Entry Editing

Entry Editing Tabs Overview

The editing tabs that are displayed depend on the type of media you select. All the entry details are listed on the top of your display. Use the arrows to navigate through the entries table.

The following information is displayed:

  • Entry Id
  • Creation Date
  • Last Update
  • Created By
  • Duration
  • Landing Page - This is the link to the publishing website that is configured in the publisher configuration.
  • Moderation Status
  • Plays

The Save button is disabled until data is modified.

Metadata Tab

Entry Metadata fields are used to tag, manage, search and expose content. You can populate out-of-the-box fields or create your own custom metadata schema. Kaltura provides extensive asset management and metadata capabilities. Each media entry has a list of predefined metadata fields including: Name, Description, Tags, Categories, Thumbnails, Duration, Views, and other fields. See Custom Data for more information.

Tags and categories are autocompleted. See Defining and Assigning Entries to Categories.

Everything below the Reference ID relates to Custom Data schemas and whether you have configured them as searchable. See Kaltura Custom Metadata Functionality.

Jump to allows you to quickly navigate to a specific custom schema. To move back use the arrow on the bottom left of the screen.


Use to upload thumbnails, grab a thumbnail from video, crop thumbnails and select a default thumbnail. You can generate thumbnails from videos or upload external images. Capture, crop and adjust to get the best result. See Choosing a Thumbnail for your Video.

Access Control

Use to assign an access control profile to an entry. See Managing Access Control Profiles for more information.


Use to specify date ranges for scheduling an entry.

Content Scheduling determines when your media entries will be permitted for viewing (“sunrise”) and when access should be automatically discontinued (“sunset”).  You can set specific scheduling parameters for your content. You can set the entry to be available for display at any time (for example, no schedule limitations) or you can set the entry to be available during a limited timeframe (for example, display this video starting on X date with no end time, or display this video only between X date and Y date).  Note that when users try to access a video that is no longer valid (in terms of its scheduling), they will receive an error message explaining that this content is no longer valid. Kaltura provides validation on the start and end date. Be certain that your dates are valid when specifying a range.

To configure content scheduling

  1. Go to the Content tab and select the Entries tab.
  2. Click on an entry.
  3. Select the Scheduling tab and select and set your specific time range.
  4. Click Save & Close to complete the process.

Flavors Tab

The Flavors tab in the Edit Entry window allows you to manage the flavors that are available as well as replace media files and their transcoding flavors.

Use the Flavors tab to:

  • Add video or audio media to a new entry you created (when the entry status is No Media).
  • Replace the media of an existing entry (when the entry status is Ready or Error).
  • View the list of flavors that the system created for an entry and apply the following actions:
    • Preview or delete a flavor.
    • Download the transcoded file to your desktop.
    • Upload a file from your desktop you that transcoded on your own, to serve as a flavor for an entry.
    • Import the flavor from a URL.
    • Convert or reconvert to transcode an entry to additional flavors.

After the transcoding process is complete, the new file replaces the old file and the original file is deleted.

When your KMC account supports direct ingestion of multiple bit-rate Transcoding Flavors, you can use the Action menu to add or replace a single Transcoding Flavor in an entry.

See Actions for Transcoding Flavors for more information.

Add Video/Audio

The Flavors tab displays several Add Video/Audio options when an entry is not yet associated with any media that is, the entry status is No Media. See Prepare Entry.

You can also replace media through the Flavors tab. For more information see Replacing Media.

Upload from Desktop

Use this option to add media to an existing entry by uploading one or more files from your desktop.

To upload content and flavors to a Draft entry

  1. Click on the Draft Entry and then select the Flavors tab.
  2. Click Upload from Desktop to open a standard desktop file selection window.
    The uploaded file is treated as the source for generating the required Transcoding Flavors in Kaltura. When your KMC account supports direct ingestion of multiple bit-rate Transcoding Flavors, you can select multiple flavor files for the Transcoding Profile.
  3. Select the files from your desktop.
  4. Select the Transcoding profile and select the relevant Transcoding Flavor that the uploaded file will be transcoding by.
    The Transcoding Flavor options in the menu are set from the selected Transcoding Profile and its flavor settings.
  5. Click Add File to add additional files to upload.
  6. Click Upload to confirm your upload request.

