Registration form editor


Every event begins with registration, so it’s crucial to make a great first impression. The Registration Form Editor lets you easily create and customize forms that match your event’s style.

With this tool, you can pre-populate forms, collect essential data, and streamline the registration process for attendees. Plus, you can monitor traffic using UTM parameters. Fully customizable, it’s designed to meet your event’s unique needs.

Below is a sample registration form with some typical UI elements: 

Access the editor

1. Go to your Configuration Management console, and navigate to the basesiteregistration module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/basesiteregistration.

2. On the basesiteregistration page, click Open Registration Form Editor.

The Registration Form Editor displays.

The Registration Form Editor includes default text that appears on your registration form. You can use the default text provided or customize it by entering your own:

  • Form Title 
  • Title Text (optional)
  • Form Title on Edit Page
  • Edit Title Text (optional)

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory fields.

Add sections to your form

You can add multiple sections to the form, and they’ll appear in the order you set. 

1. To add a new section, click +Add section.

The new section displays.

2. Complete the section details:

  • Section Title - Enter a title for the section. 
  • Section Order - Specify the order (1 = the first section on the form, and so on)
  • Check the boxes based on the requirements of this specific section:
    • Do not show when editing in "/registration/edit" (doesn't apply to email and password sections as they are not editable).
    • Do not show when editing in invitation flow (doesn't apply to email and password sections as they are not editable).
    • Do not show on SSO registration form (since SSO users are already identified when they log in).

To add another section, simply click +Add section, and repeat the process as shown above.

Add fields

You can add fields to your section and set the order in which they appear.

1. To add a field, click + add field.

The new field displays.

2. Complete the following:

Field order in section

Specify the order (1 = the first field in the section, and so on).

Field Type

Choose a type from the drop-down menu. All types except Generic Field are saved as basic user information on the user object database. This information remains consistent for the user across all events they attend.

To learn more about basic user information, please visit our article Understanding shared users.

When you select a type (other than Generic Field), its ID field will be automatically pre-filled (see below).

The Field Type options are as follows:

  • Generic Field - Use this for any custom information, like adding a How did you hear about us? field with Open text as the UI. The information entered in this field is event-specific and saved to the user's profile.
  • First Name, Last Name, Email, Title, Company, Country, State, City, Zip, Description - When choosing one of these types, its ID field will be pre-filled.
  • Language - When selecting Language, it's typically used with the Dropdown UI (see below). Be sure to add the correct language values when creating the dropdown. Please refer to the user object database for the list of language codes (as shown in the image below).
  • Gender - When adding a gender field, it's typically used with the Dropdown UI (see below). Be sure to use the values specified in the user object database: 0 = Unknown 1 = Male, 2 = Female. If you want to create custom gender options, you can do so by creating a generic field, however, please note that custom values will not be saved in the user object database.
  • User Role, Industry, Job Level - When choosing one of these types, the information entered by the user is event-specific and is saved in the user's profile. It's also included in the event reports and analytics.
  • UTM Source, UTM Medium, UTM Campaign -  When choosing one of these types, the information entered by the user is included in the event reports and analytics.
  • Attendance Type - This is specifically used for In-person events. To learn more, read our article In-person attendance.

Field UI

After choosing the Field Type, you need to choose the Field UI from the following options:

  • Open text - This adds a text field that can be used for any input, such as How did you hear about us?
  • Instruction - This field displays non-interactive text for users to read, for example, By clicking Register, you agree to our Terms and Conditions.
  • Dropdown - This creates a drop-down menu where users can select one option. You can add as many options to the menu as needed in the Options section (see below).
  • Checkbox - This adds a single checkbox for users to select, such as for agreeing to terms, as shown in the sample form above. You can make the checkbox mandatory - see the Make field mandatory section (see below). Note that each field can contain only one checkbox.
  • Radio -  This adds two side-by-side radio buttons. The options are added in the Options section (see below).
  • Email - This is for email input.
  • Multi-tag selection - This allows users to choose multiple tags, as shown in the sample form above
  • When choosing Multi-tag selection, a new field will display further down for you to fill in the number of items and text, as shown in the image below:  

     Specify the number of items users can select in the 'Number of items' field, and provide the text you want to display above the tags.

  • Multi-tag selection - User tags - This allows users to choose tags during registration, such as What are your interests? These tags are then matched with content, displaying personalized playlists for each user. For example, if a user selects the tags AI and Product, their playlist will show content related to both AI and Product.

    This feature is used primarily for event clients and requires the 'Top Pick for You' component on the templatepages module to be configured (available when the EventPlatformCore module is enabled).

