Hosted module


The Hosted module uses KMS capabilities to configure KAF instances and serves as the backbone of KAF. It's typically set up by the Kaltura administrator, and users only need to manage the Roles Mapping section to align user roles with KAF for proper access and functionality.


1. Go to your Configuration Management console, and click on the Hosted module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/hosted.

The Hosted page displays.

2. Configure the following:

enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.

enableLike - Enable the 'Like' feature for entries. Please note that entries can only be 'liked' from their corresponding media page.

allowEditPublished - Set to 'No' if you want to prevent users from editing entries after they have been published to a Media Gallery or embedded.

allowDeletePublished - Set to 'No' if you want to prevent users from deleting entries after they have been published to a Media Gallery or embedded.

AllowUnpublishPublished - Set to 'No' if you want to prevent users from setting entries to private after they have been published to a Media Gallery or embedded.

enableEntryDelete - Set to 'No' to prevent users from deleting entries.

enableViews - Set to 'Yes' to enable showing the number of views per entry.

showPageTitles - Set to 'Yes' to enable showing page titles.

expandButton - Player expand button. 'Auto' is set only if there are modules providing an entry sidebar.

manPublish - Set to 'Yes' to enable publish to a list of categories - from the menu, media, and upload. Disable this if you do not have access to the list of categories.

authMethod - This is pre-set and should not be changed without consulting your Kaltura representative.

sharedRepositoryCategoryId - Click the link to enable the Shared Repository.


ltiRolesMapping allows you to set LTI roles and permissions for KMS components in your KAF extension (like My Media and Media Gallery). 

Configure the following:

ltiRole - Enter the LTI role.

kmsRole - This role controls the permissions for My Media and the ability to embed content in a course. Choose either viewerRole or privateonlyRole from the drop-down list (the other roles are not relevant for KAF applications): 

  • viewerRole - Users can view media but cannot create content or access My Media.
  • privateOnlyRole - Users can access My Media, create content, and embed/publish media in the Media Gallery.

For more information about roles and permissions, click the relevant link below:

kmsContextualRole - This controls the permissions within the Media Gallery. Choose the KMS contextual role from the drop-down list: 

  • Manager - Has full control over the course Media Gallery, including adding/removing content, editing settings, organizing media into playlists, and extracting analytics.
  • Moderator - Can view, add, and moderate content in the Media Gallery, including managing items in the pending tab.
  • Contributor - Can view and add media to the Media Gallery from their My Media repository.
  • Member - Can only view content in the course Media Gallery.

allowedSharedRepository - Set to 'Yes' if you want that role to access the shared repository

ltiUserIdAttribute - The LTI attribute to take the User ID from. If not specified, user_id will be used.

ltiOutcomeServiceURL - The LTI attribute to get the service API URL and application name.

ltiReturnUrlType - The type of the returned URL.

ltiContextIdAttribute - The LTI attribute the get the context Id from.

enableNativeControlsOnIpad - This field adds the necessary parameters to the player for iPad compatibility.

showInContextInCourseGallery - Select ‘Enabled:Default-No’ or 'Enabled:Default-Yes' to allow managers to show all media embedded via BSE in the Media Gallery. Media Gallery managers can change this setting from the Media Gallery settings page. This feature is only available with both v2ui and eSearch enabled. Note: IVQ content embedded in context will not be affected by this feature and will not appear in the Media Gallery unless published to it directly.

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