The KMC immediately starts processing the file uploads. The uploaded file is added to the entry and flavor conversion processing starts.

Import Files

Use this option to add media to a draft entry by importing a media file from your existing web host or FTP server. The option is displayed when the entry status is No Media.

To import content and flavors to a Draft entry

  1. Select the Content tab and then the Entries tab.
  2. Click on the Draft Entry and then select the Flavors tab.
  3. Click Import from URL to set your media file URL.
    The imported media file is treated as the source for generating the required Transcoding Flavors in Kaltura. When your KMC account supports direct ingestion of multiple bit-rate Transcoding Flavors, you can set multiple URLs.
  4. Set the relevant Transcoding Flavor that the imported file will be transcoded by. The Transcoding Flavor options in the menu are set from the selected Transcoding Profile and its flavor settings.
  5. Click Add File to add additional files to import.
  6. Click Import to confirm your import request.

An import request is submitted to the Kaltura server. The imported file will be added to the entry and flavor conversion processing starts.

Link to Remote Storage

Kaltura’s Remote Storage and Delivery solution enables publishers to manage their video assets and account settings on Kaltura’s hosted video platform while storing the content on their own remote network storage location and delivering the content from the same remote location.  Kaltura’s remote storage and delivery capabilities are fully integrated with the platform’s ingestion, transcoding and publishing work­flows, and provide system fl­exibility for addressing publishers’ specific storage and delivery needs.

You can link content to remote storage from the KMC User Interface. The Link to Remote Storage option is useful for partners that use their own transcoder and host and deliver content on/from a remote storage (for example, CDN storage, internal organization storage). The partner’s transcoder generates the flavors. After the files are uploaded directly to the remote storage it is only necessary to indicate which flavors to link to an entry in Kaltura.  The connection of the remote storage profile to the transcoding profile is used for this purpose.

To link content and flavors from Remote Storage

  1. Select the Content tab and then the Entries tab.
  2. Click on the Draft Entry and then select the Flavors tab.
  3. Click Link to Remote Storage and enter your media file URL.
    The linked file is treated as the source for generating the required Transcoding Flavors in Kaltura. When your KMC account supports direct ingestion of multiple bit-rate Transcoding Flavors, you can set multiple URLs.
  4. Set the relevant Transcoding Flavor that the imported file will be transcoded by. The Transcoding Flavor options in the menu are set from the selected Transcoding Profile and its flavor settings.
  5. Click Add File to add additional files link.
  6. Click Link to confirm your request.

Contact your Kaltura account manager to learn more about how this feature can simplify your workflow, and to activate and configure remote storage on your account.

Replace Media

You can replace media content when an entry is ready for publishing or when a media processing error occurred. The entry itself, with its current metadata, entry ID, and analytics information, remains unchanged.

All Transcoding Flavors are replaced as one unit to ensure that inconsistency errors do not occur between old and new Transcoding Flavors at any given time.

You can review the Transcoding Flavors of the new media file in a temporary entry that is available for this purpose only. After you approve media replacement, all the entry’s existing Transcoding Flavors are deleted and are replaced by the new ones.

To replace media

  1. Select the Content tab and select the Entries menu.
  2. Click on an entry and select the Flavors tab.
  3. Select the replacement method.
  • Upload from Desktop
  • Import from URL
  • Link to Remote Storage

    After you select any method for replacing a media file, the Flavors tab displays the following:
  • The temporary ID –The entryID that is being created from the new file –this entryID will replace the current entry
  • Cancel Replacement link –Select to return to the Replace Video display.
  • Approve Replacement button –Select to approve the replacement. The entry is uploading and converting to the new data.
  • Click Approve Replacement.  All current flavors are replaced when you approve the replacement or click Cancel Replacement to cancel your actions.

When you click Approve Replacement for media before it completes processing, it will automatically replace the entry.

The following screen is displayed: Video Replacement in Process.

When the media completes processing the following screen is displayed.

The status Video is ready for Replacement notice is displayed. You can then decide to Approve or Cancel the replacement
You can switch views between the Current Entry Flavors and the Replacements Entry Flavors using the tabs in the Flavors tab. This allows you to check the replacement entry’s status before approving the replacement.

