The Kwebcast module is used to activate and set up Kaltura Webcasting aka Town Hall.
Currently, the Kwebcast module uses live entries, therefore if the Kwebcast module is enabled, the liveentry module must be disabled.
This guide will demonstrate KMS & KAF application's new theming module. To learn more, please visit Uploadmedia Module.
Enable the Module
enabled - When enabled, the Town Hall tool is displayed on the + Create menu to users in MediaSpace and KAF applications. Once users select Town Hall from the + Create menu, the Schedule a Webcast Event page displays. See the examples below.
To learn more, see Creating a Webcasting Event.
Change the Name and Logo on Kaltura Webcasting Application
applicationName -
You may brand the Kaltura Webcasting application with a specific name (perhaps the name of your company). This name displays as the application is loading. Type the name.
If this field is left empty, the default Kaltura branding name is used.
For more information on the Kaltura Webcasting application, see Using the Webcasting Application.
applicationLogoUrl -
You may brand the Kaltura Webcasting application with a specific logo (perhaps the logo of your company). This logo displays in the upper left corner of the application. Type the URL to a logo image. The logo size should be 156x78 pixels. (You may use http://www.simpleimageresizer.com, a free online resizing tool.)
If the field is left empty, the default Kaltura brand logo is used.
Make DVR and Transcoding Choices
dvrEnabled -
Enabling DVR feature allows your viewers to pause, rewind, and continue during the event. After a viewer resumes playing, the event continues from where the viewer left off/paused.
transcodingProfile -
Select the transcoding profile to use for Webcast Events. The options for live streaming transcoding profiles include Pass-Through and Cloud Transcode.
The Pass-through transcoding profile option, also known as Live, takes your content’s original source input flavor and passes it through the Kaltura system without any changes. This option uploads the source file, but does not transcode it; the source is the original file uploaded as is. Other flavors are not created. Pass–through is done on the client side. If you want multiple transcode values, you will need to encode the multiple flavors on the client with your local encoder.
The Cloud transcoding option, also known as Live+, takes the content’s original source input flavor and generates additional transcoding flavors that support different resolutions and formats. There is 3 pre-defined cloud transcode packages: SD, HD, and HD+, each package offers a different # of flavors, resolutions, and bitrates.
To learn more, please visit How to Set Transcoding Profiles for Live Streaming.
Define Who Can Create Live Broadcasts
liveBroadcasterRole -
Limit Webcast Event creation to a certain user/group/role. If a role is selected, any role with higher permissions than the role selected will be allowed to create Webcast Events. Those who are configured can see the Webcasting Event option on the +Create menu.
If Specific Users/Groups are selected, additional functionality displays.
allowedUsers -
Select users who are allowed to create Webcasting Events. Click the +Add "allowedUsers" button, click Select Users/Groups, then start typing the name of a user or group. Click on the appropriate name, then click Submit. Repeat for multiple users. To delete users/groups, click the red DELETE button.
Set IDs of UI Confs
WinProducerAppUiConfID -
This value is automatically assigned by the system upon saving. A specific instance of the application will be added to the PID. This is the ID of the UIConf for the Windows Kwebcast application.
MacProducerAppUiConfID -
This value is automatically assigned by the system upon saving. A specific instance of the application will be added to the PID. This is the ID of the UIConf for the Mac Kwebcast application.
PlayerUiconfId -
The PlayerUiconfId is the Player ID used for webcast events. This value is automatically assigned by the system upon saving and can be customized as needed.
To make adjustments to the player, i.e., add a logo, disable, or enable functions, you may locate this player ID and configure it in the KMC's Studio tab. Alternatively, you may create a new Smart player via the Player Studio, see The Kaltura Player Getting Started Guide for additional information.
* The Smart player already includes all the essential webcasting plugins to ensure slide sync and Q&A availability.
BSEPlayer -
The BSEPlayerUIConfID is the Player ID used for the BSE Webcast events. This field is only relevant to KAF administrators. See the article Using the Browse Search and Embed (BSE) Feature for more information.
This value is automatically assigned by the system upon saving and can be customized as needed.
To make adjustments to the player, i.e., add a logo, disable, or enable functions, you may locate this player ID and configure it in the KMC's Studio tab. Alternatively, you may create a new Smart player via the Player Studio, see The Kaltura Player Getting Started Guide for additional information.
* The Smart player already includes all the essential webcasting plugins to ensure slide sync and Q&A availability.
