The Editor module activates the Kaltura video editing tools, giving users video editing capabilities directly within the platform. To create quizzes using the Kaltura video editor, please note the Quiz module must also be enabled.
1. Go to your KMS or KAF Configuration Management console and click the Editor module. Or navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/editor.
The Editor page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' enable the module.
enableClipping - Set to 'Yes' to enable users to clip entries using the editor. If set to 'No,' the Save a Copy option will be disabled in the Kaltura video editor.
enableTrimming - Set to 'Yes' to enable users to trim entries using the editor. If set to 'No,' the Save option will be disabled in the Kaltura video editor.
showClipAttribution - Set to 'Yes' to include an attribution to the original entry on a clipped entry page.
The showClipAttribution feature is not currently supported for Theming users.
clipperProfileId - Metadata profile ID for clipping permissions. You can leave this field as it is; no changes are needed.
keaPlayerId - Enter the player ID used in the Kaltura Editor Application. The player must be version 2 (v2). If left blank, the main player from the player module will be used. Ensure the main player is also version 2 (v2).
keaDocumentationURL - Enter the link to the custom Kaltura Editor Application documentation. This link will appear when users click the help button (? icon) at the bottom left of the editor (as shown below). Leave it empty to use the default documentation link.

keaPreviewPlayerId - Enter the player ID of the preview player used in Kaltura Editor Application. Leave blank to use the main player from the player module.
keaCustomCss - Upload CSS file. Uploading a custom CSS file lets you tailor the editor's appearance and functionality to match your brand. Adjust styles like colors, fonts, and layout for a consistent look and feel across your platform.
downloadLocales - The Kaltura video editing tools can be localized to any of the supported localization languages. You can download a zip file which contains all texts for all built-in locales. These can be used to create custom languages, as follows:
- Download the zip file (downloadlocales)
- Open the zip to get the .json file.
- Edit the .json file in your preferred software with the translations you want.
- For each language use the uploadCustomLanguage section below to upload the customized language information.
Click +Add "uploadcustomLanguage".
A new field displays.
languageCode - Select the language code. Note that the selected language code should match an existing localized version of the application.
localeFile - Upload your customized .json file.
3. Click Save.