The OneDrive module lets users upload content directly from their personal OneDrive folder by adding a OneDrive button to the creation tools menu.
Before enabling the module, you should register an application in Microsoft Azure with the redirect URI https://{siteURL}/onedrive/index/blank-page. For detailed steps, check out our article Import from OneDrive to Kaltura.
Please note that captions / transcripts are not included when uploading Onedrive files.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console, and click the Onedrive module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/onedrive.
The Onedrive page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
allowedRoles - Select the minimum role be able to import files from OneDrive. Choose from the following:
- Specific users
- PrivateOnly Role
- Admin Role
- UnmoderatedAdmin Role
applicationId - Enter the application (client) ID from the application page in Microsoft Azure. If you haven't got an application ID yet, read the instructions in our article Import from OneDrive to Kaltura.
3. Click Save.