Field | Description |
enabled | Enable the Accessibility Module. |
showContrastButton | Show a button that allows users to toggle contrast on site pages |
loadMore | Navigate to the Application module to enable the load more button at the bottom of each media list. |
Once enabled, this module allows you to add content directly to channels and galleries from their respective pages. Disabling the module won’t prevent content from being published to the category via the Media Page or My Media.
This functionality is not available for Theming users.
- Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Addcontent module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/addcontent.
- Set enabled to 'Yes' to enable the module.
- Click Save.
The Addcontent page displays.
User experience
When enabled, the +Add to Channel button is displayed on the channel page.
To learn more about configuring channels, visit our Channel modules category.
Playlists are static lists of videos that can be accessed within MediaSpace or embedded into web pages. For others to view videos in a playlist, the videos must be either unlisted or published to a MediaSpace category or channel that the viewer has permission to view.
The Addtoplaylists module is currently only supported in MediaSpace Video Portal.
It provides MediaSpace users the ability to create, edit, and delete personal playlists. Admins may permit only the content owners to add content that they own to the playlist.
Enable the module
enabled - When enabled, Add to playlist is displayed to users on the ACTIONS menu in a media entry page of MediaSpace. Users can click Add to playlist and additional functionality is displayed.
See the example below.
When allowCreation is to Yes, once users click Add to playlist, in addition to being able to add the media to a playlist, they also have the option of creating a new playlist. See Create New Playlist button in the example below.
When set to No, the Create New Playlist button is not displayed. See the example below.
When ownerOnly is set to Yes, users can only add content that they own to the playlist. In our example below, a user who is not the content owner clicked the ACTIONS menu on the media entry page. Add to Playlist is not displayed for this user.
When set to No, any user can add to playlists from the media entry page, even if they are not the content owner. See Add to playlist option in example below.
Save - Click Save to save your configuration settings.
For additional information, please see Playlists.
Enable this module for Registration configuration. This module is used for the login and password, reset functionality.
Field | Description |
enabled | |
linkExpiration | expiration (in seconds) |
resetPasswordEmailTemplate | email templates as configured in the EmailTemplates module . Use the template for the Forgot password request. |
passwordConfirmEmailTemplate | email templates as configured in EmailTemplates module. Use the yemplate for the confirmation of a password change. |
The Adminaccess module gives administrators greater control over which KMC users can access the Video Portal or KAF Configuration Management pages. By default, once enabled, only users with the Publisher Administrator role can access these admin pages via the “/admin” URL. However, additional configurations allow you to grant access to other KMC users as needed.
- Go to your KMS or KAF Configuration Management console, and click the Adminaccess module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/adminaccess.
- Configure the following:
- Click +Add "authorizedGroups".
- Click Select Groups.
- Enter the group name or group ID.
- Click Submit.
- Click Save.
The Adminaccess page displays.
enabled- Set to 'Yes' to restrict access to KMC users with 'Publisher / Administrator' role only. Once enabled, only those users can access the admin pages, unless configured otherwise below.
To learn more about KMC roles, visit our article Administration pages.
authorizedGroups - Select the groups who are allowed to access this application’s admin pages.
To learn how to create and manager user groups, visit our article Manage groups from the Video Portal or KAF Configuration Management console.
To delete a group from authorizedGroups, simply click the Delete button.
authorizedKMCRoles - To grant access to additional KMC roles, you can select from the available roles in the list, as shown in the example below.
To learn how to configure KMC roles, visit our article Administration pages
The Attachments module lets media owners easily attach any type of file to their media. This gives viewers the freedom to download these files before, during, or after watching, making their experience seamless and flexible.
- Go to your Configuration Management console, and navigate to the Attachments module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/attachments.
- In the Attachments window, configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
showOnlyAttachmentType - Enabling this option will hide translation files from the attachments tab.
allowAnonymous - Enabling this will allow anonymous users to view and download attachments.
User experience
Entry with 'showOnlyAttachmentType' set to 'Yes'.
Entry with 'showOnlyAttachmentType' set to 'No'.
AuthBroker is a "gateway" that sits on the partner (account) level and manages authentication to Kaltura via external Identity providers (IdP). AuthBroker works with the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and Open Authorization (OAuth 2.0) protocols. AuthBroker users are "shared users" (users who are shared between applications / instances in the partner).
AuthBroker works with a higher version of SAML and you no longer need to set up a new profile for each new account. You can set up profile(s) just once and easily use them in multiple applications/instances.
To use Authbroker, you must first subscribe to the applicationRegistry, and have a virtual event ID in the Application module. After configuring the AuthBroker module, you must also make one configuration in the Auth module - set authNAdapter to "Kaltura Auth Broker - {name of application}" and authZAdapter to "Kaltura Auth Broker".
Before connecting the KMC and Event accounts to AuthBroker, you must have created a SAML profile using the steps in Create and Manage SAML Profiles.
The AuthBrokermodule lets you enable new authentication methods by registering with the available Auth profiles on your account. Once subscribed, ensure to set up the Auth method in the Auth module. Remember to set a main alias and register your application in the Application module first.
If you don't see this module in your Configuration Management console, please contact your account representative to enable it.
Go to your Configuration Management console, and navigate to the Authbroker module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/authbroker.
The Authbroker window displays.
Subscribe to a profile
- enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module. When enabled, admins can activate new authentication methods by registering with the available Auth profiles on the account.
- Click Subscription page. (Please note that you must enable the module first in order to access the Subscription page.)
- To subscribe, just click the toggle on.
The authentication profile subscription window displays. Here you can view all the authentication profiles that were created on your account in KMC.
If there are no profiles on the subscription page, you can learn how to create them in our article Create and manage SAML profiles.
When toggled on, your Kaltura Video Portal (aka MediaSpace) can now use that authentication profile. If a few profiles were created, you have the option to subscribe to as many as you want.
Once you have subscribed to a profile, you can configure the settings for it, as follows:
Configure profile settings
defaultRole - Choose a default role from the drop-down menu for all users authenticating via the authentication profile(s) selected in the subscription page:
- viewerRole
- privateOnlyRole
- adminRole
- unmoderatedAdmin
Role mapping lets you assign specific application roles to users based on their profile information, rather than only relying on a default role. With role mapping, you can link users to designated roles by setting values in their profiles. When users log in, the system checks for these values and assigns the appropriate role. If no specific value is found, it falls back to the default role.
- Click +Add "rolesMapping".
- Configure the following:
The rolesMapping section displays.
fieldLocation - Select where the IDP attribute is stored on the Kaltura partner level - within the User object or User profile. (An IDP attribute refers to specific information or data associated with a user's identity within an Identity Provider system. This attribute could include details such as the user's first name, last name, email address, country, or any other information relevant to their identity and access privileges.)
fieldName - Enter the name of the field you want to use for mapping the respective object, for example, 'country'.
fieldValue - Enter the value that should map to an application role, for example, 'US'.
The video portal can read and match any value within a multi-value field, such as "Groups". For example, if a user profile contains "Groups": ["KalturaAdmin", "group2", "group3"], any of these values can be used to assign the relevant role.
applicationRole - Choose a role from the drop-down menu that will be assigned if there’s a match for the value in the field.
- viewerRole
- privateOnlyRole
- adminRole
- unmoderatedAdmin
Set default groups for all users authenticated via the Auth profiles selected in this module.
- Click +Add "defaultGroups".
- GroupID - Type in a label, for example, 'AB_users', so that everyone who logs in will be added to this group ID.
useInternalLogoutPage - Select 'Yes' or 'No' to use Kaltura's internal logout page instead of redirecting the user to the IDP once logout from the video portal has finished.
If you select 'No', a window will appear prompting you to enter the URL where the user should be redirected after logging out, for example, ''.
Finally, click Save to save your configuration settings.
Quick start instructions for using Authbroker login
- Create a SAML profile in the KMC.
- Navigate to the Application module (https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/application). Enter a virtual event Id and subscribe to the applicationRegistry.
Step 1: Authbroker module
- Navigate to the Authbroker module (https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/authbroker).
- Click Subscription page. (Please note that you must enable the module first in order to access the Subscription page.)
- Next to the desired profile, click the toggle on.
- Click Save.
The Authentication profile subscription page displays.
Step 2: Auth module
- Navigate to the Auth module (https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/auth).
- authNAdapter - set to Kaltura Auth Broker - {name of your application}
- authZAdapter - set to Kaltura Auth Broker
- Click Save.
To learn more about the Auth module and its capabilities, check out our article Auth Module.
Field | Description |
enabled | Enable the Captions Module. |
thumbnailRotator | Enable thumbnail image rotation on mouseover in the captions search results |
entriesPageSize | How many entries are displayed as captions search results on each page? (The default is 10) |
captionsPageSize | How many caption lines are displayed for each entry in search results? (The default is 5) |
allowToggleDisplayOnPlayer | Select "Yes" to allow the user to decide whether to display the caption on the player. |
allowEditCaptions | Select "Yes" to enable the Caption Editor button in the Captions tab. |
maxCharsPerLine | Editor: Max char per caption line. |
preventSaveOnOverlap | Editor: do not allow saving changes if there is time overlapping. |
The Channelplaylists module allows channel managers to add a playlist collection page to their channel (in addition to the media page). For the user guide, see Create a channel playlist.
Setting visibility of the playlist page is done in PlaylistPage module and setting the embed capabilities of the playlist is done in Embedplaylist module.
Be sure to disable then enable again the embedPlaylist module in order to enable a new V2 player configure and allow the playlist embed to function properly.
1. Go to your Configuration Management page, and click on the Channelplaylists module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/channelplaylists.
The Channelplaylists page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module. When enabled, the Home tab is added next to the Media tab on the Channels page in the Video Portal and KAF applications. The Home tab will display the playlists in the channel.
In the example below, the Channelplaylists module is enabled and both tabs are displayed.
channelPlaylistTabName - The title of the tab which will be added to the channel and will be presented first. In the example above, the default tab's name is presented: "Home".
entriesSource - Add media to the playlist from the channel gallery itself, from My Media, or from all entitled areas in the site.
This setting is enabled by default and can't be modified.
carouselVariableItems - This is set to 0 by default and can't be modified.
PlaylistDisplay - Choose to display the list of media in a channel playlist as a grid or a playlist player.
When a user clicks 'See All', they will be taken to either the grid view or player view, depending on what you configured.
3. Click Save to save your configuration settings.
User experience
Below is an example of user being taken to grid view.
The Chapters module allows authorized users to add, edit, and view chapters and slides within a media entry.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Chapters module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/chapters.
The Chapters page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
enableFullDeck - Set to "Yes" to activate this feature. When enabled, users can upload a full slide deck to present alongside their media in a dual-screen setup, using timeline functionality. Supported formats include PPT, PPTX, PDF, and the following image types: *.3gp, *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.png, *.gif, *.tif, *.tiff.
3. Click Save.
User experience
After you have enabled the module, the Timeline tab is added to the edit media page. The media owner or editor can add new chapters or slides on the timeline through this tab by uploading an image and providing metadata text.
Chapters are markers on the media timeline that are used to provide context to a segment of the media. Chapters are in the top hierarchy and can include slides within them.
Slides are synchronized visual elements to the main media.
Uploading a .pptx file created in Apple Keynote might return an error due to a security setting that has been set on Microsoft files since 07 - files whose format ends in x. Converting a file from keynote to .pptx has not undergone the security mechanism. There are three ways to overcome this:
After converting keyNote to pptx format open the file from PowerPoint and save it.
Converting the keyNote file to ppt format.
Converting the keyNote file to pdf format.
See our article Create chapters and add slides for more information.
The Comments module enables interactive discussions on media entries. By activating this feature, you can allow authorized users to add new comments, reply to existing ones, or delete comments when necessary.
Check out our Comments user guide.
1. Go to your Configuration Management page, and click on the Comments module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/comments.
The Comments page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module
channelCommentsProfileId - Custom Metadata profile Id for channels.
entryCommentsProfileId - Custom Metadata profile Id for entries.
entryCommentsCountProfileId - Custom Metadata profile Id for entry comments count.
commentsAllowed - Choose who can add comments by checking the following options:
- viewerRole
- privateOnlyRole
- adminRole
- unmoderatedAdminRole
pageSize - Choose the number of comments that can be displayed from the dop-down options:
- 10
- 25
- 50
sort - Choose whether to sort comments by newest or oldest first.
allowClose - Set to 'Yes' to allow content owners to disable/close comments for particular entries. When set to 'No', owners that had their comments disabled, will not be able to reactivate them.
showInGalleries - Set to 'Yes' to enable showing public comments for entries in context of galleries.
showInChannelsOnly - Set to 'Yes' if you want to show comments on media entries to users only in the context of a channel/gallery. In this case, users will not be able to see media comments if browsing to the media from search results, My Media or any other context that doesn't include the context of the channel/gallery.
showAddTimedCommentsCheckbox - Set to 'Yes' to show Add comment at mm:ss checkbox (shown in the image below) to allow viewers to add a comment at a specific point in the video.
showPrivateCommentsConfig - Set to 'Yes' to allow channel/gallery managers to set comments as private; comments will only show in the context of this channel/gallery.
3. Click Save.
User experience
The image below shows the Comments box located beneath a media entry. Users can type a comment and click 'Add' to post it to the media page, as well as read comments from other viewers.
The Contentpolicy module lets you display a customizable policy message on media pages. On desktop view, the policy will appear as a box to the right of the media. This feature is not available on tablet or mobile views.
- Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Contentpolicy module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/contentpolicy.
- enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
- ContentPolicyText - Enter the desired text. The content policy will be displayed on each media page in the top right corner (see example below).
- Click Save.
The Contentpolicy page displays.
You can use BB code to format your text. You can click on the link provided in the module (full list here) or use the basic tags provided below.
User experience
Non-Theming users
For users who don't have Theming enabled, the content policy displays on the media page to the right of the player:
Theming users
For users who have Theming enabled, the content policy displays under the player :
BB code tags
BB code is a simplified version of HTML that lets you format your messages without affecting page layout. Here’s a list of basic BB code tags you can use to format your text:
Don't put spaces between the bracketed code and the text you are applying the code to.
The end brackets must include a forward slash ([/list])
Format | Usage | Example usage |
Bold / italics / underline | [b]
[I] [u] |
[b]this text is bold[/b] [I]this text is italic[/i] [u]this text is underlined[/u] |
Color | [color=Option]value[/color] |
{color=blue]this text is blue[/color] [size=Option]value[/size] = size |
Size | [size=Option]value[/size] | [size=+2]this text is two sizes larger than normal[/size] |
Alignment | [left]value[/left]
[center]value[/center] [right]value[/right] |
[left]this text is left-aligned[/left] [center]this text is center-aligned[/center] [right]this text is right-aligned[/right] |
Bulleted list | [list]value[/list] |
[list] [*]list item 1 [*]list item 2 [/list] |
Font | [font=Option]value[/font] | [font=courier]this text is in the courier font[/font] |
URL hyperlinking |
[url]value[/url] [url=Option]value[/url] |
[url][/url] [url=]Knowledge Center[/url] |
Use this module to upload CSS files to your KMS site.
Field | Description |
enabled | Enable the Cssupload Module. |
bootstrap | Upload a replacement bootstrap.min.css file to the one in use by KMS. Only useable for Bootstrap based themes. |
additional | Upload an additional css file to KMS to include additional classes not defined as part of the standard Bootstrap CSS file. |
The Customdata module allows you to add metadata to media in your application in addition to the basic metadata (Name, Description, Tags).
Learn more about how to create a metadata scheme in our article Add Custom Metadata Schema.
You will not be able to select the same profile ID selected in the SharedRepositories module.
1. Go to your Configuration Management page, and click on the customdata module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/customdata.
