Browseandembed module


This module lets you configure how users interact with the Browse, Search & Embed (BSE) tool. The BSE tool allows users to embed media in announcements, assignments, discussions, forums, and more within your LMS course. It is accessible within the rich-text editor. For more details, see Embedding Kaltura media.


The hosted module should be enabled beforehand.


1. Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Browseandembed module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/browseandembed.

The Browseandembed page displays.

2. Configure the following:

enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.

returnUrlMethod - Set the method to use for the return url action: GET or POST.

allowEmbedFromMultipleCourses - Set to 'Yes' to allow embedding from all courses the user has access to. Set to 'No' to limit embedding to the Media Gallery of the current course only.

filterTypeAttribute - This is the LTI attribute the get the filter type from.

disableAddNewAttribute - custom_disable_add_new*. The LTI attribute the get the disable-add-new from.

enableNewBSEUI - This field enables the new Browse and Embed UI and functionality. Select v3 for the latest version.

EmbedSettingsButton - (applicable only to v3) Set to ‘Show’ to display the embed settings button, allowing users to change the embed settings before embedding media, as shown in the image below:

To set a dedicated player as the BSE player (or for each media type), make sure to configure the embedSettings section below.

To use the players designated for My Media and Media Gallery as the BSE player, set EmbedSettingsButton to 'Hide.'

Media types other than ‘video’ will load with players set in the dedicated modules (for example, audioEntry, imageEntry, Quiz, kwebcast). If left empty, the BSE Player will become the default. If the BSE Player is also empty, the KAF main player will be used.

enableQuickIngest - Turn on the Quick Ingest endpoint. When set to 'Yes', it can either replace the existing Browse and Embed endpoint, or can function as a standalone tool using this URL: {KAF_Base_URL}/browseandembed/quick-ingest.

When set to 'Yes' new fields display:

setBSEtoQuickIngest - Select 'Quick Ingest' in order to redirect requests from browseandembed/index/browseandembed to working with the quick ingest directly.

quickIngestLargeIcons - Click +Add "quickingestLargeIcons to add ingestion options. Select up to three options that will show up as large icons in the main page.

BSEPlayerID - Enter the player ID for the player used by BSE. Media types other than video will load with players set in the dedicated modules (for example, audioEntry, imageEntry, Quiz, kwebcast). If left empty, the BSE Player will become the default. If the BSE Player is also empty, the KAF main player will be used.

minimalBSERole - Select the minimal KMS/KAF role allowing browsing and embedding media (only relevant for SharePoint 365). Choose from the following options:

  • anonymousRole
  • viewerRole
  • privateOnlyRole
  • adminRole
  • unmoderatedAdminRole


Define the default sizes for embedded players to apply when no specific dimensions are set. Use the format {width}x{height} for player sizing. Recommended sizes for V7 are as follows:

  • large - 608x342
  • medium - 400x225
  • small - 304x171

enableAssignmentSubmission - Select 'Yes' to enable the 'Submit as Assignment' toggle when selecting media in Browse and Embed. When enabled, the embedded entry will be cloned under a different username to prevent editing or deletion.

assignmentSubmissionMaxRole - Sets the highest role level that will see the 'Submit as Assignment' toggle when selecting an entry in Browse and Embed. Choose from the following:

  • Manager
  • Moderator
  • Contributor
  • Member
  • None

contentItemReturnUrlAttr - This is the LTI attribute that holds the content-item return URL.

sendCimLineItem - Select an option to include CIM JSON data for any quiz entry. Enable this option only if specific gradebook integration workflows, such as those for BB Ultra, are not available. Choose from the following:

  • Never
  • When filtering for quiz
  • For any quiz

allowEmbedFromMediaGallery - Set the minimal role that can embed MediaGallery content via BSE. Choose from the following: 

  • Member
  • Contributor
  • Moderator
  • Manager
  • Do not allow

autoRepublish - Set to 'Yes' to enable the automatic re-publishing feature to ensure content remains playable, even if it was unpublished from the 'Embedded In Context' category after being embedded through BSE.


Click the blue +Add "embedSettings" button and then enter the player information to be used for embedding. If only one player is available per type, it will be set as the default. If multiple players are available, the first in the list will be set as the default.

A single player ID can hold several size options but should only be set once on this page.  Configuring the same player ID multiple times might result in unexpected behavior.

playerDisplayName - Enter the player display name.

Be certain to provide a meaningful player name for the users to be able to understand what type of player is being used. For example “with download button” or “transcript widget enabled”.

playerId - The Player ID for the player displayed in the BSE Advanced Embed Settings page.

entryType - Select the media type this player is relevant for. Choose from the following:

  • Video
  • Quiz
  • Audio
  • Playlists
  • Document
  • Draft
  • Image
  • Live
  • Meeting
  • Rapt media

isTypeDefault - Set to 'Yes' to set this player as the default player type.

embedSizes -  Select the appropriate size for the chosen player:

  • For a V2 player: Choose from the V2 size options (16:9 ratio), keeping in mind the default 30px set for playerBarHeightPixels in the player module.
  • For a V7 player: Choose from the V7 size options (16:9 ratio). If selecting Audio entry type, there is only one V7 option to choose.

You can also enter a custom embed size (see below).

embedSizeCustom - Enter “width”x”height” in pixels to add a new embed sizes. If left empty the default will be used.

Click  +Add "embedSizeCustom" to add an additional custom size.

Click X to delete the custom size embed.

To learn more about setting up dedicated players, see our article Setting a dedicated player for a specific media yype for MediaSpace and KAF applications.

3. Click Save to validate your setup. Any errors will be displayed in the valid field after saving.

User experience

The example below shows two player options available for the two departments. The player named 'Player for Marketing' has two embedding sizes configured.

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