Step-by-step instructions for migrating to Player V7
Welcome to the step-by-step migration guide for the new Kaltura Player V7!
What are the differences between the V2 and V7 players?
Introduction In this article, you will learn about the improvements and enhancements offered with the updated Kaltura Player. We invite you to check out the Kaltura Player V2 and the latest version of the Kaltura Player in a side-by-side view. ...
Embed Code differences Between Kaltura Player V2 and V7
This article will cover what are the different embed code types supported by Kaltura, and the differences when using Kaltura Player v2 and v7. Learn about the three types of embed code options: auto Embed, dynamic embed, and Iframe embed, and wh...
KMS and KAF Player V7 replacement tool
Use the Player V7 Replacement Tool to seamlessly modify your KMS and KAF application's default Players from the legacy player (V2) to the new player (V7). Select a dedicated system player (V7) or any unique player ID (V7) of your choice a...
BSE Player V7 upgrade tool
Use the BSE Player V7 upgrade tool to upgrade your BSE players from V2 to V7 Kaltura Player.
How to manually upgrade to Player V7
About Kaltura applications allow for various digital media players made available to end users in different features, components, and forms all useful in the transmission, performance, and/or playback of multimedia content. This article descr...
How to find your embedded video player id
Go to your LMS course page
Select a post with an embedded Kaltura media.
Click Edit to edit the post.
Select the icon on the text editor to switch to HTML.
Copy the player ID from the code.
See the video demons...
V2 to V7 player redirect tool
Kaltura’s V2 to V7 Player Transition Tool helps you upgrade from V2 players to the more advanced V7 player.