The Customdata page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
profileId - Choose the custom schema you've created in your KMC account to utilize in this application.
Learn how to create a custom data schema in our article Create a custom data schema.
requiredFields - Select which custom data fields are required. These fields must be filled in by users before they can publish the video.
privateFields - Choose the custom data fields to hide from viewers within the application. Private metadata fields will remain visible for the media owner in the 'My Media' section.
Private custom data fields remain visible to the media owner and co-editors in the Edit Entry page.
hiddenFiltersFields - Select custom data fields that won't be available in search.
showInSearchResults - Allow custom data to be searchable.
freeTextLabel - Choose a customized label for free text metadata filters, which will represent all free text fields that are associated with this metadata profile.
3. Click Save.
MediaSpace Administrators can set a custom favicon, which is a small, iconic image that represents your website. Favicons are most often found in the address bar of your web browser, but they can also be used in lists of bookmarks in web browsers and feed aggregators. The KMS Admin can upload an image file through the faviconName field in this module.
Please visit this Wikipedia article for a complete list of supported icons file types by different browsers. Note that ICO file type is not supported.
Field | Description |
enabled | Enable the Customfavicon Module. |
faviconName | Click Upload and select an image file. |
favviconURL | Click Reset to reset to the default file. |
The Custompages module allows you to create additional site pages using template pages from the TemplatePages module. With the Custompages module, you can select a template, set its URL and permissions, and publish the page.
For detailed instructions on using templates and custom pages, see our article Create and use a template page.
Applies exclusively to the Video Portal and depends on the Theming module.
Before working with the Custompages module, you need to create at least one page in the Templatepages module. In our example below, we have created a template page called 'Example'. After you create a template page, it will be available in the pageTemplate drop-down menu in this module (see below).
1. Go to your Configuration Management console, and click on the Custompages module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/custompages.
The module page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the emodule.
Click the + Add "CustomPage" button to add your templatepage to the site.
A new section displays.
Set the following fields to enable your new custom page and determine its availability:
published - When your page is ready to be used, set the published field to 'Yes'. Once published, users with permission can view the page. As long as it is set to 'No', the page won't be available to any user.
pageTemplate - This field provides a drop-down menu of the templates you created in the templatepages module. Select the desired template page. Below you can see that the example template page we created is now in the menu:
pageSlug - Enter a unique semantic slug for your page. This will create a new URL in the format https://{your_site_url}/{slug}, for example, entering the slug 'help' will create the URL
Users with permission can access the page using the slug (see example below). You can also add the page to the navigation menu. For more details, see our article Navigation module.
Use only alphanumeric characters without spaces. While underscores ("_") are allowed, avoid using capital letters and spaces.
permission - Select the minimum role needed to access this page.
Use anonymousRole to allow guests to view the page if your site is set to support anonymous users (set in the Auth module). If not, choose guest override to make the page public.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Below is the final configuration:
User experience
Page access via header menu:
Administrators can require end-users to review and accept the Terms of Agreement via a checkbox before they upload or publish content.
Please note that displaying different disclaimer messages based on the audience's country is not supported.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Disclaimer module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/disclaimer.
The Disclaimer page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable.
disclaimerProfileId - Enter the custom data profile ID for the disclaimer.
See our article Create a custom data schema to learn more about creating a custom data profile.
disclaimerField - Specify the custom data field that must be checked when uploading or publishing media.
disclaimerText - Enter the text that explains the purpose of the disclaimer checkbox (see example below).
You can use BB code to format your text. You can click on the link provided in the module (full list here) or use the basic tags provided below.
agreeText - Enter the text displayed next to the checkbox, indicating the user agrees to the terms.
Does not apply to the Theming upload page and KMSGo Mobile app.
displayArea - Choose from the following options:
- Before Upload - Terms of agreement are shown before users can contribute content. After agreeing, the upload and other options are enabled, and the checkbox cannot be unchecked.
- Before Publish - Terms of agreement appear as part of the metadata on the upload and edit media screens. The checkbox can be required, preventing media from being published unless selected. Once agreed to, the checkbox becomes view-only and cannot be unchecked.
3. Click Save.
Below is a sample configuration and the resulting user experience.
What the user sees before uploading content:
Once the box is checked, the upload screen displays:
BB code tags
BB code is a simplified version of HTML that lets you format your messages without affecting page layout. Here’s a list of basic BB code tags you can use to format your text:
Don't put spaces between the bracketed code and the text you are applying the code to.
The end brackets must include a forward slash ([/list])
Format | Usage | Example usage |
Bold / italics / underline | [b]
[I] [u] |
[b]this text is bold[/b] [I]this text is italic[/i] [u]this text is underlined[/u] |
Color | [color=Option]value[/color] |
{color=blue]this text is blue[/color] [size=Option]value[/size] = size |
Size | [size=Option]value[/size] | [size=+2]this text is two sizes larger than normal[/size] |
Alignment | [left]value[/left]
[center]value[/center] [right]value[/right] |
[left]this text is left-aligned[/left] [center]this text is center-aligned[/center] [right]this text is right-aligned[/right] |
Bulleted list | [list]value[/list] |
[list] [*]list item 1 [*]list item 2 [/list] |
Font | [font=Option]value[/font] | [font=courier]this text is in the courier font[/font] |
URL hyperlinking |
[url]value[/url] [url=Option]value[/url] |
[url][/url] [url=]Knowledge Center[/url] |
Enable this module to set which media versions viewers can download from the media page.
1. Go to your KMS or KAF admin page, and navigate to the Downloadmedia module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/downloadmedia.
2. Set enabled to 'Yes'.
3. downloadRoles - Select one or more roles that can use the Downloadmedia module
4. Click +Add "downloadFlavors" to configure the flavors that will be visible to the media owner to choose from.
5. downloadFlavors - You can choose as many flavors as you want from the list of the transcoding profiles. You then can name the flavors as they should be displayed to the media owner. If no name is given, the flavor default name in Kaltura is used as the default name.
The final list displayed to the media owner includes the list chosen by the admin. The flavors are set in the KMC (see The Content Menu article for more information regarding flavors.) Before proceeding, it's best to have the KMS/KAF admin confirm with the KMC admin the approved flavors for the account.
Example of downloadFlavors settings:
6. Click Save.
Once the module has been enabled and configured, the Downloads tab will be available on the edit media page (shown below). See our article Enable media download for more information.
The Editor module activates the Kaltura video editing tools, giving users video editing capabilities directly within the platform. To create quizzes using the Kaltura video editor, please note the Quiz module must also be enabled.
1. Go to your KMS or KAF Configuration Management console and click the Editor module. Or navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/editor.
The Editor page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' enable the module.
enableClipping - Set to 'Yes' to enable users to clip entries using the editor. If set to 'No,' the Save a Copy option will be disabled in the Kaltura video editor.
enableTrimming - Set to 'Yes' to enable users to trim entries using the editor. If set to 'No,' the Save option will be disabled in the Kaltura video editor.
showClipAttribution - Set to 'Yes' to include an attribution to the original entry on a clipped entry page.
The showClipAttribution feature is not currently supported for Theming users.
clipperProfileId - Metadata profile ID for clipping permissions. You can leave this field as it is; no changes are needed.
keaPlayerId - Enter the player ID used in the Kaltura Editor Application. The player must be version 2 (v2). If left blank, the main player from the player module will be used. Ensure the main player is also version 2 (v2).
keaDocumentationURL - Enter the link to the custom Kaltura Editor Application documentation. This link will appear when users click the help button (? icon) at the bottom left of the editor (as shown below). Leave it empty to use the default documentation link.
keaPreviewPlayerId - Enter the player ID of the preview player used in Kaltura Editor Application. Leave blank to use the main player from the player module.
keaCustomCss - Upload CSS file. Uploading a custom CSS file lets you tailor the editor's appearance and functionality to match your brand. Adjust styles like colors, fonts, and layout for a consistent look and feel across your platform.
downloadLocales - The Kaltura video editing tools can be localized to any of the supported localization languages. You can download a zip file which contains all texts for all built-in locales. These can be used to create custom languages, as follows:
- Download the zip file (downloadlocales)
- Open the zip to get the .json file.
- Edit the .json file in your preferred software with the translations you want.
- For each language use the uploadCustomLanguage section below to upload the customized language information.
Click +Add "uploadcustomLanguage".
A new field displays.
languageCode - Select the language code. Note that the selected language code should match an existing localized version of the application.
localeFile - Upload your customized .json file.
3. Click Save.
This module should be enabled if you choose to get Email Notifications. For more information on how to set up notifications and the different types of notifications, see Email Notifications.
Click on the dedicated page link in this screen to get to the page where you can enable the different email notification events and define the email templates for each. See the section on Setting Email Notifications and Channel Subscriptions for more information.
Field | Description |
enabled | Enable the Emailnotifications module. |
The Embed module in the Kaltura video portal allows administrators to enable users to embed media into websites, HTML pages, or other online tools. Users can access the embedding functionality through the Share function on media pages.
The module supports two embedding methods:
- Regular embed: Provides a standard iFrame embed code, without enforcing access restrictions unless secure embed is enabled.
- Secure embed: Adds protection by requiring authentication and enforcing entitlements for embedded content.
For the user guide, please see Share and embed media.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Embed module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/embed.
The Embed page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
Regular embed
A regular embed allows users to take a Kaltura entry, such as a video, and place it into another web page by means of HTML iframe code.
secureEmbed - Set to 'No'.
allowEmbedIframeShare - Allow/Restrict sharing using iFrame. This configuration is only supported for non-v2 supported players. When allowEmbedIframeShare is set to 'No', the option to choose iframe embed is eliminated.
embedResponsiveness - Enable/Disable the' Responsive Sizing' option in the embed view. When enabled, the Responsive Sizing toggle button is displayed on the Share > Embed tab.
embedAllowed - Select one or more roles that can use the Embed functionality. In the following example, viewerRole, privateOnlyRole, adminRole, and unmoderatedAdminRole are all allowed to use the Embed functionality.
embedDisplay - Set to Show or hide the ability for users to grab embed code from the share modal. This field is only relevant for Theming users.
Define skins that can be used for embedded players. When configured, the Player Skin options are displayed on the Share > Embed tab.
name - What is the name of the skin? The skin name is displayed when the user selects an embedded skin.
imgFile - What is the relative path to the image file on the server? The image file represents how the skin looks.
uiConfId - What is the numerical value of the player ID to use in the embed code?
Define sizes that can be used for embedded players. Define the player size in the following format: {width}x{height}
- large 608x402
- medium 400x285
- small 304x231
3. Click Save to save your configuration settings.
Secure embed
Secure embed allows administrators to control how Kaltura media is embedded and accessed on external sites, ensuring security, entitlement enforcement, and authentication for embedded content. Key benefits include:
- Seamless authentication via pop-up, even on browsers that block third-party cookies.
- Strong embedding controls, including category-level restrictions.
1. Enable the module then configure the following:
secureEmbed - Set to 'Yes'.
This displays additional fields.
Authentication settings
autoRedirect - Set to 'Yes' to automatically redirect users to the SSO login page if not authenticated. Globally authenticated users are redirected back to the video page. If not globally authenticated, a 'Sign In' page will appear.
When set to 'No', a message prompts users to manually authenticate.
autoRedirectiframe - When autoRedirect (above) is set to 'Yes' and autoRedirectIframe is set to 'No' (default), the redirect for authentication will occur in a pop-up (as shown in the image below). This ensures that users with blocked third-party cookies can log in directly from the page where the embed is located.
When autoRedirect is set to 'Yes' and autoRedirectIframe is also set to 'Yes', the redirect will occur in the iframe.
autoRedirectMessageHTML - Customizable HTML text displayed while users are being auto-redirected to the login page. Example: "Please login with your credentials."
For details on how these settings affect authentication behavior, see the Authentication behavior table at the end of this document.
Embedding controls
notAuthenticatedHTML - Customize the message (can include links) shown inside the iFrame when autoRedirect is set to 'No'. Example: "Not authenticated."
notAuthorizedHTML - Customize the message (can include links) displayed when users fail entitlement checks. Example: "You are not authorized to view this media."
If you'd like to further restrict users from viewing media in KMS, you could consider disabling allowAnonomous in the Auth module.
Category-level restrictions
noCategoryEmbedAccessHTML - Sets the HTML message (can include links) shown to users when an embed cannot be played due to failed category-level checks, when requireCategoryContext (see further down) is set to 'Yes'.
noCategoryPlayAccessHTML - Customizable message shown when playback is restricted due to category-level settings. Example: "Playback of this content is only allowed on its original publishing destination."
As with any other texts in the video portal, these messages can be localized and customized using the Languages module.
overrideCSSURL - Specify a URL for a custom CSS file to match the iFrame design with corporate branding.
categoryLevelEmbed - Allows gallery / channel managers to restrict embedding and playback of content from specific categories. This requires the CategoryEmbed or ChannelEmbed modules to be enabled.
requireCategoryContext - When set to 'Yes' (with categoryLevelEmbed set to 'Yes'), ensures embeds can only be grabbed from channel or gallery contexts. Embeds from context-less entry pages (for example, My Media) are not allowed.
Setting requireCategoryContext to 'Yes' ensures embeds only work in category or gallery contexts, but it may block playback for existing secured embeds without a category context. Enable this only if secureEmbed is not already in use to avoid disrupting current embeds.
Share and embed settings
allowEmbedIframeShare - Allow/Restrict sharing using iFrame. This configuration is only supported for non-v2 supported players. When allowEmbedIframeShare is set to 'No', the option to choose iframe embed is eliminated.
embedResponsiveness - Enable/Disable the responsive sizing option in the embed view. When enabled, the Responsive Sizing toggle button is displayed.
embedAllowed - Select one or more roles that can use the embed functionality. Choose from the following options:
- Owner Only
- Co-Editor
- Co-Publisher
- Specific Users / Groups
- anonymousRole
- viewerRole
- privateOnlyRole
- adminRole
- unmoderatedAdminRole
embedDisplay - Choose 'Show' or 'Hide' to control whether users can access the embed code from the 'Share' window. This setting is applicable only for users with Theming enabled. In the example below, embedDisplay has been set to 'Show'.
Customization options
embedSkins - Define skins that can be used for embedded players. When configured, the Player Skin options are displayed.
name - The skin name is displayed when the user selects an embedded skin.
imgFile - What is the relative path to the image file on the server? The image file represents how the skin looks.
uiConfId - Enter a player ID to use in the embed code.
embedSizes - Define sizes that can be used for embedded players in the format {width}x{height}:
- large 608x402
- medium 400x285
- small 304x231
2. Click Save to save your configuration settings.
Authentication behavior for secure embed
Browser | autoRedirectIframe | User state | Result | Is it new behavior? |
Chrome (allows third-party cookies) | Yes | Logged in | Player loads normally. | No |
Chrome | Yes | Not logged in | Redirects to auth in iframe and then returns to player. | No |
Chrome | No | Logged in | Player loads normally. | No |
Chrome | No | Not logged in | Opens a pop-up for authentication and refreshes the iframe to load the player. | Yes. Previously, the authentication process redirected users away from the current page (e.g., a SharePoint page) using After successful authentication, it was expected to redirect the user back to the original page. |
Safari (cookies blocked) | Yes | Logged in | Opens pop-up and immediately closes (user is logged-in), the iframe is refreshed and player is loaded. | Yes. previous behavior was just a message saying third-party cookies blocked. |
Safari | Yes or No | Not logged in | Opens pop-up and after authentication, refreshes iframe and player loads. Second load of the page with the embed: pop-up opens and immediately closes (user logged into video portal). |
Yes. Previous behavior was just a message saying third-party cookies blocked. |
Safari | No | Logged in | Opens pop-up and immediately closes (user is logged in), the iframe is refreshed and player is loaded. | Yes. Previous behavior was just a message saying third-party cookies blocked. |
Safari playlist partially allowed for anonymous | Yes or No | Logged in | Shows partial playlist. Clicking login opens a pop-up, which immediately closes, and the full playlist loads. | Yes. Previously, a click would send you to authenticate but due to blocked third-party cookies, the full playlist wouldn't load. |
Safari playlist partially allowed for anonymous | Yes or No | Not logged in | Partial playlist renders. Clicking on login opens pop-up for authentication. After login, the iframe refreshes and full playlist loads. | Yes. Clicking login redirected to authenticate, but blocked third-party cookies still prevented the full playlist from loading. |
The embeddplaylist module allows you to control the embed capabilities for the playlist, available on the Playlist Details page under the "Share and Embed" button.
