer and click the trashcan icon.
You can set up your quiz to allow multiple correct answers by clicking the check mark next to each correct option. You can mark all answers as correct if needed, but at least one must be selected.
The answers you mark as correct will display in green.
- Save as Draft: Saves your poll for later. You can access it from the Interactions tab to edit or publish whenever you're ready.
- Publish Now: Immediately displays the poll as a toast popup and adds it to the Feed sub-tab in the Live Stage tab.
Rating scale
- Click Rating scale to begin.
- Type your question/statement.
- Choose your rating scale emoji.
- Decide whether to share results with attendees.
- Choose Save as a draft or Publish now.
- Save as Draft: Saves your poll for later. You can access it from the Interactions tab to edit or publish whenever you're ready.
- Publish Now: Immediately displays the poll as a toast popup and adds it to the Feed sub-tab in the Live Stage tab.
Crowd vote
- Click Crowd vote to begin.
- Type your question/statement.
- Choose your crowd vote emoji.
- Decide whether to share results with attendees.
- Choose Save as a draft or Publish now.
- Save as Draft: Saves your poll for later. You can access it from the Interactions tab to edit or publish whenever you're ready.
- Publish Now: Immediately displays the poll as a toast popup and adds it to the Feed sub-tab in the Live Stage tab.
Crowd reaction
- Click Crowd reaction to begin.
- Hover over the desired crowd reaction to highlight it, and a Send button will appear.
- Click to send the crowd reaction.
All users can choose from a set of five reactions that display horizontally at the bottom of the Chat and Collaborate widget. See Reactions for more information.
Open-ended question
- Click Open-ended question to begin.
- Type your question in the text field.
- Decide whether to share results with attendees.
- Choose Save as a draft or Publish now.
- Save as Draft: Saves your poll for later. You can access it from the Interactions tab to edit or publish whenever you're ready.
- Publish Now: Immediately displays the poll as a toast popup and adds it to the Feed sub-tab in the Live Stage tab.
- Click Announcement to begin.
- Type a title for your announcement (optional), such as Mid-webinar alert!
- Then type the announcement itself, such as Get your questions ready for the upcoming Q&A session!
- Click + Add CTA button.
- Enter a label for your CTA button and the URL users will be directed to when they click it. If you decide not to include a CTA, simply click the trashcan icon to remove it.
- Choose Save as a draft or Publish now.
Additional options display.
- Save as Draft: Saves your poll for later. You can access it from the Interactions tab to edit or publish whenever you're ready.
- Publish Now: Immediately displays the poll as a toast popup and adds it to the Feed sub-tab in the Live Stage tab.
Updates tab
The Updates tab displays the notifications sent from the moderator to all participants during the session. The Updates tab displays the same to an attendee and a moderator.
Attendee view
The following shows the Updates tab with a small toast popup in the lower left corner of the screen.
Attendee view
Live Stage tab
The Live Stage tab is only for a specific context, for example, a specific session, and includes tabs for Chat, Q&A and Feed.
Chat tab
The Chat tab provides a space for group chat within a specific session or context. Attendees can write, like, and reply to messages, as well as delete their own messages. Moderators have enhanced capabilities, including pinning messages, deleting all messages, blocking users, and accessing interaction tools. The interface and options differ slightly between attendees and moderators.
- Type your message in the text field to start chatting.
- Hover over any message to:
- Select the Like icon to like the message.
- Select the Reply icon to reply to the message.
- Select the Trashcan icon to delete any message.
- Select the Pin icon to pin the message to the top of the list. (Pinned messages can be unpinned by a moderator.)
- Select the Block icon to block the user from the group chat.
- Use the interaction cards at the top of the screen to access additional interaction capabilities.
Q&A tab
The Q&A tab enables attendees to ask questions directly to moderators, who can respond to them within the session.
Single thread versus multi-thread (multiple question threads) capability
The Q&A tab supports two configurations for managing questions, determined by your admin:
Single thread (default):
All questions from a specific attendee are grouped into a single thread. This creates a unified conversation flow between the attendee and moderator.
Each question asked by an attendee is displayed as its own separate thread. This allows attendees to have multiple threads open with the moderator, making it easier to organize questions by topic or context.
Admins can select the configuration that best suits the session's needs for clarity and efficiency.
Single thread example:

Multi-thread example:

We will be demonstrating the multi-thread capability in this article. Please contact your Kaltura representative for additional information.
If there are no messages from attendees, the following is displayed.
Moderator view
If there are messages from attendees, the following is displayed.
Moderator view
The number of pending chats and claimed chats are displayed, along with arrows allowing you to either expand or collapse both lists.
To read a pending or claimed chat, click on the chat (not the Reply button).
To claim a pending chat and begin a one-on-one conversation with that attendee -
- Click the Reply button to the right of an attendee's name. A one-on-one conversation is initiated with that attendee.
- Type your message in the text field. Notice a message above the field reads "Answering as [Session Name]", indicating that you are talking in the chat as a moderator, and you are not in a private chat.
Moderator view
To navigate back to the Q&A tab, click the back arrow.
To un-claim and send the chat back to pending chats, click the three dots and choose Send back to pending chats button.
Moderators have the following additional capabilities in the Q&A tab, just as they do in the Chat sub-tab.
- Hover over any message to:
- Select the Like icon to like the message.
- Select the Reply icon to reply to the message.
- Select the Trashcan icon to delete any message.
- Select the Pin icon to pin the message to the top of the list. (Pinned messages can be unpinned by a moderator.)
- Select the Block icon to block the user from the group chat.
- Click one of the interaction 'cards' at the top of the screen to access interaction capabilities.
Feed tab
The Feed tab functions like a social media feed, displaying various session components. Both attendees and moderators use this tab to view items such as pinned messages and interactions, including polls, rating scale polls, and crowd vote polls. The Feed tab layout and functionality differ for attendees and moderators.
Attendee view
Moderator view
Moderators can:
- Hide results of a poll, end polls, and unpublish polls on the Feed tab.
- Pin a message from the Chat tab and Q&A tab and it will display on the Feed tab as a "pinned message". (A message that was pinned can also be unpinned by a moderator.)
- Click one of the interaction "cards" at the top of the screen to access interaction capabilities.
Backchannel tab
The Backchannel tab provides a private space for moderators to communicate with each other during a specific session. This tab functions similarly to the Chat tab but is exclusive to moderators designated for that session.
The following figure depicts a Backchannel tab with no messages posted.

The following figure depicts a Backchannel tab populated with moderator messages.

- Type your message in the text field to start chatting with other moderators.
- Hover over a message and select the Like icon to like a message.
- Hover over a message and select the Reply icon to reply to a message from another moderator.
- Hover over any one of your messages and select the trashcan icon to delete the message.
- Click one of the interaction cards at the top of the screen to access interaction capabilities.
Note the alert at the bottom of the Backchannel tab. Because the Backchannel and Chat tabs function similarly, this alert helps remind moderators that they are in a "Moderator-only" area.
A participant can configure their own settings. Click the three dots at the bottom of the right panel to display the options.
Toggle on the desired item to enable it.
- Allow toast notification - Some examples of toast notifications include new polls, messages sent specifically to you, or updates.
- Show my last name - Displaying your full name, not just your first name.
- The possible reaction types display horizontally. Click on the Reactions icon (clapping hands emoji).
- Click on the desired reaction emoji.
The reactions you initiate will display to everyone in the session.