Browse Search and Embed Administrator's Guide

This guide provides information on how to enable and setup the Kaltura Browse Search and Embed feature and is intended for KAF administrators.

The Kaltura Browse Search and Embed feature offers different embed options that Admins can configure in the Browseandembed module.

Admins can allow end users to select from on of the preconfigured players and sizes and allow admins to determine players and customize player sizes according to media types.


Browse Search and Embed
The Browse Search and Embed feature, also referred to as BSE, allows you to browse and search through your media, Media Gallery, Shared Repository, and Media Gallery Playlists and embed selected media and/or playlists on your page. You can intuitive...
Submission Workflow for the LMS Video Assignments - Admin Guide
About Use embedded video submissions as assignments to prevent the video from being edited or deleted across the board for LMS integrations.  There are three ways to enable the submission workflow -  Using the Sub...
Using the Kaltura Browse Search and Embed (BSE) Feature
This article describes how to use the Kaltura Browse Search and Embed (BSE) feature.  This article pertains to the Browse Search and Embed feature v3.   The Browse Search and Embed feature is set up by your system administrator in the Browseand...
Configure the Browse and Embed Players and Sizes
Configure Log in to the application Configuration Management page. Go to the Browseandembed module. In the enableNewBSEUI field, set the value to v3. Display or Hide the Embed Settings icon.  Set the EmbedSetti...
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