This module is only relevant for MediaSpace, not for KAF applications.
The players must contain the Playlist plugin available in the KMC Studio.
If no player is selected, the default Playlist player will be used. See PlaylistPage.
Enable the Module
enabled - When the embedplaylist module is enabled, the Share & Embed button/tab is displayed to users under the My Playlist Page, the Playlist Edit page, and the Playlist Media Page. See the examples below.
My Playlists Page
Playlist Edit Page
Playlist Media Page
Secure Embed
secureEmbed - Setting secureEmbed to Yes, provides an additional layer of protection, by which users will first have to login to view the content. MediaSpace entitlements will be enforced on media that is embedded in external sites. When embedding restricted or private media to your sites and blogs, you will be prompted to authenticate (if not already authenticated). If a user is authorized to watch the media according to the entitlements defined in MediaSpace, the media will play. Otherwise, a message will be displayed that they are not authorized to watch the media.
In the iframe embed example below, secureEmbed is set to No.
<iframe id="kaltura_player" src="[streamerType]=auto&flashvars[localizationCode]=en&flashvars[leadWithHTML5]=true&flashvars[sideBarContainer.plugin]=true&flashvars[sideBarContainer.position]=left&flashvars[sideBarContainer.clickToClose]=true&flashvars[chapters.plugin]=true&flashvars[chapters.layout]=vertical&flashvars[chapters.thumbnailRotator]=false&flashvars[streamSelector.plugin]=true&flashvars[EmbedPlayer.SpinnerTarget]=videoHolder&flashvars[dualScreen.plugin]=true&&wid=1_nl9vrlrr" width="400" height="285" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozAllowFullScreen frameborder="0" title="Kaltura Player"></iframe>
In the iframe embed example below, secureEmbed is set to Yes.
<iframe id="kmsembed-1_3inimdwj" width="400" height="285" src="[streamerType]=auto&flashvars[localizationCode]=en&flashvars[leadWithHTML5]=true&flashvars[sideBarContainer.plugin]=true&flashvars[sideBarContainer.position]=left&flashvars[sideBarContainer.clickToClose]=true&flashvars[chapters.plugin]=true&flashvars[chapters.layout]=vertical&flashvars[chapters.thumbnailRotator]=false&flashvars[streamSelector.plugin]=true&flashvars[EmbedPlayer.SpinnerTarget]=videoHolder&flashvars[dualScreen.plugin]=true&" class="kmsembed" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozAllowFullScreen frameborder="0" title="Kaltura Player"></iframe>
As you can see from the above examples, when secureEmbed is set to No, the iframe embed code displays a direct link to the media. When secureEmbed is set to Yes, the iframe embed code displays a direct link to MediaSpace which requires the user to enter login credentials to view the content.
For additional information about this feature, see Enhanced Settings for Secure Embed in KMS/KAF.
If secureEmbed is set to Yes, additional functionality is displayed.
Additional Functionality for Secure Embed
autoRedirect -
Select Yes to automatically redirect the user to the SSO login page in case the user is not authenticated with MediaSpace. (If the user is globally authenticated, they will be auto authenticated by MediaSpace then redirected back to the page with the video.) In the example below, the user is not globally authenticated, therefore the Sign In page displays.
Select No to display a message to the user so that the user can manually select when/whether to re-authenticate. In the example below, the user has not been automatically redirected and must manually click "Click here to login" to login to MediaSpace.
autoReirectiframe -
When autoRedirect is set to Yes and autoRedirectIframe is set to No (default), the redirect for authentication will use the top browser window.
When autoRedirect is set to Yes and autoRedirectIframe is set to Yes, the redirect will occur in the iframe.
autoRedirectMessageHTML - HTML text to display while the user is auto-redirected to the login page. In the example below, the HTML text was set to "Please login with your MediaSpace credentials."
authorizedForSubsetHTML - HTML text (may include links) to display inside the iFrame if a user is only allowed to a subset of the playlist content due to entitlements. In the example below, the HTML text was set to "You are only authorized to access a subset of the original playlist."
notAuthenticatedHTML - HTML text (may include links) to display inside the iFrame if autoRedirect is set to No. In the example below, the HTML text was set to "Not authenticated".
notAuthorizedHTML - HTML text (may include links) to display inside the iFrame in case Kaltura Entitlement authorization fails.
In the example below, the HTML text was set to "You are not authorized to view this media". The user was prompted to log into KMS and authentication was successful, but upon doing so, was unable to access the media because the user did not have authorization to view the media.
Note: If you wish to further restrict users from viewing media in KMS, you may consider disabling allowAnonomous in the Auth module.
overrideCSSURL - URL to an alternate Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) to allow a customer to customize the iFrame design to fit corporate style guide.
Select the User Roles Allowed to Embed Playlists
playlistEmbedAllowed - Select one or more roles that can use the Embed Playlist functionality.
Allow Users to Embed Channel Playlists
channelPlaylistEmbedAllowed - Select Yes to allow users to embed channel playlists. Select No if you would rather users not be allowed to embed channel playlists.
Select the Embed Types
embedType - Select the embed types that a user can use when embedding a playlist.
In the example above, the Admin has allowed the user to select from all three embed types when embedding a playlist. Therefore, the following three options are displayed to the user on the Share and Embed window.
Set the Players Used to Embed Playlists
players - Set the player(s) a user can use to embed playlists, vertical and/or horizontal. The first player in the list is used as the default player.
Add additional players by clicking the blue + Add "players" button.
Delete players by clicking the red DELETE button.
playerDisplayName - Type a player name that displays to users.
In the example below, the Admin has allowed the user to select from two players when embedding a playlist - a Vertical player named "Vertical Player" or Horizontal player named "Horizontal Player". Therefore, the following two options are displayed to the user in the Share and Embed page.
playerId - Type the player ID found in the KMC studio.
embedSizes - Select the embed sizes for the player.
In the example below, the Admin is only giving the user one option for Max Embed Size - 400X620.
embedSizeCustom - Type a custom embed size ("width"x"height" in pixels).
Add additional custom embed sizes by clicking the blue + Add "embedSizeCustom" button.
Delete custom embed sizes by clicking the red DELETE button.
Save - Click Save to save your configuration settings.
For the user manual, please see Share & Embed Media Via Media Page.
The Entrydesign module allows media owners and co-editors to modify the styling of a specific media page.
This module is designated for Kaltura Video Portal and KAF applications.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console, and click on the Entrydesign module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/entrydesign.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module. When enabled, the Display tab is added to the editing capabilities on the edit media page, as shown below:
entryDesignRole - Decide which roles are allowed to design media pages. Choose from the options in the drop-down menu:
- specific users or groups
- privateOnly
- admin role
- unmoderatedAdmin role
In this section you can add players you want users to use on the entry page. If none is provided, the site’s default player will be used.
- Click +Add "players".
- An additional section displays.
- playerDisplayName - Enter a name for the player.
- playerId - Enter the player ID for the player that shows in the Display tab on the edit media page.
- entryType - Select an entry type from the options in the drop-down menu:
- Video
- Audio
- Quiz
- Image
- Webcast/Live
- Rapt media
Continue to add players as desired by clicking +Add "players".
showEmbedPlayerOption - Select the player behavior with the embed and default players. Choose from the options in the drop-down menu:
- Force Entrydesign Player in Embed Code - If selected, the Entrydesign player will be used in the embed code of the Share tab. Players designated in the Embed module will be overridden.
- Use Embed Module Players (default) - If selected, the Embed player will be used in the embed code of the Share tab. Players designated in the Entrydesign module will be overridden.
- User Selects - If selected, in case a player is set for the corresponding entry type in the Entrydesign module, the owner/co-editor will see additional fields to select the "Entry Player" and a tickbox “Set as Embed Player”. Players designated in the Embed module will be overridden.
If you choose User Selects, a button called Set as Embed Player displays on the Display page under the player selection, as shown below:
allowedElements - Select which elements are displayed for the media owners to control. Choose from the following options:
- Sidebar
- Entry properties
- Entry tabs
- Comments
- Header
- Header logo
- Footer
Media owners will be able to choose which of these elements to display or remove. For more information on each option, see our article Customize media display.
In our example below, the Administrator has chosen to provide users control of showing the sidebar, comments, and footer. The user has chosen to show all three elements on the page with the video (all three are checked).
allowCSS - Set to 'Yes' to allow the entry owner to use CSS to change the look and feel of the page. If enabled, this option displays to the user on the Edit Entry page as follows.
allowLogoChange - Set to Yes to allow the entry owner to set a new logo for KMS when viewing the entry. If enabled, this option displays to the user on the Edit Entry page as follows.
showLastArchived - Set to 'Yes' to allow live entry owners to customize the default setting, enabling a link to the last archived video at the top of the live page.
3. Click Save to save your configuration settings.
This module allows metadata tags like the thumbnail, entry name, description, and URL to display in posts on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and MS Teams. Without this module, pasting a Kaltura media page URL in a social media post will only show the URL, not the rich content.
Check out our Share and embed media user guide for more information.
- Your Kaltura representative must disable Default Entitlement Enforcement in the Admin Console.
- To share an entry, make sure it is published to an open category (gallery) or set as 'unlisted'. Please note that if the entry is published to a channel that requires authentication, it will not play. To learn about publishing entries, visit our article Publish media.
Step 1: Configure the Embed module
- Go to your Configuration Management console, and navigate to the Embed module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/embed. The embed page displays.
- In the secureEmbed field, select 'No' from the dropdown.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Step 2: Configure the Auth module
- Select Auth from the panel on the left of the Configuration Management console.The Auth page displays.
- In the allowAnonymous field, select 'Yes'.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Step 3: Configure the Facebook module
- Select Facebook from the panel on the left of the Configuration Management console.The Facebook page displays.
- Configure the following:
- enabled - Set to 'Yes'.
- siteDescription - Enter the text to send on the og:description property for the shared link for non-player pages. 'OG' stands for Open Graph, a protocol used by social media platforms to extract and display rich information from web pages. The og property specifically allows you to set a description that will appear when the page is shared on social media.
- shareImageURL - Type in the link of an image you would like to use when users share content to non-media pages (such as the homepage). Leave this field empty to use the site logo.
- Click Save.
Below is an example of a shared link with text and logo.
Note: This is a KMS-only module that depends on the Theming module.
Related modules
Getting started
enabled - Set the enabled field to Yes to enable the Footer module.
Basic UI - Logo Selection and Display
showLogo - Select one of the following options:
- No - do not display a logo on the footer.
- Use header's logo - select to display the same logo that is taken from the Header module.
- Upload your own - select to upload a custom logo file for the footer. recommended 132px x 32px. Enter the logo URL in the footerLogo field.
logoAltText - The configuration options are:
- If you insert an image file in the footerLogo' field, you may enter alternate text for the tag's 'alt' attribute;
- If you enter 'false' or an empty string in the 'footerLogo' field, you must enter text for the page image.
logoLink - The options for defining the behavior when clicking the logo are:
- Enter 'false' if you do not want the logo to be clickable.
- Enter 'home' to display the home page (displayed when MediaSpace opens).
- Enter a full URL (starting with http://) to open a different page in a new browser window/tab.
Basic footer configuration
bottomText - Enter plain text for the bottom part of the footer. Leave empty to set the section as plain text
backgroundUpload - use to set a custom banner at the bottom of the page. Recommended 2160px w / 404px h. The image will be aligned to the bottom right of the footer, allowing for atmospheric transparent images to be added.
backgroundColor - use to setup a different color for the footer background. Make sure the color is compliant with the accessibility standards.
Social Links
Use the socialLinks section to add links to your social network pages in the form of icons to the right of the footer.
Click +AddSocialLinks to expand this section.
Type - Select one of the following social networks from the drop down menu.
URL - Enter the URL for the social network.
Add values for each social network you want to display in your site's footer, using these fields.
An example footer:
Text and Links
textAndLinksSeparator - Choose a separator for the texts. Leave empty to use the default bullet style '•'.
Use the textAndLinks section to add text and links separated by a divider to the left side of the footer.
You may add simple text, links, and even scripts.
- sectionText - Enter the text for the clickable item.
- sectionType - Select if this clickable item is a URL or a Script.
- sectionLink - Enter a URL or a Script for the clickable item. Leave empty to set the section as plain text. For script, please add the script directly e.g. console.log('hi');alert('what?')
Add values for each text or link you want to display in your site's footer, using these fields.
Use the bottomText
field to add a one line below the textAndLinks elements.
Additional features
Promotional section
A promotional section may be added, by setting promotionSection field to YES. When set to Yes, fill in the fields with the desired text and link, to display the new section.
promotionHeader - Enter the main text for the promotion section. (HTML markup supported).
promotionText - Enter the main text for the promotion section. (HTML markup supported).
promotionButtonText - Enter the text for the promotion button.
promotionButtonUrl - - Enter the URL for the promotion button.
The results:
Exclude footer from page
You can exclude the footer from different pages on the site from the exceptions section. This can be used to hide the entire footer or just the promotion section from any page.
In the following example, the site is configured so that it does not display the promotional section on the registration page, and does not display the footer on the login page.
To set footer options for specific pages
URL - Set the URL to which this exception should be applied.
showFooter - Choose if you want the footer to be displayed on this page. When set you Yes you may also configure whether to hide or display the promotion.
Once enabled, this module allows you to create a dedicated 'group page' where users from a group are displayed in a tidy grid layout, while promoted users take the spotlight in a carousel. Each page can display up to 500 users. The groups are created and managed in the 'Manage Groups' section of the Configuration Management console. It's the perfect tool to organize and highlight the standout members of your community or enterprise.
Exclusively for MediaSpace Video Portal. Requires the Theming and PersonalProfile modules to be enabled.
1. Go to your KMS Configuration Managment page, and navigate to the GroupPage module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/grouppage .
2. In the GroupPage window, configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
groupId - Click Select Groups and type in the group name that you want display on the group page. If a corresponding user group has been configured, the system will trigger auto-complete.
title - Enter a title for the group page. This title will show at the top of page and also on the browser tab. If left empty, the group's name will be used.
description - Add a description to display at the top of the group page.
showSearchIndicator - Check this box to display a search bar, and the number of group members along with the word users. You can customize the word users in the searchindicator fields below.
If showSearchIndicator is checked, complete the following fields:
searchIndicatorSingle - Enter text (for example, Speaker, Presenter). If left empty, the default word User will be displayed.
searchIndicatorPlural - Enter text (for example, Speakers, Presenters). If left empty, the default word Users will be displayed.
Please note you must input both the singular and plural forms, otherwise the default 'users' will be displayed.
pageSlug - Enter a unique semantic slug for the group page. This will be used in the link to the group page URL (for example, www.yourvideoportal/{pageSlug}). Only lowercase alphanumeric characters are allowed. If left empty, the group ID will be used in the URL.
permission - From the drop-down, select the minimum role allowed to access the page:
- Guest override
- anonymousRole
- viewerRole
- privateOnlyRole
- adminRole
- unmoderatedAdminRole
- Specific Users/Groups
Select the minimum role allowed that can access this page. Set as 'anonymousRole' to allow guests to view the page. If your KMS does not support anonymous users, choose 'guest override' to make this page public to all.