Webcasts Homepage Set Up
EnableHomepagePreview -
Enable auto-playing video previews inside the carousel on the Webcasts Homepage. If set to Yes, additional functionality displays.
HomepagePreviewPlayerId -
The Player ID for the player used on the Webcasts Homepage page. The player version must be v7.
Enable QnAs and Polls
EnableQnA -
Enable or disable running moderated Q&A sessions during live webcasts. This option should be enabled to display the Moderator View when Webcasting Moderators are assigned.
This is a global setup. Choosing Yes means all events will support QnA. You can disable this functionality per event.
EnablePolls -
Enable or disable polls during webcast events.
This functionality is only supported in the Kaltura webcasting application and is a global setup. You can disable this functionality per event.
showInSearch -
Select which fields should appear in the search.
Choose Between Auto Start or Go Live Button
autoStartEventOnBroadcast -
Define whether the webcasting event should automatically start when the encoder starts broadcasting the video, or explicitly start the webcasting event after previewing the stream.
Disabling this functionality will allow the event producer to control manually when the event will start broadcasting upon a click on the Go Live button in KMS or the webcasting application.
Enable and Configure Live Scheduling via the Kaltura Webcasting Calendar in KMS
liveSchedulingEnabled -
When enabled, all event admins will be able to see and edit all past and future partner events (including events not created by them) via the Kaltura Webcasting Calendar. see Webcasting Events - The Webcasting Calendar for additional information.
admins -
Assign specific users as webcast administrators who are allowed to manage (schedule, create and modify) Kaltura Webcasting events. This can be based on the user role or group of users. Users/groups/roles who are configured can see the Kaltura Webcasting Calendar.
exportResources -
Download Resources List. Export the current list of resources (rooms, cameras, encoders, etc.).
manageResources -
Upload a resource definition file (.csv). See the example format here.
Self-Serve Functionality
SupportSelfServed -
This functionality will be disabled (set to No) by default.
Select Yes in the SupportSelfServed field to enable Self-serve Webcasting.By enabling the SupportSelfServed field, you automatically enable the Preview Live mode and disable the autoStartEventOnBroadcast. The Go Live button will be displayed in the KMS/Webcasting application to click to actually go live.
allowedRolesForSelfService -
Select who can create a Self-Serve Webcast. If a role is selected, any role above it will also be able to create a Self-Serve Webcast.
If you chose Specific Users/Groups, additional fields display. In the allowedSelfServedUsers section click + Add "allowedSelfServedUsers". Select the users who will be entitled to use Kaltura Self-serve Webcasting. Click "Select Users" and type in the username or id. Click Submit. Repeat for multiple users. To delete users/groups, click the red DELETE button.
Additional Configuration
defaultThumbnailUpload -
All webcast entries have a default Kaltura Townhalls thumbnail.
You can upload an image here to replace the default Kaltura Townhalls thumbnail. The suggested image size is 1140×672 pixels. This thumbnail applies to all webcast entries.
You may, however, customize the thumbnail for each webcast entry (overriding this default) using the Thumbnails tab on the Edit Entry page. See the Thumbnail section of Editing a Webcasting Event for more information.
SupportConferenceIntegration -
Choose whether to allow a Video Conference Integration scenario. See the article Kaltura Video Conference Integration V1 for more information.
If Yes is selected, additional functionality displays.
allowedRolesForIntegration -
Decide who can launch video conference integrations from Webcast Events. If a role is selected, any role above it will also be able to launch video conference integrations from Webcast Events.
thumbnailRotator -
Enable a thumbnail image rotator on mouse over for your events. If you have multiple events running at the same time, you can have a thumbnail rotator that will switch between events that are currently live.
showLastArchivedDefault -
Select Yes to show a link to the last archived video on top of the live page. This will be the default for all live entries.
If you would like to allow live entry owners to change the default settings of individual entries, set showLastArchived to Yes in the Entrydesign module.
Setting showLastArchivedDefault to Yes in Kwebcast will set the default only. If showLastArchivedDefault in Kwebcast is set to No, but showLastArchived in entryDesign is set to Yes, it will still be available on the entry-level.
Optimize for Large Scale Events
leanEntryPage -
This feature is used to optimize all the live broadcasts for large-scale events. The default is enabled.
Do not change this setting unless you are advised by your Kaltura representative.
Your configuration for "Kwebcast" was saved. The cache was cleared.
For additional information about Kaltura Webcasting, see the Kaltura Webcasting Administrator's Guide.