BSE Player V7 upgrade tool


Use the BSE Player V7 upgrade tool to upgrade your BSE players from V2 to V7 Kaltura Player.

Upgrading your players using this tool will seamlessly update your existing embedded videos in your LMS course's announcements, assignments, discussions, etc. 

Select a dedicated system player (V7) or any custom player ID (V7) of your choice and upgrade the KAF applications' default player with a simple click.

NOTE - In the case of several KAF instances, be sure to apply the upgrade tool for each instance respectively.  If the same player is used in several KAF instances, the upgrade tool will update only the accompanying KAF instance and break the code on the others. You must then upgrade the other KAF instances as well. 

NOTE - The BSE Player V7 upgrade tool only updates existing videos that were embedded using Browse Search and Embed. Upgrading players of videos that were embedded by copying the embed code to the HTML text editor might break their embeds. In this case, you should re-embed the video using the BSE component. 

Upgrade the main BSE player

  1. Log in to your KAF admin page.
  2. Navigate to the Browseandembed module.
  3. Select 'this tool' from the Module info to launch the BSE Player V7 upgrade tool. 
    The Upgrade BSE player version page will display in a new tab.
  4. Enter a BSE player ID to upgrade -
    Copy the BSEPlayerId (V2 Player) that is configured in your Browseandembed module.   

    Paste it in the Player ID to Upgrade field.
  5. Select one of the player configuration options:
    • Default player (ID:12345678) - select the default system V7 player.
    • Custom - enter a custom V7 player of your choice. To learn how to create and customize your players, visit The Kaltura Player Studio Getting Started.
  6. Click Upgrade player. 
  7. A confirmation message will display. Click Upgrade Player again to confirm your action.

    'Your player has been successfully updated' message will display.

NOTE - If the upgrade operation has failed, the following message will display.

If the player provided is not a V2 player, the following error will display "The player is not a V2 player. Please enter a valid V2 player ID."

Upgrade additional BSE players

Before implementing this section, it is recommended to visit your LMS and validate that the previous section has been completed successfully. If needed, skip to Player Restore.

  1. Log in to your KAF admin page.
  2. Navigate to the Browseandembed module.
  3. Select 'this tool' from the Module info to launch the BSE Player V7 Upgrade Tool. 
    The Upgrade BSE player version page will be displayed in a new tab.
  4. Enter a BSE player ID to upgrade -
    Copy the PlayerId (V2 Player) that is configured in your Browseandembed module, under “embedSettings”.
    Paste it in the Player ID to Upgrade field.
  5. Select one of the player configuration options:
    • Default player (ID:12345678) - select the default system V7 player.
    • Custom - enter a custom V7 player of your choice. To learn how to create and customize your players, visit The Kaltura Player Studio Getting Started.
  6. Click Upgrade player.
  7. A confirmation message will display. Click Upgrade Player again to confirm your action.

* Repeat these steps for every player under the “embedSettings”.

Player restore

Player restore has a backup of only the latest V2 player upgrade. Any previous player upgrades will not carry a backup file.  

  1. Click Restore your latest upgraded player.
  2. The following confirmation message is displayed. Click Restore player to confirm your action.

Congratulations! Your BSE players were upgraded successfully!

To learn how to update the default KMS/KAF applications players, please see Upgrade the Kaltura Player.

Tip - To find the player id of any further embedded videos that have been left behind, see How to find your embedded video player id?

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