Click +Add 'groupPage' and repeat the process to create another group page.
This allows you to 'promote' users to a carousel above (limited to 20 users).
Click +Add "promotedUsers" and then configure the following:
- userId - Click Select Users and choose users to promote. If a corresponding user has been configured, the system will trigger auto-complete.
- order - Specify the order of promoted users in the carousel. Promoted users are arranged from left (lower value) to right (higher value) within the carousel.
Repeat this process to add more promoted users.
Click Save.
This module allows you to specify the items visible at the top right of the navigation bar ('header') or within the user drop-down menu. Additionally, you can use it to add a link to your My Profile page, whether it's accessed through the user menu or directly from the navigation bar.
Enable the module
- Go to your KMS Configuration Management console, and navigate to the Headermenu module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/headermenu.
- enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
Configure the header menu
Click +Add "menu".
A new section appears with configurable fields.
Personal page options
To configure the URL or Menu option, follow the steps in the next section.
- type - Choose one of the options (My Media, My Playlists, My Channels, My History, My Live Rooms, My Powtoons, My recycle bin, My Content Analytics) from the drop-down menu.
- To add more items to the menu, click +Add "menu" and repeat the step above.
- When you've finished configuring your menu, click Save.
- type - Choose URL from the drop-down menu.
A new section displays. - Configure the following:
- label - Enter the URL label (name you want to display in the menu)
- link - Enter a URL. The URL may link to external sites (should start with http://) or an internal page (should start with /).
- sameWindow - Select whether the link should open in new window (target = _blank) or in the same window. This is applied to external links only(absolute URLs).
- linkLocation - Select whether the link should appear in the Header or in the User Drop Down.
To add My Profile to the user menu:
- Type = URL
- Label = My Profile
- link = /profile
- sameWindow = Yes
- linkLocation = User Drop Down
To add My Profile to the header:
- Type = URL
- Label = My Profile
- link = /profile
- sameWindow = Yes
- linkLocation = Header
- type - Choose Menu from the drop-down menu.
- label - Enter the Menu label (name of the menu)
- Click +Add "items".
A new section displays.- label - Enter the label for the menu item.
- link - Enter a URL. The url can link to an external site or to an internal page.
- sameWindow - Select whether the link should open in new window (target = _blank) or in the same window. This is applied to external links only (absolute URLs).
In our example below, we added a menu called 'Resources':
- Type = Menu
- Label = Resources
- link =
- sameWindow =No
Note that if administrators opt to keep the search bar open for all users in the Search module settings, any header menu items will be covered by the search bar.
Use this module to set up a Help or FAQ page with sections for questions, answers, and optional titles or "Contact us" links. After enabling, your page will be accessible via "/help" URL. Make sure there are no conflicts with other modules using the same slug, such as the Custompages module.
Note: This is a KMS-only module that depends on the Theming module.
Language tokens and exceptions are allowed so that the page's content can be translated to multiple languages.
You can configure a CTA button that directs users to a dedicated URL or sends an email using the "" syntax. Any user can view the help page by entering {KMS_URL}/help.
Getting started
enable - Use the enabled field to enable the page. You may keep this setting disabled while configuring the module.
pageTitle - Use the pageTitle field to set the top page title.
Contact Us button
contactUs - Adds a box on the top right of the help page with a clickable call to action button. Set to Yes to expand this section and configure the contact us fields.
titleText - Enter the title text to present at the top of the box.
buttonText - Enter the text for the Call to Action button.
buttonLink - Enter the URL for the Call to Action button ('mailto' tag is accepted).
bottomText - Enter the text to present below box (HTML markup supported).
Enter the title, the button and its link (you can use an "" link or a ""), and additional text below the button.
Sample Contact Us button
Questions and Answers aka FAQs
The helppage UI may be separated into sections for FAQ according to topics, or you may use just one section. You can place multiple questions and answers in each section.
Click "+ Add faqSections" to create a section.
title - Enter the section title in the title field:
Click +Addquestions to add questions and answers.
question - Enter the question text (plain text).
answer - Enter the answer text (HTML markup supported).
Note: You can add links and make text bold using html tags (e.g. <a> or <b>) in the questions or answers
The History module allows video portal users to access their watch history from the My History option in the user menu or header menu, or via https://{your_KMS_URL}/history. After enabling this module, you can configure the My History option in the headermenu module. For the My History user guide, visit our article My History.
Additionally, this module is used to enable the Resume Playback feature, displaying a progress bar below the video. This feature is applicable to both KMS and KAF applications.
Only the Resume Playback feature is available in KAF applications. The My History link is blocked in KAF applications.
Below is an example of a video portal user menu with the My History option.
- Go to your KMS Configuration Management console, and navigate to the History module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/history.
- Configure the following:
- videoEndPercent - Enter the percentage of the remaining playback to consider the video 'completely watched'. Reaching this percentage or higher will count as ‘finished watching’.
- videoEndSeconds - Enter the amount in seconds before the end of the video that will be considered as 'a completely watched video'. Reaching this amount of seconds or lower will count as ‘finished watching’.
- barColorBackground - Enter the hex code for the background color of the progress bar.
- barColorDone - Enter the hex code for the background color of the finished progress bar.
- emptyHistory - You can customize the message users see when reaching an empty History page by changing the text here. The default message is: 'Your feed is empty. But it doesn't have to be! Go to the Homepage or browse our Channels to fill your feed with amazing videos each and every day.
- deleteAllText - You can customize the message users see when clicking the 'Clear all History' button by changing the text here. The default message is: 'This will clear all your watch history, from other applications as well. Are you sure you want to clear your entire watch history? You can't undo this.'
- showUnlisted - Set to 'Yes' to show unlisted entries in the history.
- supportSecureEmbed - Set to 'Yes' to allow videos that are securely embedded to be added to history.
- addToHistoryTrigger - Choose the way videos are added to the user's history: 'Play' or 'View'.
'Play' = videos will be added with a play trigger (click on the Play button is needed if autoplay is not turned on).
'View' = videos will be added by landing on the video page. (Entries of type image will always be triggered by view event.) - Click Save.
The History module page displays.
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
resumePlayback - Set to 'Yes' to enable the resume playback feature. This feature displays an indicator bar below the video thumbnail, showing the progress. It allows both KMS and KAF users to resume watching from the last point viewed.
When set to 'Yes', the resumeplaybackOptions section opens:
Use this module to configure your MediaSpace home page/landing page. For more information see Setting the Home Page - Kaltura MediaSpace.
Hotspots add an extra layer of info on top of the player and can link to an external URL or a specific time in the video.
Note about players
To use hotspots, ensure your V2 player is upgraded to version 7. If you haven't upgraded yet, follow these step-by-step instructions. Also, make sure the Entrydesign module players are updated to V7. If your KMS/KAF instance has players that don't meet the minimum requirements, an alert will show their UIconf IDs. You can only save the Hotspots module configuration after upgrading legacy players.
In order to see the hotspots on your media, you must also enable the Hotspot plugin.
- Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Hotspots module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/hotspots.
- Set enabled to 'Yes' to enable the module.
- Click Save.
The Hotspots page displays.
Channel/Media Gallery Managers have the ability to import content from other Channels/Media Galleries they manage.
Field | Description |
enabled | Enable the Importchannel Module. |
The emailnotifications module lets you easily set up and customize email notifications to be automatically sent every time a user carries out a specific action. You can choose to enable email notifications for alerting channel moderators about new items awaiting moderation, informing media creators of the approval or rejection status for their content in a channel, and much more.
The 'Event Notifications' feature must be enabled on the account level for the email notifications and channel subscriptions feature to work. If your account does not have these features enabled, contact your account representative for additional information.
Changes to Application Specific notifications will only affect this application. Notifications of type Reach and External will take effect on all video portal (MediaSpace) and KAF instances under the same Kaltura Partner ID.
Configure the module
- Go to your Configuration Management console, and click the Emailnotifications module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/emailnotifications.
- Enable the module by selecting 'Yes'.
- Click Save to apply your changes.
- Click on the dedicated page link ('here').
The email notifications page displays.
Configure the notifications
On this page, you can enable the different email notification events and define the email templates for each. In each notification, the recipient, type, subject & body text and sender information will display.
There are three types: REACH, Application Specific, and External.
- REACH refers to notifications coming from the REACH module.
REACH notifications will appear in the list only when the REACH module is enabled and configured. Please see the Kaltura REACH V2 KMS/KAF Administration Guide for instructions on enabling and configuring the REACH module.
- Application Specific refers to notifications that are triggered by events in a specific application. Each application can have its own notifications. Different text and alerts can be sent according to the trigger location.
- External refers to global notifications that affect all applications under the same account. If you have a few Video Portal instances and a KAF, the same external notifications are sent by triggers from any instance events. These also include notifications from applications outside of Video Portal/KAF (API or KMC for example).
Please note you should only enable one email notification if you have both External and Application Specific to avoid getting duplicate emails.
- Click on the toggle button to enable the requested notification. Note that all enable switches are defaulted to OFF position.
- Click the pencil icon to configure the notification.
- Make the desired changes to the sender name, sender email, subject and / or body text.
Default Sender's Name and Sender's Email are "Kaltura Automated Response" and respectively. You can customize these fields per individual email notification. Only one value per field is possible.
Changing the Sender email requires additional actions from the customer's side and Kaltura side. The customer needs to approve Kaltura to send emails on behalf of their domain. This can be done via SPF record (Sender Policy Framework) by adding Then Kaltura can configure the requested email in the partner's admin console whitelist and edit each email notification template with the desired “Sender Email” value.
- Click Update.
- To enable, disable or edit the sender information for several notifications in bulk, select the desired notifications and click enable, disable or Edit Sender Info under the Bulk Actions menu.
- Click Update.
Notification types
Task rejected for execution
Recipient = the task creator, Type = Reach
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: MediaSpace - Your request was rejected for execution
- Body: Your {service_feature} request [#{task_id}]: For entry name {entry_name} and entry ID {entry_id} requested on {request_date} Was Rejected. Rejection reason is {reject_reason}
Task Pending Moderation
Recipient = Configured Users, Type = Reach
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: MediaSpace - New request is awaiting approval
- Body: New task is pending approval for entry name {entry_name}, entry id {entry_id}. Task was requested on {request_date} by {creator_name}({creator_email}). In order to approve please go to the services requests page in [AppTasksUrl]
Task Finished Processing
Recipient = the task creator, Type = Reach
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: MediaSpace - Your request has finished processing.
- Body: Your {service_feature} request [#{task_id}]: For entry name {entry_name} and entry ID {entry_id} requested on {request_date} finished processing. To view task go to{entry_id}
Task approved for execution
Recipient = the task creator, Type = Reach
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: MediaSpace - Your request is approved for execution
- Body: Your {service_feature} request: For entry {entry_name} with {entry_id} requested on {request_date} Was approved. {service_feature} will be automatically uploaded to your video upon completion. To view progress go to{entry_id}
New Item Pending Moderation
Recipient = Category Moderators, Type = Application Specific
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: MediaSpace - Your request is approved for execution
- Body: Your {service_feature} request: For entry {entry_name} with {entry_id} requested on {request_date} Was approved. {service_feature} will be automatically uploaded to your video upon completion. To view progress go to{entry_id}
Entry Approved In Category
Recipient = The Entry Creator, Type = Application Specific
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: MediaSpace - Your request is approved for execution
- Body: Your {service_feature} request: For entry {entry_name} with {entry_id} requested on {request_date} Was approved. {service_feature} will be automatically uploaded to your video upon completion. To view progress go to{entry_id}
Entry Rejected In Category
Recipient = The Entry Creator, Type = Application Specific
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: MediaSpace - Your Media has been rejected
- Body: Your media {entry_name} <a href="{entry_id}">{entry_id}</a> has been rejected to be published in <a href="{category_name_encoded}/{category_id}">{category_name}</a>
Entry Rejected
Recipient = The Entry Creator, Type = Application Specific
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: MediaSpace - Your Media has been rejected
- Body: Your media {entry_name} has been rejected
Entry Rejected
Recipient = The Entry Creator, Type = External
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: Your Media has been rejected
- Body: Your media {entry_name} has been rejected
Entry Approved
Recipient = The Entry Creator, Type = Application Specific
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: MediaSpace - Your Media has been approved
- Body: Your media {entry_name} has been approved
Entry Approved
Recipient = The Entry Creator, Type = External
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: Your Media has been approved
- Body: Your media {entry_name} has been approved
Entry Ready
Recipient = The Entry Creator, The Account Owner, Type = Application Specific
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: MediaSpace - Entry is Ready for Publishing: {entry_name}/ ID: {entry_id}
- Body: Hello,<p>A new entry is ready for publishing:</p><p>Entry Name: {entry_name} <br>Entry ID: {entry_id}<br>Entry Creator: {creator_name}, {creator_id}/{creator_email}<br>Entry Link: <a href="{entry_id}">{entry_id}</a> </p>
Entry Ready
Recipient = The Entry Creator, The Account Owner, Type = External
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: Entry is Ready for Publishing: {entry_name}/ ID: {entry_id}
- Body: Hello,<p>A new entry is ready for publishing:</p><p>Entry Name: {entry_name} <br>Entry ID: {entry_id}<br>Entry Creator: {creator_name}, {creator_id}/{creator_email}<br>Entry Link: <a href="{entry_id}">{entry_id}</a> </p>
User was added to category as [role]
Recipient = The Category Member, Type = Application Specific
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: MediaSpace - You have been added to {category_name}
- Body: You have been added as {role} to <a href="{category_name_encoded}/{category_id}">{category_name}</a>
User's role was changed in category
Recipient = The Category Member, Type = Application Specific
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: MediaSpace - Your {category_name} role has changed
- Body: Your role in <a href="{category_name_encoded}/{category_id}">{category_name}</a> has changed and is now {role}
User was removed from category
Recipient = The Category Member, Type = Application Specific
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: MediaSpace - You have been removed from {category_name}
- Body: You have been removed from {category_name} by the user {remover_user_id}
Entry was added to channel
Recipient = Channel Subscribers, Type = Application Specific
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: MediaSpace - A new media was added to {category_name}
- Body: Media {entry_name} was added to <a href="{category_name_encoded}/{category_id}">{category_name}</a>. You can see the media here: <a href="{entry_id}">{entry_id}</a>
Comment was added to entry
Recipient = The Entry Creator, Type = Application Specific
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: MediaSpace - A new comment was added to your video {entry_name}
- Body: A new comment was added to your media {entry_name}. Comment: {comment_text}. You can see the media here: <a href="{entry_id}/{category_id}">{entry_id}/{category_id}</a>
User replied to a comment
Recipient = The Original Comment Creator, Type = Application Specific
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: MediaSpace - A new reply was added to your comment
- Body: A new reply was added to your comment on media <a href="{entry_id}/{category_id}">{entry_name}</a> by {reply_user_id}.<br/> Reply Text: {comment_text}
User deleted a comment
Recipient = The Comment Creator, Type = Application Specific
- Sender Name: {from_name}
- Sender email: {from_email}
- Subject: MediaSpace - A comment was deleted from media {entry_id}
- Body: The comment id {comment_id} was deleted from media <a href="{entry_id}/{category_id}">{entry_name}</a> by {delete_user_id} <br/>Original Comment: {comment_text}
Content parameters
The following parameters are available:
The term 'category' in this guide refers to both a 'gallery' and 'channel' in the Video Portal (MediaSpace) and to the Media Gallery in KAF applications.