Upload from Desktop

To replace content and flavors for an entry

  1. Click on the Entry and then select the Flavors tab.
  2. Click Upload from Desktop to open a standard desktop file selection window.
    The uploaded file is treated as the source for generating the required Transcoding Flavors in Kaltura. When your KMC account supports direct ingestion of multiple bit-rate Transcoding Flavors, you can select multiple flavor files for the Transcoding Profile.
  3. Select the files from your desktop.
  4. Select the Transcoding profile and select the relevant Transcoding Flavor that the uploaded file will be transcoding by.
  5. Click Upload.
  6. Click Add File to add additional files to upload.

Import from URL

Use this option to add media to replace an existing entry by importing a media file from your existing web host or FTP server. The option is displayed when the entry status is No Media.

To import content and flavors to a replace an existing entry

  1. Select the Content tab and then the Entries tab.
  2. Click on the Entry and then select the Flavors tab.
  3. Click Import from URL to set your media file URL.
    The imported media file is treated as the source for generating the required Transcoding Flavors in Kaltura. When your KMC account supports direct ingestion of multiple bit-rate Transcoding Flavors, you can set multiple URLs.
  4. Set the relevant Transcoding Flavor that the imported file will be transcoded by. The Transcoding Flavor options in the menu are set from the selected Transcoding Profile and its flavor settings.
  5. Click Add File to add additional files to import.
  6. Click Import to confirm your import request.

An import request is submitted to the Kaltura server. The imported file will be added to the entry and flavor conversion processing starts.

Link to Remote Storage

Kaltura’s Remote Storage and Delivery solution enables publishers to manage their video assets and account settings on Kaltura’s hosted video platform while storing the content on their own remote network storage location and delivering the content from the same remote location.  Kaltura’s remote storage and delivery capabilities are fully integrated with the platform’s ingestion, transcoding and publishing work­flows, and provide system fl­exibility for addressing publishers’ specific storage and delivery needs.

You can link content to remote storage from the KMC User Interface. The Link to Remote Storage option is useful for partners that use their own transcoder and host and deliver content on/from a remote storage (for example, CDN storage, internal organization storage). The partner’s transcoder generates the flavors. After the files are uploaded directly to the remote storage it is only necessary to indicate which flavors to link to an entry in Kaltura.  The connection of the remote storage profile to the transcoding profile is used for this purpose.

To link content and flavors from Remote Storage

  1. Select the Content tab and then the Entries tab.
  2. Click on the Entry and then select the Flavors tab.
  3. Click Link to Remote Storage and enter your media file URL.
    The linked file is treated as the source for generating the required Transcoding Flavors in Kaltura. When your KMC account supports direct ingestion of multiple bit-rate Transcoding Flavors, you can set multiple URLs.
  4. Set the relevant Transcoding Flavor that the imported file will be transcoded by. The Transcoding Flavor options in the menu are set from the selected Transcoding Profile and its flavor settings.
  5. Click Add File to add additional files link.
  6. Click Link to confirm your request.

Actions for Transcoding Flavors (for a single flavor)

Each flavor lists its applicable actions.


Converts the flavor to the selected flavor.


Delete the flavor.


Upload a flavor from your computer/device. Uploading a flavor is used for updating existing flavor assets and uploading new flavor assets for flavors that do not exist.


Import a flavor from a URL. Importing a flavor is used for updating existing flavor assets and importing new flavor assets for flavors that do not exist.


Preview the selected source flavor.

Link (for Remote Storage)

Type in the linked file pathname.


Create the flavor again from the source.

View DRM Details

View the DRM Details.


The Distribution tab lists distribution channels associated with an entry and use to manage distributors. See Content Distribution and Syndication.

Live Stream

(For Live Entries Only) Use to create and manage Live Stream entries. See Creating a Live Stream Entry in Kaltura Using the KMC.


Live tab for Kaltura Live

Live tab for Universal Streaming

Live tab for Manual Streaming


Use to manage captions. Use to upload captions, link to external caption files, order captions and to add additional captions to an entry. See Subtitles and Captions.

Related Files

Use to upload related files and to assign the files to an entry. See Uploading and Modifying Related Files.


You can clip and trim entries using the Kaltura Video Editing Tools. You can only Trim and Clip a live entry if it has recorded entry.

To clip a media item

  1. In the Content menu go to the Entries tab.
  2. Go to the Clip tab.
  3. Underneath the Player click Editor or select Launch Editor from the Actions drop-down menu in the Edit Entry screen.