  • Set-up Password -  This is the field for password setup (select Generic Field type for this option). See the configuration example below:
  • When selecting Set-up Password, a second 'Confirm Password' field is automatically added, as shown in the sample form above

  • Registration Code - This option is specifically for events (select Generic Field type for this option). It's used to track users with invitation codes, which are configured in the 'Invitecodes' custom module.
  • Hidden Data - This is for UTM fields and is not shown to the user but is used for tracking. When you select this, you need to check the box next to Allow inserting values for this field via URL parameters (see below).
  • When checking Allow inserting values for this field via URL parameters, an additional field Acceptable values displays where you add the desired values.

  • Attendance Type - This option displays when you select Attendance Type as the Field Type. The ID field will automatically populate with 'registrationType.' In the Display Name field, enter the desired text as shown in the example below:
  • To learn more about In-person events, read our article In-person attendance.

    The image below is an example of what the user sees on the form. Note that the drop-down options are added automatically when choosing Attendance Type:


The ID field is typically auto-filled after selecting the Field Type (see above). If it isn't, it's common practice to use the same name as the Field Type for the ID.

Display Name

This is where you can customize the text displayed next to a field. For example, if you're adding a checkbox, enter the text you want to appear beside it, such as, By clicking this checkbox, you agree to the terms and conditions. This helps users clearly understand what they are agreeing to when interacting with the checkbox.

Make field mandatory

Check this box to make the field required.

When checking the box, an additional section displays:

Text to show when mandatory field is missing - Enter a message to guide users who skip a required field. For example: Please fill in your name. or You missed a required field. You can also include a link using HTML for users to review and approve, such as Please read and accept the <a href='terms'>terms and conditions</a>.

Marketo Reference ID

Enter your Marketo reference ID.

Placeholder text

Enter text you want to display in the field to guide the user, as shown in the sample form above. This is often used in fields like password entry; for example, the placeholder text might say Must be at least 8 characters.

Checkboxes - Use the checkboxes to control where the selected field will display and whether users are allowed to edit the field.

Check the following boxes as appropriate:

  • Disallow editing value in registration / edit (doesn't apply to email or password fields as these are not editable anyway) 
  • Allow editing on event platform manager (this is used for Events only)
  • Do not show when editing in registration / edit (doesn't apply to email or password fields as these do not show anyway)
  • Do not show on main registration page
  • Disallow editing value in invitation flow
  • Do not showwhen editing in invitation flow
  • Disallow editing value on SSO registration form
  • Do not show on SSO registration form
  • Show on check-in registration form
  • Edit on check-in registration form


This section automatically displays when selecting Dropdown or Radio from the Field UI menu. This is where you add the options for them. 

1. Click +Add option.

The fields for Label and Value display.

2. Enter a Label (for example, the country name) and a corresponding Value (for example, the country abbreviation), like this:

  • Label = United States
  • Value = US

You may want to consult your Marketing team for the specific values they expect you to use.

For values for Gender, please see the note above. For values for Language, please see the note above.

The values are stored on the user object database. While you can add as many options as you want, note that only three will be stored.

'Depends' section

This section allows you to show a field only when another field has a specific value, for example, to show the State field only when the Field ID is set to Country and the Field Value is set to USA, as shown in the image below: 

Default values

Use this section to prefill fields based on specific conditions (for example, auto-approving Terms & Conditions based on the user's country).

1. Click + Add default value.

A new section displays.

2. Complete as follows:

  • Default Value - Enter the default response, such as Yes or No for automatically approving Terms & Conditions.
  • Depend on Field - Specify the Field Type that this condition depends on. 
  • Depend on Value - Enter the value that triggers this condition, for example, if users from Germany are exempt from checking the terms & conditions checkbox, you would specify Germany as the dependent value.

You can use Default Values to prefill a registration form or parts of a registration form before sending it out.

Allow inserting values for this field via url parameters

This option is used for pre-filling URL parameters. When you check this box, the Acceptable Values field displays.

In the Acceptable Values field, enter the specific values you want to allow. For example, if you've selected 'UTM Source' as the field type, you might input 'email, Facebook.' This restricts the parameters added in the URL, ensuring only valid data is captured.

The values you enter must be separated by commas.

Group mapping 

This is used to assign users to specific groups based on certain criteria.  

1. Click + add mapping. 

A new section displays.

2. Complete the Field Value and Group ID.

For example, if you want to assign users who select Germany to the German speakers group, you would set the following:

  • Field Value = GER
  • Group ID = GermanSpeakers

Users who select GER will be added to the GermanSpeakers group.

Preview your form

To preview the form you created, add /register to the base URL of your site, for example:

If you want to re-do your form, simply click the x next to the fields you don't want to delete them and start over.

Final steps

1. When you have finished configuring the form, click Submit at the bottom of the form. 

2. You are returned to the Basesiteregistration module page. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Backup your form - Before going back to make changes to your registration form, you can save a copy of it by copying the JSON (triple-click the field) and pasting it into a text editor such as Notepad. Contact your Kaltura representative for assistance if needed.


For a sample registration JSON file that includes all the countries, click registration example.json.
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