- from_email - sender email
- from_name - sender name
- from_email - Server configuration: partner_notification_email
- from_name - Server configuration: partner_notification_name
- entry_id - entry ID
- entry_name - entry name
- comment_text - comment text
- comment_id - comment ID
- category_id - category ID (entry context)
- delete_user_id - ID of the user who deleted the comment
- creator_id - entry creator user ID
- creator_name - entry creator name
- creator_email - entry creator email
- category_name_encoded - HTML-encoded category name (better to use in the message body)
- reply_user_id - ID of the user who wrote the reply
- role - user role
- remover_user_id - ID of the user who executed this action
- request_date - date requested
- AppTasksUrl
- service_feature
- #{task_id}
- reject_reason - reason for rejection
The Kalturacapture module allows administrators to configure settings for creating entries with the Kaltura Capture application.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console, and click the Kalturacapture module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/Kalturacapture.
The Kalturacapture page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
AllowDownloadingClient - Set to 'Yes' to allow end users to download the Kaltura capture recording agent from KMS.
AddNewLabel - Select a label for the 'Add New' menu item. If left empty 'Kaltura Capture' will be used. Only relevant for the non-Theming header.
allowedRoles - Select who can use Kaltura Capture. If a role is selected, any role above it will also be able to use Kaltura Capture.
entryURL - Enter a url to show the user after the captured media is uploaded. Leave blank for KMS base url.
limitAppToken - Set to 'Yes' to limit the time of the Capture application token to 12 hours.
For the limitAppToken setting to apply to existing users, their appToken must first be cleared. If you need to clear the appToken for a user, you can refer to instructions here.
This module is used to enable and configure the KMS GO application on a mobile device.
KMS GO, is available for Android and iOS and is associated with your MediaSpace instance.
For more information about KMS GO, please see Kaltura MediaSpace GO (KMS GO).
This guide is intended for the Generic setup (default). If you are interested in more information for the branded setup (or customizing your application), please contact your Kaltura representative.
To enable the module:
- Go to your KMS admin page.
- Navigate to the Kmsapi module.
- Set Enabled to Yes.
Deep Linking
The next set of attributes builds the Deep Linking that is used to open a MediaSpace URL via the KMS GO application.
You may skip this section if you are using the Generic setup. If your app is branded by Kaltura, make sure to modify it to your custom values.
IOSAppId - The Apple application id that is used when smart banners on iOS Safari are displayed.
For the Generic setup, the default value is 1054967774.
iOSBundleId - The bundle ID of the iOS app to use to open the smart banner link.
For the Generic setup, the default value is com.kaltura.kmsv2.
AndroidAppId - The Android application id that is used when smart banners on Android mobile browsers are displayed.
For the Generic setup, the default value is com.kms.kaltura.kmsapplication.
deepLinkSubDomain - The iOS/Android branded application subdomain. Used for deep-linking.
For the Generic setup, the default value is kmsgoapplication.
storeAppName - The name of the branded mobile application.
For the Generic setup, the default value is Kaltura MediaSpace Go.
appStoreAppId - (iOS) Your app's App Store ID, is used to send users to the App Store when the app isn't installed.
For the Generic setup, the default value is 1054967774
storeAppLogoUrl - The URL for the branded application logo. Image dimensions: 64x64 pixels.
Keep empty to use the default logo. ((The image URL can be obtained by right-clicking on an image on your website and selecting "Copy image address".)
The following screen captures demonstrates the Generic setup and Deep Linking example:
The KMS GO Homepage
The next set of attributes are used to setup the KMS GO app home page.
homeCarouselMode - Set to Automatic to use the Web home carousel configuration or configure it manually for mobile.
Kaltura's best practice is to configure the mobile home playlist manually. Otherwise, you might experience an empty home page.
If Manual is selected, configure the Home Playlists section.
Home_Playlists - Define the playlists for the native home screen. Add as many playlists as you want, but the recommended number of playlists is less than 8.
- type - Select the type of playlist.
- name - Enter the playlist name that will be displayed.
The first playlist defines the videos in the carousel.
1st example; is a dynamic playlist option "Most Recent", with the name 'What's New".
2nd example; It is very useful to add a playlist that features a channel on the home page. Note that if the channel is not public, it will only be displayed after users have logged in. See example:
Note that you can subscribe to Channels. To set a subscription, go to MediaSapce Channel Subscriptions.
3rd example; For a specific channel playlist, AKA Podcast, choose the following setup as in this example:
The following screenshot demonstrates the home page with three playlists examples.
Global Attributes
playerAutoPlayOnLoad Should the video begin playing automatically when the entry page loads?
mobileSessionLifeTime - The length of a mobile KMS user session (in seconds). Note that every KMS SaaS version deployment will force a new session (on top of the value input here).
appColorR - The R value for RGB that is used as the custom brand color of the app. Input a number between 0-255.
Note: RGBalpha fields cannot be partially filled out.
appColorG - The G value for RGB that is used as the custom brand color of the app. Input a number between 0-255.
Note: RGBalpha fields cannot be partially filled out.
appColorB - The B value for RGB that is used as the custom brand color of the app. Input a number between 0-255.
Note: RGBalpha fields cannot be partially filled out.
The following screenshots demonstrate the application color RGB(0, 255, 255).
splashImageUrl - Set an image URL for the KMS GO app splash screen. The splash image is displayed at the app start.
Use an image size of 192x131, URL must be a secured URL (begin with https://).
The image URL can be obtained by right-clicking on an image on your website and selecting "Copy image address".
The following are an examples of an image URL and a splash image:
downloadEnabled Enable to allow downloading media for offline viewing.
- downloadQuality Choose the rendition/flavor of the video to be available for users to download for offline playback. High downloads are the highest quality possible (in terms of dimensions and bitrate) and low is the lowest.
- downloadToGoQuality Chooses the quality of the video to be available for users to download for offline playback.
When enabled, Downloading media can be accessed via tapping the three dots icon on a media page (left figure below), or by swiping a media to the left from a vertical view of a gallery or a playlist (right figure below).
smartBannerEnabled Enable the smart banner for Android and iOS applications.
When opening your KMS links on a mobile device via the browser, Kaltura automatically pushes a banner at the bottom of the page inviting the end user to open the Kaltura Go app instead.
dontShowLoginInMyPage Don't show the login button on my page.
When set to 'No', the login button is displayed on My Page (see left figure). When set to 'Yes', the login button is not displayed (see right figure).
uploadEnabled Enable displaying the upload functionality.
When set to 'Yes', the Upload button is displayed on the bottom navigation bar, as seen below:
showMySubscriptionSection Enable displaying the list of channels on top of the home screen that the user is subscribed to.
playlistContinuousPlay Select whether the playlist entries should play automatically one after the other.
allowPushNotifications Allow the app to push notifications on Android and iOS mobiles.
hideInspireMe Selects whether to hide or show the Inspire Me section.
hidePublisherName Selects whether to hide the entry's publisher name.
iosTermsOfUse - Add the terms of use that will be displayed to the user on iOS devices.
Note: For translation, fill this field with 'terms_of_use_ios' and translate via a PO file.
androidTermsOfUse - Add the terms of use that will be displayed to the user on Android devices.
Note: For translation, fill this field with 'terms_of_use_android' and translate via a PO file.
Go to Settings and select Legal for the KMS GO End User License Agreement.
spotlightSearchEnabled Enable spotlight Search from outside the application on iOS. Spotlight lets you search your entire Mac or iOS device at once. When using this feature, you may not want a certain file type disaplying in your search results.
adTagUrl - Add the URL for the IMA (Interactive Media Ads) to enable DFP (DoubleClick for Publishers – to display ads on top of videos).
idleTimeout - Max allowed idle time before the session’s timeout (in seconds). To disable the idle timeout, enter 0.
disableIosBackgroundSnapshot Disable the cache background snapshot in iOS.
Selects whether the shared URLs will be deep links.
For example, when shareUrlAsDeepLinks is set to No:
For example, when shareUrlAsDeepLinks is set to Yes:
deleteRecordedContent When enabled, content that is recorded using KMS GO will not be stored on the user's device after upload.
appleAppSiteAssociation - Add the apple-app-site-association response for deep linking. Associated domains establish a secure association between domains and your app so you can share credentials or provide features in your app from your website. Log into your Apple developer account and go to the app's ID page. Enable the Associated Domains app service. Take note of your Prefix (bundle ID) and your ID (team ID) - you will need them later. Add the "Associated Domain" capability to your app in Xcode, and add your web servers' domain as an associated domain.
webAuthenticationLogin Use web authentication login instead of Webview login. WebView by default only displays a web page.
KMS GO App Known Limitations
- The 'sslettings' field must be set to 'login' or 'all site' (cannot be 'none'). Set sslSettings' in the KMS admin under Auth/sslsettings. This is due to Apple's requirement.
- For iPad users - The app can be used on an iPad, Note: it is an iPhone app (not a Universal app) when you search for it in the store.
- Authentication:
- All authentication methods are supported, including Multi Auth.
- For SAML authentication method - In order for the Identity Provider (IP) to clean the session on its side, you will need to configure the following settings on your MediaSpace instance SAML module:
- logoutRedirectUrl – fill in the IP logout URL.
- useInternalLogoutPage – Set to 'NO'. This configuration effects whether the users will be redirected to KMS web logout page or to an external one.
Currently SAML module configuration is shared between KMS WEB and KMS GO. Therefore, KMS Web will be effected from this setting as well.
For more information on SAML settings for Kaltura MediaSpace see the Kaltura MediaSpace SAML Integration Guide.- In Android, when configuring SSO via HTTP authentication, the user will not be able to log out after the initial log-in.
This is due to an Android limitation.
Work around: To log-out, the end user will either have to clear the app data via device settings, OR uninstall the app and re-install it again.
In the Listpage module, admins are able to create a new type of page containing a list of thumbnails with descriptions, each with links to external or internal pages.
Note: KMS only Module. Depends on the Theming module.
Page configurations
Enable the module, and start creating your pages. Click the Add "listPage" button to create a new page.
General page settings
Here are the general configurable options available for each page:
- Page Title - Use the pageTitle field to set the top page title.
- Page Description - Set a description to show at the top of the page using the pageDescription field.
Create the List
Use the Add placeholdersList button to create a new line in the list called a list item, or a placeholder.
For each placeholder, the following configs are available:
- Title - Set the list item title from the title field.
- Description - Set the list item title from the description field.
- Thumbnail - Set the list item title from the thumbnailUrl field. A 16:9 aspect ratio is suggested.
- Links - Setup links at the bottom of the list item, using the Add buttons button. Enter a link and a text for each
Each such placeholder can hold many links, however three to four is the recommended number, depending on the text of each button.
Publish your page
Each created page will have a Path making it available for users per the Permissions set in the config:
- Path/URL - Select the custom page's URL using the pageSlug field.
- Enter alphanumeric only with no spaces, with special care for capital letters (recommended not to use capital letters). Signs such as Underscore ("_") are accepted, however, do not use Space (" ").
- The results will be a new URL in the application https://{your_site_url}/{slug}
(e.g. Enter the slug 'help' to create a help page in the URL).
- Permissions - Choose who can navigate to the selected page using the permission field.
- The selection is of a minimum role, starting with everyone, up to a limited availability.
- To allow this page for guests/anonymous users:
- Set 'anonymousRole' to allow guests to view the page if your site is set to support anonymous users (set from the auth module).
- If your KMS does not support anonymous users, choose 'guest override' to make this page public to all users.
When choosing a path make sure it is available first. For example, the Helppage module provides a page in the /help path, do not use that path if that module is already used.
Page example
Media stitching allows users to stitch or splice together multiple videos and images to create a new, original video.
- Go to your KMS or KAF admin page, and click on the Mediastitching module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/Mediastitching.
The Mediastitching window page displays.
- Configure the following:
- Click Save.
Enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
ImageDuration - Choose the duration you want (default is 5 seconds).
This module is used to provide the ability to create, publish, and search for Kaltura Meetings Rooms in the site. This module depends on the Newrow module.
enable - set to Yes to enable the module.
allowedUsersOrRoles - Who can create a Kaltura Meeting Room.
advancedEntrance - How long (in seconds) before the event is scheduled to begin, can attendees join the meeting room, if a moderator started the room.
roomTemplates - Here is where you setup the default room template. Available room templates' owners can use these templates for their personal rooms.
availableRoomTemplates - Choose which templates room owners may use for their rooms when they create a room or when editing the room settings using the Room Mode drop down.
defaultRoomTemplate - Select the default room template for all new rooms created in the account.
Related Modules
Newrow module
The oEmbed Endpoint in KMS is able to accept the entry page URL as input and not only the copied link from the 'share / oEmbed' tab.
In addition to this type of URL:
https://[MediaSpace URL]/id/[entry ID]?width=400&height=285&playerId=12345678
this type of URL may be used:
https://[MediaSpace URL]/media/[Entry Name]/[Entry ID].
This improves the flexibility with oEmbed-supported destinations.
Field | Description |
enabled | Enable the Oembed Module. |
type | Which type of oEmbed code should be displayed? 'Short' is the common type. For example: http://url.for.mediaspace/id/xyz, where xyz is the media asset ID (entry ID). 'Short' links are valid URLs. A 'Short' link entered in a browser loads MediaSpace with the video loaded in the player. 'Full' is much longer than 'Short.' Use 'Full' when your oEmbed 'consumer' cannot convert a link embed code to a full oEmbed request. |
enableCustomization | When a user selects 'oEmbed' for the 'Select Embed Type' option, should the options for selecting a player skin and player size be displayed? Note: If you enable customization, your oEmbed must be able to accept the oEmbed link format that is created. |
playerId | What player ID (uiConf ID) should be used to display the embedded video? Note: If you are not sure, enter 'default' (without quotes) or leave the playerId field empty. MediaSpace will use the value of the first embedSkin config. |
height | What is the height (in pixels) of the oEmbed player? Enter only the number. |
width | What is the width (in pixels) of the oEmbed player? Enter only the number. |
The OneDrive module lets users upload content directly from their personal OneDrive folder by adding a OneDrive button to the creation tools menu.
Before enabling the module, you should register an application in Microsoft Azure with the redirect URI https://{siteURL}/onedrive/index/blank-page. For detailed steps, check out our article Import from OneDrive to Kaltura.
Please note that captions / transcripts are not included when uploading Onedrive files.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console, and click the Onedrive module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/onedrive.
The Onedrive page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
allowedRoles - Select the minimum role be able to import files from OneDrive. Choose from the following:
- Specific users
- PrivateOnly Role
- Admin Role
- UnmoderatedAdmin Role
applicationId - Enter the application (client) ID from the application page in Microsoft Azure. If you haven't got an application ID yet, read the instructions in our article Import from OneDrive to Kaltura.
3. Click Save.
This is a KMS-only module that depends on the Theming module.
The Personalprofile module provides the ability to create a My Profile page in KMS Video Portal. Users can access their profile by visiting {KMS_URL}/profile, where they can view and update their information. Each profile is visible to all logged-in users and has a unique URL.
In this module, admins can customize what information appears on the user's info card, which fields are editable, and the header background for all profiles. They can also enable the groupChange feature, allowing users to switch groups.
Presenters, as defined in the presenters module, will have a tab on their profile displaying all media where they are presenting. Additionally, the profile owner can access a tab showing their watch list if the watchlater module is enabled.
When 'Created by' links are enabled, they will direct users to the creator's profile page instead of a search page.
- Page UI - Use the headerBannerDefaultImg field to set a custom banner at the top of the page.
- User Fields - In the fields section, you can choose which user fields to show, and which can the user edit.
- Editing - To allow any editing in the page by the user, turn on the allowEdit field. Note, that the editing of each field can be limited from the fields section.
- Once editing is allowed, you can also allow upload of user thumbnail. If no thumbnail available, initials will be used instead.