The Kaltura Video Editing Tools are opened to clip and trim your media See Kaltura Video Editing Tools - Editor Tab for more information.

If clips were created from an original video or audio entry. The clipped entry details are displayed in the Clips tab. You can drill down by clicking on the Clip ID.


Use to add editing and publishing rights for additional end-users to work with this entry across applications.

The Users tab is displayed when your account is configured to support the end-user management feature.

The Users tab provides information about the users that are associated with the entry. The users are

  • the creator of the entry in Kaltura - usually the person that uploaded the media
  • the administrative owner of the entry - the user that is assigned with ownership to manage the entry. By default, it is the entry creator, however you can assign ownership to a different user from this tab.

By editing the co-editors and co-publisher fields, you can add editing and publishing rights for additional end-users to work with this entry across applications.


To edit the entry’s Users’ settings

  1. Go to the Content tab and then select an entry from the Entries Table.
  2. Select the Users tab.
  3. Click Change Owner.
  4. Enter the new owner name and click Save.
  5. For bulk changes, cick Apply to all selected entries.
  6. Click Save.


Use to create and manage time-based advertisements with the Kaltura Video Editing Tools. For more information see Advertising and Ad Networks.

To add advertisements to media.

  1. In the Content menu go to the Entries tab.
  2. Select an entry and select the Advertisements Tab. Click Manage Advertisements or click Launch Editor from the Actions drop-down-menu at the top of the page.

    The Kaltura Video Editing Tools are opened to create advertisements at selected cue points in your media.
  3. Click on the Plus sign to start setting cue points for ads.

  4. Select the time for the ad to display.
    There are three ways to select the time for the ad to display.

    1. Enter a specific time in the time clock.
    2. Move the scrubber to a specific time in the media timeline
    3. Play and Pause on the specific time in the timeline.
  5. Select the ad type.
  • Overlay - The entry will stop playing, the ad will play, and then the entry will resume.

    Enter the values for the fields in the Overlay screen.

    1. Enter the Ad Name.
    2. Enter the provider name: VAST or Other and optional values.
    3. For VAST enter the URL. For other providers enter values that you want to pass to the player.
    4. Enter the amount of time to display in the Duration field.
    5. Click Add.
  • Video Ad - The entry will stop playing, the ad will play, and then the entry will resume.

    Enter the values for the fields in the Video Ad screen.

    1. Enter the Ad Name.
    2. Enter the provider name: VAST or Other and optional values.
    3. For VAST enter the URL. For other providers enter values that you want to pass to the player.
    4. Click Add.

To delete ads

  1. Click on the green x on the timeline.
  2. Click on Delete in the ad screen.

Choosing a Thumbnail for your Video

You can select a thumbnail for your video after the file transfer is complete and the file is embedded in your website. By default, a thumbnail is automatically grabbed from the first frames of the video. You can choose to have multiple thumbnails of different qualities associated with your video or grab any frame from the video to use as a thumbnail.

You can search for a thumbnail and its dimensions, size, distributors and status and perform the following actions: Set as default, Download, Preview and Delete.

To edit the thumbnails associated with the video

  1. Go to the Content tab and select the Entries tab.
  2. Select an entry and select the Thumbnails tab.
  3. Select Upload or Choose Frame.
  • Upload - uploads an external image as a thumbnail.  Select Upload and specify the file location and name, then click Open.
  • Choose Frame - Capture a new thumbnail from the video. Play the video in the "Choose Frame from Video " window.

  • Pause on the frame you want to use and click Capture and Save. A thumbnail will be captured from the highest quality video flavor. Exit to return to the Thumbnails tab.
  • Click Set as Default on the thumbnail you want to use for the entry. The default thumbnail is now displayed in the entries list.
  • Click on the Actions menu (3 dots) for a selected thumbnail to download or Delete the thumbnail

If you have a distribution profile that requires a specific thumbnail dimension (you may have one or multiple distribution profiles) they will display as empty. You are required to provide a suitable thumbnail with the requested dimension to use for the distribution profile.

Actions for Thumbnails

The following actions are available for each thumbnail entry:

  • Download- Download to your device.
  • Preview - Preview the thumbnail.
  • Delete - You cannot delete the thumbnail that is set as the default thumbnail.
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