Overview of Kaltura's video editing tools


Kaltura's video editing tools offer various features to enhance your media, including:

  • Create and edit quizzes
  • Clip, trim, chop, and splice videos
  • Add hotspots
  • Insert advertisements (KMC only)

Supported media

The table below shows which editing tools are available for each media type:

Media Create & edit quiz Clip & trim media Chop & splice media Add hotspots
YouTube video  



  • Editor module: The Editor module must be enabled by your administrator. For KMC, the editor is accessed through the Advertisements tab in the Entry details page.
  • Permissions: You must be the owner or co-editor of the media, or have permission to create clips.
  • Quizzes: Both the Quiz module and Editor module must be enabled. 
  • Hotspots: The Hotspots module must be enabled. Hotspots are available in the Video Portal for player version 2.75 and later. Hotspots are "time-based" labels or comments with or without hyperlinks displayed over the video during playback.

Explore the video editor

Launch the editor

Option 1:

  1. Access the Media page. You can do this by clicking on the desired media's thumbnail.
  2. The media page displays.

  3. Click the three dots below the player.
  4. Select Launch Editor from the three-dots menu.

Option 2:

  1. From the user menu, select My Media.
  2. The My Media page displays.

  3. Click the three dots to the right of the desired media and select Edit.
  4. The edit media page displays.

  5. Click Launch editor.
  6. The video editor opens.

Video editor tabs

The video editing tools display the following tabs. Click on a tab name for more detailed information on its functionality. 




Quiz tab

Create and edit Interactive Video Quizzes (KMS/KAF only).

Editor tab

Trim or clip media, and chop and splice media.

Hotspots tab Create hotspots on your entry.
Advertisements tab Set cue points for advertisements (KMC only).
Help tab Includes helpful tips and accessibility information.
Exit Exit the Editor.

Depending on the type of application you are using and the type of media you selected, the Video Editor window displays the relevant tabs.

This document is maintained by Kaltura’s Knowledge team. Please send comments or corrections to knowledge@kaltura.com. We are committed to improving our documentation and your feedback is appreciated.

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