Once you have enabled and configured the PersonalProfile module, you can add a "My Profile" link to the site's user menu on the top left.
To do so, navigate to the Headermenu module, click the "add menu" button, and set the new menu item as described below:
- Type = URL
- Label = My Profile
- link = /profile
- sameWindow = Yes
- linkLocation = User Drop Down
Profile page features
Each user profile is visible to all logged in users, and has a unique URL.
Any user can reach their profile by entering {KMS_URL}/profile. This will allow them to view their info and to update elements of their profile as allowed by the admin.
Once enabled, ‘created by’ links will redirect the user to the creator’s profile page instead of a search page.
Presented Sessions
Users set as presenters (see presenters module), will have an additional tab on their profile showing all users the media in which they are presenting, per the viewing user's entitlements permissions.
This content presented on this tab is limited to scheduled live sessions and scheduled meeting rooms.
Watch List
The watch list tab, viewed by the profile owner only, will show the user’s their watch list (Admins permission required in the watchlater module).
This module allows you to add users to show as presenters to show on top of media entries. Once enabled, on each edit entry page, a new tab will show, allowing the owner of the entry to add a presenter. Note: This module replaces the kwebcast presenters, and deletes any users already used in kwebcast entries.
Field | Description |
enabled | Enable the Presenters Module. |
By default, media that is uploaded is private. In order for other Video Portal users to be able to publish it, you need to enable the Publish module.
- Go to your KMS Configuration Management console, and navigate to the Publish module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/publish.
- In the Publish window, set enabled to 'Yes'.
- Set the entry privacy status (default is Private).
defaultPublishStatusOnUpload - Define the default privacy for each newly uploaded media as follows:
- Private - Media will be visible to the content owner only.
- Unlisted - This allows the media owner to control the privacy mode. An unlisted entry can be viewed by anyone with the link to the entry page.
Note that this configuration is applicable only if Unlisted mode is enabled on your MediaSpace instance. You can check if it is enabled under Application > enableUnlisted.
- published - When you choose published, the PublishedChannel option displays:
- PublishedChannel - Allows you to set all uploaded media to automatically be published to a pre-selected channel. (Auto Publish)
- Click Select Channel.
- Enter the channel name or ID in the box that opens.
- Click Submit or Cancel.
- PublishedChannel - Allows you to set all uploaded media to automatically be published to a pre-selected channel. (Auto Publish)
- Set more parameters:
manPublish - This allows entries to be published to a list of categories from the menu, media, and upload. Disable this if you don't have access to the list of categories.
AppearsInIndicator - Setting it to Show enables the 'Appears In' indication on the media page and in the global search.
crossApplicationUnpublishing - This allows users to set content as private in one application and has it private across all other applications. - Click Save.
REACH offers two different service options, human captioning and ASR machine transcription, which can be used separately or together. Captions ordered directly within the Kaltura interface are automatically delivered and can be edited for quick review and modification.
Field | Description | Values |
enabled | Enable the REACH Module. |
ID of the REACH profile to use with Kaltura MediaSpace or KAF.The Reach profile includes the credit, and other parameters such as: moderation flow, file types etc. | At least one profile must be selected. | |
orderScreenText | Text to show on the order task form: 1000 characters max. |
unitFieldName | Select a label for the 'Unit' field . If left empty "Unit" will be used. |
viewEntryRequestsRole | Select the role required to access the entry task requests screen. | privateOnlyRole adminRole unmoderatedAdmin Role Co-Editor Owner |
orderer | Select who can order tasks. | Specific Roles Specific Users |
orderRole | The minimal role required to order tasks. | privateOnly Role admin Role unmoderatedAdmin Role Co-Editor Owner |
serviceTypeDefault | Select the default service type. | Machine Human |
Select the default service feature | Captions Translation Alignment Audio Description | |
sourceLanguageDefault | Select the default source language. | |
turnaroundTimeDefault | Select the default turnaround time. | |
serviceSelectionRole | The minimal role required for service selection. | privateOnly Role admin Role unmoderatedAdmin Role Specific Users |
featureSelectionRole | The minimal role required for feature selection. | privateOnly Role admin Role unmoderatedAdmin Role Specific Users |
TatSelectionRole | The minimal role required for TAT selection. | privateOnly Role admin Role unmoderatedAdmin Role Specific Users |
speakerSelectionRole | The minimal role required for speaker selection. | privateOnly Role admin Role unmoderatedAdmin Role
dashboardAccessRole | The minimal role required to approve task requests. Once a user/group is added in dashboardAccessRole, a new menu item displays for them on the User menu in KMS - "Services Request". | Specific Users admin Role unmoderatedAdmin Role |
requestApprovalRole | The minimal role required to approve task requests. | Specific Users admin Role unmoderatedAdmin Role |
notifiedUsers | Select specific users who will receive email notifications about items pending moderation. To customize notifications, go to email notifications configuration. | Enter the user name. Existing users may be found using the autocomplete feature: type in the first three characters of the user’s name. |
trustedUsers | Select users who do not need approvals for their requests. | |
categoryRuleOrderRole | Select who can order on category level. | Channel Manager Channel Owner |
captionEditRole | This role is required to open captions editor | privateOnly Role admin Role unmoderatedAdmin Role Co-Editor Owner |
allowProfilePermissions | Allow individual profile configurations. | Select Yes and then configure values for each profile according to the values in this article.
Kaltura Express Capture requires the Recorder module to be enabled on your partner. The Kaltura HTML recorder allows you to use your webcam and audio devices to record video or audio entries directly from your browser. (The browser must support webRTC.) Please see supported browsers and more information here.
This module is used to enable recording media.
enabled - Enable the Recorder module.
allowedRole - Select the users allowed to use this tool.
maxRecordingTime - Set the maximum allowed recording time in seconds. (Leave empty to remove limit).
browserNotSupportedText - Select the text to display when a user reaches the tool from a non supported browser. Use HTML to add links ( <a>tag).
ConversionProfileId - Fill in a custom conversion profile ID for recordings. Leave the field empty to use the default conversion profile.
playerId - Enter the id of the player that will be used to view recorded media before upload. The Player version must be v3.
addNewLabel - Select a label for the 'Add New'/Create menu items. If left empty 'Express Capture' will be used.
recorderOpenInNewTab - Select 'Yes' to launch the recorder in a new browser tab. Select ‘No’ to open in the same browser tab.
enableScreenCapture - Enable the screen recording option.
Related Modules
With the recycle bin module, you can activate a recycle bin for your KMS/LMS, empowering users to restore deleted items within a specified timeframe. Deleted items are temporarily stored in the recycle bin before permanent deletion. Once enabled, the recycle bin option will automatically appear in your video portal's navigation menu and as a button in your LMS.
If you don't see the Recyclebin module on your instance, please contact your account representative to have it enabled.
1. Go to your KMS or KAF admin page, and navigate to the Recyclebin module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/recyclebin.
The Recyclebin window displays.
2. Set enabled to 'Yes'.
3. Click Save.
Please contact your Kaltura account management or the Customer Care team if you encounter the following error message: Saving Configuration: FAILED - An error occurred while saving your configuration: You must enable this feature for the partner. Please check the logs for details.
Use the Related module to display related media items on the media page in KMS and KAF applications. Entries are displayed in a vertical list, in descending order from top to bottom, according to the entry's weight. For example, when displaying related videos by the number of matching tags per entry, an entry with three matching tags will appear above an entry with two matching tags.
Entries are categorized as related based on the following criteria:
- Entries that are published to galleries and channels, that are under the same root category.
- Entries a user is entitled to see.
- Entries with at least one identical tag to the main entry (excluding the main entry itself).
- Entries published to a restricted category (a category to which all logged-in users can view its content and only members or admin roles can contribute content to) are not displayed as related media.
In Kaltura's Video Portal, the 'Related Media' sidebar is the only place where weight-based ordering is applied. This sidebar utilizes the 'BM25' ranking algorithm from Sphinx. To learn more about how Sphinx determines relevance, you can check out the article How Sphinx relevance ranking works.
- Go to your KMS/KAF configuration management.
- Navigate to the Related module, or simply go to https://[Your_domain]
- Select Yes to enable the module.
- Enter a number to limit the related videos displayed on the media page.
- Click Save.
The graphic below demonstrates the related media on the media page.
To learn about the related video player plugin, Click here.
Media owners can replace their media, while keeping metadata, URL and analytics in place. The same functionality as in the KMC is available in KMS and is configurable in the Replacemedia module.
Only video entries may be replaced. Any time-based metadata on the entry will be kept in place and may be out of sync with the new media, The metadata should be manually adjusted.
Field | |
enabled | Enable the Replacemedia module. |
This module allows advanced MediaSpace admins to configure the rules that search engines will follow when crawling the sites.
When this module is enabled, the site exposes the "robots.txt" file (with the content as configured by the admin).
For more information, please visit:
This module is not relevant when the site is closed only for logged-in users, thus search engines cannot crawl it anyway.
This module enables admins to set up SSO authentication for their video portal using the SAML 2.0 standard. For detailed setup instructions and error log documentation, visit our article Kaltura Video Portal SAML integration guide.
This module is for the video portal only and does not support instances created by Kaltura Events.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Saml module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_videoportal_URL}/admin/config/tab/saml.
The Saml page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
metadataMode - Select Manual or Automatic. Choose Manual in most cases for greater reliability and control.
While Automatic mode retrieves and periodically refreshes IdP metadata from a URL, it is generally less stable. Manual mode allows you to directly configure and update the IdP metadata section, ensuring a more consistent experience. Automatic mode should only be used if your setup explicitly requires it.
enableMultiIdp - Enable using multiple IDPs (requires MultiAuth to be enabled)
loginRedirectUrl - Enter the URL to redirect the user when authentication is required (relevant only if metadata mode is set to Manual). For SP initiated it would be a URL where the request is posted. For IdP initiated a URL with the entity ID as a parameter.
SP Initiated Example:
IdP Initiated Example:
logoutRedirectUrl - Enter the URL to redirect the user after logout.
This field is only applicable if useInternalLogoutPage is set to "No" and metadataMode is set to "Manual". When the video portal session expires, the user is redirected to this URL, along with a SAML logout request. This request is made via POST request.
The video portal does not expire login session from the identity provider. For the logout request, video portal uses the value that was provided in the NameID element in the SAML login request.
relayStateUrlParam - Enter the parameter name used by the IdP to specify the redirect URL for relay state when in 'IdpFirst' mode. This defines the default redirect location if it’s not included in the request. For example, in PingFederate, this would be TARGET, while for most other SAML providers, it defaults to RelayState.
enableMetadataEndpoint - Enable the SP metadata endpoint to retrieve SP metadata. Once enabled, you can access the SP metadata at https://{hostBaseURL}/saml/index/sp-metadata. Make sure to replace {hostBaseURL} with the value specified in the host field of the spMetadata section below.
useInternalLogoutPage - If set to 'Yes', logging out will terminate the video portal session, and use the internal logout page instead of redirecting to the IdP logout page, accompanied by a message such as the following: You have signed out of MediaSpace. For improved security, we recommend closing all browser windows at the end of your online sessions.
allowKeepAlive - When set to 'Yes', session will be extended upon user's interaction. Default is 'No'.
logoutText - If useInternalLogoutPage is set to 'Yes', you can define a custom message to users. You can use HTML tags to display a message.
shouldNestRelayState - Choose whether to append the relay state as a regular query string or as a URL-encoded query string.
shouldPost - When set to 'Yes', the SAML request will be posted instead of using get. Default is 'No'.
shouldSignLogoutRequest - When set to 'Yes', the SP SAML logout request will be signed. Default is 'No'.
shouldDecodeRelayState - When set to 'Yes', RelayState will be decoded before redirect.
Configure the settings of this Service Provider (SP) as defined in the Identity Provider (IdP). name - Enter the entity ID of the service provider (video portal) as it was configured in your Identity Provider. For example: (this will be used as the SP entity ID). host - Enter the desired video portal alias URN (no https:// needed). Please note that only one video portal alias can be used with the SAML module. This is the host of your video portal instance (for example, The host can only be configured with a single URL per video portal instance. If you are using a custom alias for your video portal (for example,, use that alias instead. relayState - Enter the value for the relative URL to redirect the user after login if a relay state is not passed as part of the authentication request. The default is /. nameIdFormat - This field is only applicable for SP-initiated mode and will not function if the NameID is not released. Select from the following options:
certificate - (Optional) Enter the certificate information for encryption of the SAML response. Paste the content of the .crt file without the comment lines (for example, do not paste in: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE-----). Make sure all text is in a single line with no spaces or line breaks. See Generating a Certificate Workflow. The certificate value is used to encrypt the response provided by the IdP. The following example shows how the crt file would look including the comment lines and the extra line breaks that should be removed: privateKey - (optional) SP Private Key PEM format. The privateKey value is used to decrypt the response provided by the IdP. |
Configure the settings for the Identity Provider (IdP) as follows: host - IdP Host Name. Enter the Identity Provider's entity ID (for example, issuer - IdP Issuer: The entity ID of the Identity Provider as it appears in the SAML response (for example, name - Enter a user-friendly display name for the IdP (in English). certFilePath - Enter the full path on the video portal server where the SAML certificate is stored, including the file name. Make sure the certificate file does not contain comment lines like -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- or -----END CERTIFICATE-----. certFileContent - Use this field as an alternative to certFilePath. Paste the content of the .crt file without the comment lines (for example, do not paste in: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE-----). Ensure all text is in a single line, and leave certFilePath empty if using this field. |
userIdAttribute - (Optional) The SAML attribute containing the user id. When blank, NameID element will be used. Example: urn:oid: firstNameAttribute - (Optional) The SAML attribute containing the first name. Example: urn:oid: lastNameAttribute - (Optional) The SAML attribute containing the last name. Example: urn:oid: emailAttribute - (Optional) The SAML attribute containing the email. Example: urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 logoutUrlAttribute - (Optional) The SAML attribute containing the logout URL. Example: urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 When configured, if useInternalLogoutPage is set to No, the value passed in the attribute will be used instead of the value set in logoutRedirectUrl. |
In the defaultRole section, select the default role that should be assigned to each user that is authenticated. You can configure the option to retrieve the role of the user from the Identity Provider through the Auth module refreshRoleOnLogin setting every time a user logs in. This option allows you also, to define a default role for all users and then manually override the role through the MediaSpace user management section. allowDefaultRole - Set to 'Yes' or 'No'. role - Select the default role that should be assigned to each user that is authenticated. Choose from the following options:
Click +Add "roleAttributes to map attribute values to video portal roles. An additional section displays: Configure the following: attribute - Enter the SAML attribute name. value - Enter the SAML attribute value. role - Choose the mapped video portal role from the following options:
If more than one attribute value is found (a user belongs to multiple groups) the user will be mapped to the role that was defined in the last roleAttribute found.
In the following example the SAML response will be parsed to find an attribute named group. If the attribute is found in the assertion and its value is student, the user will get the privateOnlyRole.
Complete the following values:
roleAttributesCsv - Map attribute values to video portal roles. Each CSV row should include three values: attributeName, attributeValue, and videoportalRole. Invalid video portal roles would not be saved.
