Video portal site registration
Administrators can enforce user registration before entering the video portal site.
SiteRegistration module
The siteRegistration module makes it easy to set up registration, customize the registration page, set email templates for post registration and registration confirmation, set calendar invites, manage email domains, and close registration.
InviteUsers module
The Inviteusers module allows admin to invite new users to KMS and pre-register them. Field Description To invite users Invite new users to KMS, and pre-register the using this link: invite users enabled Enable the Inviteuser...
Basesiteregistration module
The Basesiteregistration module provides common services to the site registration modules. Field Description enabled Enable the Basesiteregistration module. headerText Text to show on the registration page header. headerBa...
Registration form editor
The Registration Form Editor lets you create and customize forms that match your event’s style.
Webhookregistration module
The Webhookregistration module is set up to enable external registration providers to create new users in the video portal, grant them access to specific entries or channels, and send a confirmation email to the registrant.
Webhooksiteregistration module
The Webhooksiteregistration module lets you create users from external sources (like Marketo or Facebook) using a webhook.