Document entries

The document entry is a recently introduced entry type designed to accommodate file formats like PDF, PPT, DOC, and more. You can easily view the documents that have been uploaded through Kaltura's Video Portal in the KMC's Documents tab.

Access the Documents page

  1. To access the Documents page, simply log into your Kaltura Management Console.
  2. Under the Content menu, click the Documents tab.


At the top pf the page, you can see the following:

  • Number of documents (1)
  • Search and filter options (2) - See our article Search and filter entries for more information about these functions.

The Documents table shows the following information for each entry:

  • Thumbnail (3) - This is the image that acts as the preview image for your video. If no thumbnail was added to the entry, a default thumbnail displays.
  • Name (4) - the name of the entry that the document had, or was given, when it was uploaded
  • ID (5) - the Kaltura identification given to the entry
  • Created On (6) – the creation date and time
  • Status (7) – the upload status for the entry which can be one of the following:
    • Ready - document has finished uploading and is ready to view
    • Pending - document is in the uploading queue and pending ingestion
    • Uploading - document is in the process of being uploaded
    • Converting - document is converting and can't be previewed or published yet 
    • Error - document is not in a valid format and cannot be ingested
  • 3 dots menu (8) – This menu gives you the following options:
    • View Details – allows you to see all metadata for the selected document 
    • Download - download the document to your device
    • Delete – delete document 

When clicking on a document entry, you will be directed to its entry details page. Please see Entry Editing to learn more.

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