Click Load a new CSV to upload a CSV with role attributes.
storageDataEntryId - Enter the data entry ID that stores the parsed csv data
In the blockAuthorizationAttributes (optional), you can map individual groups and values that are returned in the SAML response and should lead to unauthorizing an authenticated user from using the video portal. Click +Add "blockAuthorizationAttributes". A new section displays: Complete the following: attribute - Enter the SAML attribute name. value - Enter the SAML attribute name. |
The unauthorizedBehavior (optional) is applicable only if the blockAuthorizationAttributes is used. If the field usersuseInternalUnauthorizedPage is in use (set to ‘Yes’), you can optionally set the text to be presented to the unauthorized user. If usersuseInternalUnauthorizedPage is not used, you can specify the URL where the user will be redirected to. Complete the following values: usersuseInternalUnauthorizedPage - Default is 'Yes'. If set to 'No', unauthorizedRedirectUrl will be used. unauthorizedRedirectUrl - (Optional) The URL to redirect the authenticated, but unauthorized users. Should be used only in cases where the customer wants authenticated users to be redirected to his self hosted page. unauthorizedText - (Optional) Enter the text to be shown in the internal unauthorized page. Leave empty to use the default text. |
nameIdStructureAsArray - Specify whether to construct the Name ID attribute as an array when building a SAML Logout Request (leave empty to use as a string).
3. Click Save.
Please see the Kaltura SAML Group Sync Administrator's Guide for the setup configuration.
Use the Scheduling module to:
- Set Entry's publish schedule to categories or channels.
- Sort and filter entries by scheduling range in my-media.
Field | Description |
enabled | Enable the Scheduling module. |
dateFormat | Define the date format for the time presented. |
Use the Securitytxt module to enable the “/security.txt” file in the site.
The security.txt file is a standard for websites' security information that is meant to allow security researchers to easily report security vulnerabilities. You can read more about it, and also create your own security text in
Field | Description |
enabled | Enable the Secuirtytxt module. |
configSecurityTxt | Enter the content for the security.txt file. |
The Share module lets you customize the options available in the share popup. While social sharing options are configured here, embed and Oembed functions remain managed through their respective modules.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Share module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/share.
The Share page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
socialShare - Choose which social networks should be available in the share popup. This includes the "Copy a URL" option for sharing media. Choose from the following options:
- Twitter ("X")
- Line
If no social networks are selected, no embeds are available, and there’s no content to display, the share button will not appear at all.
3. Click Save.
End result
The image below shows all the social networks and the URL link as they appear in the share popup.
Field | Description |
enabled | Enable the Sidemymedia module. |
limit | How many Sidemymedia items can be displayed? |
showInCategory | Should the module render the sidebar if in category context? |
Field | Description |
enabled | Enable the Sideplaylists module. |
limit | How many items can be displayed in a side playlist? |
items | Define playlists to display on the right side next to the player. |
label | Enter the playlist label. |
id | Enter the ID of the playlist to display. |
Please see the Kaltura SSO Group Sync Administrator's Guide for the setup configuration.
You can add static/content pages to your MediaSpace site. Static pages can be used, for example, to create help pages, privacy policies, etc. From the KMS Admin, enable the Staticpages module. After you enable the module, you can add multiple pages to your site. Each page should include a customized HTML code and can be identified by the slug field (the extension added to the MediaSpace link that refers to the page).
Find the fields and description below:
Field | Description |
Module Info | |
description | Create custom static pages in KMS. |
styling | It is best to use Bootstrap css classes in the markup. |
custom styling | Use inline styles, or consider using the cssupload Module. |
enabled | Enable the Staticpages module. |
title | The title of your page to display as the page header |
pageSlug | What is the unique semantic slug for your page? (e.g.www.yourvideoportal/<slug>) The unique identifier for the page to be accessed as a URL. For example, if you provide 'privacy' as a slug, you can add links to your static page as [MediaSpace URL]/privacy. You can add these links in Navigation or Headermenu modules or anywhere you want to include links to your pages within the MediaSpace site. |
permission | Select the minimum role allowed that can access this page. Set as anonymousRole to keep this page public. Use the “guest override” field to allow anonymous users to access static pages even if anonymous is turned off in KMS. |
content | What is the content of this page? You can use HTML and Bootstrap. |
The Styling Module for Video Portal (aka MediaSpace) and KAF administrators, provide the ability to create a new style based on most common use cases. With the Styling module, admins can view the newly generated theme, and share it with other admins before setting it up on production.
This guide demonstrates the V2UI Styling capabilities, for the new Theming Feature Set, see Theming.
For advanced theme creation, for which a deep CSS understanding is required, please use Kaltura’s Cssupload Module
Custom CSS Fonts
Enable - Select Yes to enable the Styling module
Fonts - Select +Add"fonts" These fonts will be available in custom CSS and in the Font selectbox on the styling page
- familyName- Font family name that will be used in CSS and will be appended to the Font select box on the styling page.
- fallbackFonts- Font families and font types which should be used as a fallback when the desired font family is not ready or doesn't exist (comma-separated list, like in CSS specifications).
Specifying generic font type (like
) is mandatory.Example:
'Helvetica Neue',Arial,sans-serif
type - Font assets source type:
System font - use worldwide supported font by name
Import from URL - use an external font service (like Google Fonts)
Upload files - upload your own font asset files
isCssApplied - This field indicates whether the style created in the Styling Module is applied on the site or not. Click Reset to clear all previously set styles.
The Styling Configuration Page
The Styling Configuration page provides administrators with an interface where they can modify look and feel attributes like text color, background color, and fonts.
Use the link provided in the description to access the new Styling Page.
The Styling Configuration page displays.
Here is a list of the items that can be modified in the Styling module:
Tab Location | Attribute | Description | Visual |
Fonts & Text | Font | This modifies the default MediaSpace font. |
Fonts & Text | Text Color | This modifies the default text color within MediaSpace. |
Fonts & Text | Links Color | This modifies the color of hyperlinked text within MediaSpace, as well as certain icons and other dominant UI elements. |
Fonts & Text | Links Color (:hover) | This modifies the color of hyperlinked text that is currently being interacted with by the end user, as well as certain icons and other dominant UI elements that are being interacted with by the end user |
Page Elements - Buttons | Buttons Color | This modifies the text color and border color of buttons. |
Page Elements - Buttons | Buttons Color (:hover) | This modifies the text color of buttons when they are active or being hovered by a user. |
Page Elements - Buttons | Primary Buttons Color | This modifies the background color and border color of primary buttons. |
Page Elements - Buttons | Primary Buttons Color (:hover) | This modifies the background color of primary buttons when they are active or being hovered by a user. |
Page Elements - Buttons | Danger Buttons Color | This modifies the background color and border color of danger buttons. |
Page Elements - Buttons | Danger Buttons Color (:hover) | This modifies the background color of danger buttons when they are active or being hovered by a user. |
Page Elements - Background | Header Background | This modifies the background color of the KMS header. This area that contains the logo and primary navigation. |
Page Elements - Background | Footer Background | This modifies the background color of the KMS Footer at the bottom of each page. |
Page Elements - Background | Page Background Color | This Modifies the background color of the primary content wrapper. |
Page Elements - Background | Tags Color | This modifies the border as well as font color of any tags associated to videos. |
Menus - Header Navigation | Header Navigation Text | This modifies the color of both the text and the underline effect on the primary navigation. |
Menus - Header Navigation | Header Navigation Text (:hover) | This modifies the color of both the text and the underline effect on the primary navigation when hovered. |
Menus - Dropdown Menus | Dropdown Menu Text | This modifies the color of the text and icons in dropdown menus |
Menus - Dropdown Menus | Dropdown Menu Text (:hover) | This modifies the color of the text and icons in dropdown menus when that element is actively hovered. |
Menus - Dropdown Menus | Dropdown Menu Background Color | This modifies the background color of a dropdown menu. |
Menus - Dropdown Menus | Dropdown Menu Background Color (:hover) | This modifies the background color when a child element of a dropdown menu is hovered or clicked. |
Extras | Black & White Home Page Thumbnails | This applies a black and white filter to the home page playlist thumbnails below the carousel. On hover, filter is removed, and thumbnail will come back to full color. |
Extras | Black & White Home Carousel Thumbnails | This applies a black and white filter to the home page carousel background thumbnails. The small thumbnail in the carousel will keep its color. |
Extras | Black & White Channel/Galleries Thumbnails | This applies a black and white filter to the gallery thumbnails, and the channel’s playlist and media thumbnails as well (but not to the header). On hover, filter is removed, and thumbnail will come back to full color. |
Extras | Black & White Channel Thumbnails | This applies a black and white filter to the channel’ thumbnails within the All-Channels and My-Channels pages. On hover, filter is removed, and thumbnail will come back to full color. | |
Extras | Remove Media Type Icon | Remove the little icon indicating the media type from the thumbnails top left corner. | |
Extras | Carousel Buttons Always On | Set the left and right buttons of the home carousel to always show. When off, the buttons will be displayed only when hover. |
Administrators can use the Templatepages module to create multiple pages containing different components suitable for each page. Once a template page has been configured, use the CustomPages module to set it with its own unique URL and permissions.
To learn more, visit Create and use a template page.
Applies exclusively to the Video Portal. The Theming module must be enabled.
Watch the video tutorial or follow the steps below.
Go to your Management Console, and click the Templatepages module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_site_url}/admin/config/tab/templatepages
The templatepages module page displays.
Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
previewPlayerId - This is the player ID that will be used for hero and single player components across all pages. The player will be automatically created upon enabling the module.
heroPlayerAnalytics - By default, player analytics for the hero banner on template pages are disabled because the player operates in a "gif" mode. To activate analytics for the hero carousel player, simply set to 'Yes' to enable this option.
Create a template page
Click the +Add TemplatePage button. This will allow you to create a page from any of the template pages.
At the top of your new template page there are three general page fields:
pageName - Enter a name for your page. This name will be presented in other modules when prompted to select a template page from a drop-down list. For example, in the Custompages module.
pageTitle - Enter a title for the page. This title will show on the browsers' tabs names.
pageHeader - Enter a header for the page (optional field). This header will show on the top of the page only when using a Hero unit.
Page elements
There are three types of elements on the page that as a page builder you can choose from:
Below you will find the information on each type.
Navigation bar
For each page, a navigation bar will be presented. You can choose from two types of navbars: Site Navigation or Clean NavBar.
Site navigation
This navbar will present the same navbar as the site's navigation. This navbar is controlled from the navigation module, and will be the same on all the site's pages.
Clean navbar
This navbar will provide simplified and clean navigation. Limited to a call to action button and a custom logo, this will provide different settings for the page.
If you choose a clean navbar, an additional window displays:
Configure the following fields:
logoImageUpload - Upload your own or use the site's logo.
logoAltText - enter alternate text for the logo
logoLink - Select the click behavior of the logo
If you'd like to present a call to action button, fill in the callToAction section.
If you'd like to present the language selector (assuming it is available on the site), set the showLanguageSelector field to 'Yes'.
Hero unit
A hero unit is a component that can only be available at the top of the page. This is for a few reasons, mainly because of the interaction with the navbar and its transparency. It's not mandatory to have a hero unit on the page.
You can select from two types of hero units: Player Carousel or Text & Counter.
Player carousel
This hero will present a dynamic carousel, playing back a list of live or VOD media on a muted player to create a feeling of a live site and moving elements. The video is muted, and cannot be played in the ordinary way - you could consider it as a carousel of GIFs.
Note the heroPlayerAnalytics option above. By default, player analytics for the hero banner on template pages are off due to the "gif" mode. To turn on analytics for the hero carousel player, just set it to 'Yes'.
There are three sets of media that can be displayed on the carousel: Live events, VOD playlist, or Images.
- liveCategory - select the category from which the live sessions will show. Leave it empty to not show live media on the banner.
When choosing a category is name/ID, entitlements may apply and hide any media not published in the site.
Select a fallback option - 'VOD Playlist' or 'Images and CTA list' (see how to configure these below below).
- VOD list - Select a playlist to show using the vodPlaylist section. Note that the available playlist types include a custom playlist and a channel playlist. If no VOD list is selected, the hero unit will not show on the page. Live media will be presented at their scheduled time. Meaning, if the event is not live, the player and carousel will not show. If no media is live at that moment, the hero will fall back to present either on the player the VOD list of media or the images.
Scheduled Room type media is not supported.
- Image List - You can add up to 8 images to the hero carousel. In the imageCarousel window, configure the following:
- uploadHeroImage - Upload the image you want in your hero.
- imageAlt - Add an alt text string (this will be shown if the image doesn't load immediately)
- Title - Add a title or wording you want to be shown on the image.
- Description - Add short description to be shown on the image (optional).
- Add a CTA url - Add a link for the users to navigate to when they click the CTAbutton.
- callToActionText - Add text you want to show on the CTA button.
You can add more images to the hero carousel by clicking +Add "ImageCarousel" repeating the steps above.
For more than one image, you will need to type the carousel transitions interval (in seconds) in the carouselInterval field. For best results, it's recommended to have a 30-second transition time.
Users can always skip between elements, and for accessibility reasons, the carousel transitions can always be stopped by the end user.
The image below is our hero with the 'imageCarousel' configuration:
Text & Counter
This hero will show static texts and selected background at the top of the page with the option to add a time counter.
All elements on this hero unit are optional and can be hidden by leaving the fields empty.
- Enter the Title and Description to show at the top of the unit.
- Fill in a Start and End Date(fill in both or none) to show a "" element on the screen below the description. Acceptable date formats:
- Unix Timestamp - Example: 1580518923 (look for 'unix timestamp converter' in any browser)
- String format under the UTC time zone (Example: 2020-02-01T01:02:03)
- Add a Call-to-Action button. You can add one or two buttons, that will show up as a Primary and Secondary.
- Add a Time Counter to your hero unit, counting down to a specific time and date. The counter will disappear once it reaches the deadline.
- Upload a Background atmospheric image for the hero. We recommended a 1920x1080 resolution, with no text to prevent clashing with the formatted text on the hero.
The image below shows the hero with the 'Text & Counter' configuration:
Click +Add "components" to create a new component.
All components have a few shared fields:
Type - Select the type of component you want: Text only, Single Playlist, 2 Images Side by Side, News Images, Registration, Collection of channels, Banner & CTA, Group of users or Sessions.
Order - Fill in a number (larger than 0) for the order in which the components will appear on the page, for example 1 = highest position on the page. However, we suggest using large, non-consecutive numbers such as 10, 20, 30, as this will allow for simple changes in the future. For example, if you want to add a new component between the first and the second component, you can call it 15 and you won't have to renumber all your components.
Allowed Groups - This feature allows you to limit the visibility of each component to a selected set of users in a group/s. Leave empty to show to all users.
Note that the page is not limited to one component type per page. You can add many components of a single type of the page. However, please note that adding too many components will cause the page to load slower (for example, adding 100 playlists to the page will slow it down, and is not a good UX anyway).
Text only
This component is simple text which is centered on the page. The text color and background can be set (as shown in the example below).
Line breaks and other capabilities can be achieved using html tags (e.g. <br>)
Settings example:
Settings result:
Single playlist
This component shows a list of media in the form of a carousel.
headerText - Enter a title to show at the top left of your playlist(s).
headerLinkText - If you don't enter any text, the default "See All" is automatically set and will take the users to the playlist page.
Select the content of the playlist from the playlist section.
- If you choose Custom playlist, see note about Custom playlist below.
- If you choose Channel content, see note about Channel content below.
The forceShowContent will allow you to override entitlements for the playlist. However, the content will not be clickable.
(The "See All" link will also be removed or redirected to a link of your choosing in the headerLinkAction field.)
This feature is mainly used for external pages, where the site guests (unauthenticated users) will be able to get a sneak peek of the content.
If you select Custom Playlist, you have additional configurations:
playlistID - Enter the ID for your custom playlist.
PlaylistDisplay - Choose how the playlist is displayed when the viewer clicks "See All" - as a grid layout or as the playlist player page with the list of other entries in the playlist.
If you choose Channel content, an additional field displays:
contentType - This feature allows you to filter channel content, specifying VOD only or other types of content.
Choose from the drop-down options:
If you select the Choose from list option, an additional field displays:
mediaType - Select the types of media to show in the list.
itemsPerPage - Select how many thumbnails you want to display on the page.
Time Shift - Set a time in minutes where the the media will shift one thumbnail to the left. Leave empty to disable.
The image below shows a playlist configuration with three thumbnails:
User interaction with single playlist componentChannel Content Playlist:
Manual Custom Playlist:
Dynamic Playlist ('Most Recent', 'Recently Watched', etc. excluding 'Recently Watched' and 'Continue Watching'):
Two images side by side
Configure the left and right images using one of the following three options: image entry ID, image URL or image upload.
For best results, the aspect ratio of the image should be 16:9.
callToActionUrl - Add a link to navigate the users to. The link will open in a new tab. If left empty, the image will not be clickable.
AnalyticsString - This adds the "data-analytics" to the image tag. Enter a keyword or intuitive description, for example, 'tools'.
Not to forget - Alt Text for accessibility.
The image below shows two images side by side:
News images
This component shows images with texts in the form of a carousel. Each element on the carousel will open to an article. For information on creating news images, visit our article News Images playlist.
You can change the background color using the modalBoxMaskColor field.
After you have created a News Images playlist, enter the playlist ID.
Example of our configuration of two News images:
This component makes registering quick and easy for users. By clicking the Register button, the registration page opens on the side of the page for easy completion. No need to navigate elsewhere!
title - Enter a title for your registration page, for example, Register for the event.
buttonText - Add any text you want. If you leave the field empty, the default text Register will display.
scheduleTimeFrom - Enter the time you want registration to begin in unix time. Leave empty if you don't want to show a time.
Unix time is a common computer timestamp system. It counts seconds from 00:00:00 UTC on January 1, 1970, known as the Unix epoch, without considering leap seconds. You can use the on-line EpochConverter tool to convert your times.
scheduleTimeTo - Enter an end time (unix time). Leave empty if you don't want to show a time.
inScheduleText - Enter text that you'd like to display while registration is open.
outofScheduleText - Enter text to display after registration has closed.
If the Siteregistration module is disabled, this component won't be visible to users. In addition, if the registrationClosed function in the Siteregistration module is set to 'Yes', the component won't appear.
Below is an example of the Registration component on a MediaSpace site.
Collection of channels
This feature gives users an easy way to explore and access channel collections. Clicking 'See All' will take users to your channel collection page. If you don't have any channel collections yet, you can set them up in the ChannelCollections module.
If the ChannelCollections module is disabled, this component won't be visible to users.
headerText - Type in any name you'd like for the component header, for example, 'Our channel collections'.
headerLinkText - Select the text for the component header link (simple text). Leave empty to use the default text.
timeShift - This determines how often each thumbnail in the collection will move to the left. Simply enter a duration in minutes (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4) or leave empty to disable. The channels will appear on the page in the order specified in the ChannelCollections module's 'sortBy' field (the default sort you chose for your channel collection). The timeshift feature ensures that all channels will be displayed over time.
This shift occurs when the page is refreshed.
In the collection window, choose the channel collection you want to display on the page. All your channel collections appear in the drop-down menu.
forceShowContent - Choose 'Yes' to display all collection content to every user, regardless of entitlements. This makes the component unclickable, but you can still choose a different link for the component's items, for example if you want to use this templatepage as an external page / landing page that everyone can see.
headerLinkAction - This is where you can add a link to take your users to the page you choose.
channelsInLine - Choose how many channels you'd like to display on one line - 6 or 8. (Choosing 8 will reduce the size of each circle.) The thumbnails come from your channel. If you've added a banner icon (see our Edit a Channel article), it becomes the thumbnail. Otherwise, the thumbnail uses the banner's central background.
maxLinesNumber - Choose how many lines of channels to display from the drop-down menu. The default is 2 lines.
Below is an example of the Collection of Channels component on a Video Portal site in 2 rows of 8:
Banner & CTA
This component provides a banner with text, a call-to-action button and background image.
HeaderText - Add the text that you want to appear as a title on the banner.
DescriptionText - Add a description or text that you want to display below the header.
The more text you add, the bigger the banner will become.
Banner image - You have three options for adding an image: entryID, imageURL or imageupload. Feel free to upload any image size - the system adjusts it to fit perfectly.
Avoid using images with text as the text may be cut off on different screen sizes. Opt for atmospheric, text-free images for the best display.
Button - Enter text for the CTA button and the URL that will redirect users when they click it. (Note: If you have text but no URL, the button will not appear on the banner.)
OpenLinkInNewTab - Select 'Yes' to open button link in a new tab, or 'No' to open it in the same window.
All fields are optional. If you don't add an image, the banner will automatically use the design system colors.
Banner with a short description:
Banner with a long description:
Group of users
This component highlights a group of individuals, such as speakers or presenters, on your site's landing page. It presents a row of thumbnail images (or initials if no image is provided). Clicking on a group member's thumbnail opens a window displaying their bio, along with details of their previous or upcoming sessions. To navigate to that person's profile page, simply click on either See profile page or See all sessions.
This component requires the Grouppage module and Personalprofile module to be enabled.
headerText - Add the text that you want to appear as a title (for example "Meet our Speakers").
headerLinkText - Type the text you want to display on the right for users to click. Leave empty to use the default text “See All”.
group - Choose a group from the allowed groups in the Grouppage module to display its users on the page. Only the first 20 people will show on the page.
If no group is chosen, the component will be empty, and won't be displayed on the page.
uiType - Select how to display group members:
- Carousel - (default) People are displayed in a carousel format with right and left arrows for navigation. Users can scroll left to reach the last user on the list (round-robin).
- Side by Side - People are displayed horizontally next to each other without a carousel.
usersToShow - Select an option:
- Group list - Displays the first 20 people from the chosen group on the page, ordered alphabetically by name (A-Z).
- Promoted users only - Displays only the promoted people from the selected group on the page, following the manual ordering as set on the group page.
timeShift - The group members list will periodically shift by one person to the left. You can specify the duration of the shift in minutes. For example, if you have a group with 30 users and set a 1-minute shift interval, initially users 1 to 20 will be displayed. After 1 minute, users 2 to 21 will be displayed, and this pattern will continue until all users are displayed. Please note that the change will only take effect upon refreshing the page. If you want to disable this feature, simply leave the duration field empty.
This feature is only active when "Group list" is selected in the usersToShow field.
Below is an example of a Group of Users component. Clicking See All displays the group page, which is configured in the grouppage module:
The component displays scheduled sessions (live, simulive, KME) on 'session cards', where the Add to Calendar button automatically changes to Join Now a set number of minutes before the session begins - no page reload needed, ensuring users know exactly when to join.
By default, the Join Now button appears 15 minutes before the session begins. You can adjust this timing in the Widgets module by setting the SessionCardJoinNowIndication field to your preferred number of minutes.
This component requires the eventplatformcore module to be enabled.
Content - This is the source of the content. Once selected, an additional section displays:
- contentType - Select the content of the component (custom Playlist / Channel Content) by entering the playlist ID or searching for the channel.
- tagsFilter - Enter comma separated tags to further filter the playlist/channel content, displaying sessions only if they are tagged with any of the entered tags (meaning content in the channel AND with either tag x or y).
- tagsFilterType - Select from the drop-down list how multiple tags will be applied to the filter: media with any of the entered tags or media with all selected tags.
- forceShowContent - Select 'Yes' to override entitlements and display session cards (including media metadata, thumbnails, title, and more) to all users, including guests.
For guests only: All session card links will be disabled and the "Add to Watchlist" option will not be shown. This behavior will apply to content from all sources.
If you select 'No', content visibility will be based on entitlements.
headerText - Add the text that you want to appear as a title on the top left (for example 'Agenda').
LinktoSessionsText - Enter text to show at the top-right of the component as a text or link. To make it a link, enter a link URL in the LinktoSessionsUrl field (below). Leave empty to hide.
LinktoSessionsUrl - Enter a link to show at the top-right of the component. It will open in a new tab.
scheduleOrder - Choose the order of sessions in the list based on their scheduled time. You can select to display sessions with the earliest start times at the top and later sessions toward the bottom ('Earliest to Latest'), or reverse the order to show the latest sessions first and the earliest at the bottom ('Latest to Earliest').
The maximum number of session cards that will display is 50.
Once you have finished configuring your template page, click the Save button at the very bottom, which will save your new page, and will also clear the cache for the module and site.
To set up a homepage for your site, visit our article Setting up a homepage with Theming.
The Theming module lets you customize the appearance of your Video Portal with a unique set of pages and features. Using the theme builder, you can create and preview multiple themes to find the perfect look for your site's aesthetic or branding. Some pages are exclusive to Theming, while others can toggle between Theming and the non-Theming system. Check out the list below for Theming-based pages and features available to you.
KMS and KAF module. Enabling the module will set a different look and feel for the site's header. For KMS instances with custom CSS or styling, please contact your Kaltura representative.
Related modules
Enabling the Theming module is a prerequisite for the following modules:
- Custom Pages module
- Template Pages module
- Help Page module
- Personal Profile module
- Footer module
- ListPage module
- Login module
- Upload Media module
- Channel Theming UI module
- Channel Collections module
- Playlist Page module
- Search module
- Groups Page module
- Add New module
Working with themes
Enable and choose a theme
To get started, enable the module using the enable field.
There are two default themes available for use - Dark and Light. All the theming pages that are set to 'Yes' in the features section, will be affected by the theme selected.
To create your own custom theme, use the Themes section.
Create a theme
To create a custom theme
- Navigate to the Themes section, and click the +Add Themes button.
- Click Edit.
The Theme Builder displays.
You can create and manage your theme from the Theme Builder. For more information, about creating and customizing themes, read our article Theme Builder.
After you have customized a theme, you can set it as your site's default theme from the CurrentTheme dropdown.
Preview your theme
Click Preview to test your theme without changing the site's UI for all users.
After clicking Preview, you will be redirected to the site and be presented with a preview banner below the navbar, indicating that you are in preview mode. This is a local view preview only (based on a temp cookie in your browser), and won't affect any other users.
To exit the Preview mode, click Turn Preview Off in the preview banner.
Additional information
Custom CSS
To add Custom CSS for Theming-based features and pages, use the themingAdditional field under the cssupload module.
Certain pages, like the customPages feature set, cannot be disabled and will always be turned on.
Features section
Choose which of the Theming features and pages to enable. Once a feature is set to 'Yes', the Theming-based page layout and design will be applied to all users, and be affected by the selected theme in the CurrentTheme field. Keep a feature set to 'No' to be able to preview it before enabling using the Preview feature, as the ‘Preview’ feature will show all pages as if they are set to Yes.
Some Theming-based pages and features won't be shown in the list, as they are Theming-based only and cannot be used without the Theming module enabled (see module description for list of pages).
The Features section is an advance settings section, and should only be used by a Kaltura representative. Note, that when preview is enabled, it will display the site and all Theming pages with the previewed theme, regardless of the settings in the Features section.
header - The header feature is a must when using any of the Theming features and pages set. Keeping it set to 'No' will result in different headers in different pages on the site.
login - This is configured in the login module.
mediapage - Turn on the Theming-based media page for all types of media, including draft entry, video, audio, image, video quiz, live, kwebcase, interactive (path) video, meeting rooms, and playlist.
Only player v7 is supported on these pages. Please make sure to update all players to the v7 player version.
globalsearch - This turns on the Theming-based global search page.
playlistsgrid - This turns on the Theming-based playlist grid page design. When a user clicks 'See All', they will be redirected to that playlist in grid view, as shown below:
Only player v7 is supported on this page. Please make sure to update your playlist player ID to the v7 player version on the playlistPage module.
mymedia - This turns on the Theming-based My Media page design
playlist - This turns on the Theming-based playlist playback page design.
Only player v7 is supported on this page. Please make sure to update your playlist player ID to the v7 player version on the playlistPage module.
channels - These are configured in the channelthemingui module.
personalprofile - This is configured in the personalprofile module.
registration - This is configured in the Siteregistration module.
channelcollections - This is configured in the channelcollections module.
footer - This is configured in the footer module.
helppage - This is configured in the helppage module.
kcapture - This is configured in the kalturacapture module.
recorder - This is configured in the recorder module.
Field | Description |
enabled | Enable the Thumbnails module. |
extensionWhitelist | Define allowed extensions, example: jpg, png, jpeg, gif (one item per extension) |
The Twitter approval process includes testing the experience across various platforms, as well as re-validating it periodically.
More information and how this can be done can be found here.
The player id (tPlayerId) set in the module is for the player used in th Tweet. Using this player, the video can be embedded in the Tweet and played from there.
For information on how to setup the player for viewing Twitter media in MediaSpace, please see Setting up Twitter share for MediaSpace for Admins.
Field | Description |
enabled | Enable the Twitter module. |
tPlayerId | What is the player ID (uiConf ID) of the player that plays videos on Twitter? This should be a V2 play. |
siteUserName | @username of website, to be used as value for twitter:site meta tag |
useHighestQuality | Use the best quality flavor that can be played in Facebook. |
siteDescription | Enter the text to send on the ‘twitter:description’ property for the shared link for non-player pages. |
shareImageUrl | Enter a link to an image you would like to use when users share content for non media pages (such as home page). Leave empty to use the site logo. |
The Uploadmedia module enables users to upload, share, and edit media via the +Create menu in the navigation bar. With our Theming-based feature, users can bulk upload, edit, and set privacy statuses all at once, without waiting for uploads to complete.
A user with an application role of privateOnlyRole and higher (adminRole, unmoderatedAdminRole) can upload content to the video portal.
This module is supported in both KMS and KAF applications and requires the Theming module to be enabled.
- Enable the Theming module and set the header configuration to 'Yes' to upgrade the video portal header appearance to the new design.
- Enable the AddNew module. Use this module to manage the +Create menu options.
- Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Uploadmedia module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_site_url}/admin/config/tab/uploadmedia.
- Set enabled to 'Yes' to enable the module.
- Click Save.
The Uploadmedia page displays.
User experience
After the module is enabled, users can and upload and share videos, audio files, and images.
For more information, visit our article Upload media - Theming.
When enabled, this module allows generating reports for My Content Analytics and user analytics for media such as quizzes.
User analytics:
- Channel / course managers can measure and analyze user engagement and contributions.
- Answer questions like: What are the most popular videos? Who watches the most and what is their drop-off rate? Who contributes the most media?
- The Userreports module and its mediaAnalytics field must be enabled to display the Analytics option.
- Access the Analytics dashboard from the 'Actions' drop-down of the media page:
The analytics report is identical to the analytics for the entry in the KMC. To learn more, please visit Entry Level Analytics.
My Content Analytics:
- Content creators can get detailed metrics on their content to make informed decisions.
- Track and optimize content using various parameters.
- The Userreports module and its mediaAnalytics and userAnalytics fields must be enabled (refer to our article Configure My Content Analytics for instructions).
- Access the My Content Analytics dashboard from the site's user menu:
- Go to your Configuration Management page, and navigate to the Userreports module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/userreports.The Userreports module displays.
- Configure the following fields:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
mediaAnalytics - Set to 'Yes' to enable media analytics for media owner.
userAnalytics - Set to 'Yes' to enable an analytics page for content owners to view analytics for their content.
Only users with the privateOnly role and higher will be granted this ability.
num_days - default number of days
This field is only relevant for Quiz analytics OR Live Analytics OR Custom Reports.
page_size - default page size
This is only relevant for Quiz analytics OR Live Analytics OR Custom Reports.
3. Click Save.
This module controls the ability to add videos to a Watch Later playlist.
Users can set up a queue of clips as a playlist, that will be ready to watch whenever they have time.
See Create and Add Media to a Playlist.
Field | Description |
enabled | Enable the Watchlater Module. |
| Reset to Default. |