Webhookregistration module


The Webhookregistration module is set up to enable external registration providers to create new users in the video portal, grant them access to specific entries or channels, and send a confirmation email to the registrant. This email includes a magic link, allowing direct access to the entry, channel, or homepage.


1. Go to your Configuration Management page and click the Webhookregistration module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_site_url}/admin/config/tab/webhookregistration. 

The Webhookregistration page displays.

2. Configure the following:

enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.

createPreRegisteredUser - When set to 'Yes,' a user is created as soon as the webhook is sent. The user's attendanceInfo will show a status of "Pre-registered," and the user's status will be set to "Blocked."

registrationKey - This is the key to validate the request.


To set up cognito user pools, complete the following fields: 

userPoolId - Enter the cognito user pool id.

clientId - Enter the cognito user pool client id.

region - Enter the region used in the user pool.

allowedAddresses - Provide specific IP addresses or ranges to restrict access to the webhook registration action. Click +Add "allowedAddreesses" to add additional IPs.

If no IPs are configured, access is allowed to all IPs. Examples of acceptable formats include:

  • Single IP:
  • Subnet Mask:
  • CIDR Notation:
  • IP Range:

magicLinkExpiry - The duration, in seconds, for which the link will be accessible (starting from the moment the email is generated).

setPasswordLinkExpiry - The duration, in seconds, for which the link will be accessible (starting from the moment the email is generated).

emailAction - Select from the drop-down menu either Magic Link or Set Password. When set to Magic Link the email will include a KS allowing the user to login and watch the event; when set to Set Password, the link will allow the user to set their Cognito password and login.

defaultRole - Select the user application role to be set for newly created users. Choose from the following options:

  • viewerRole
  • privateOnlyRole
  • adminRole
  • unmoderatedAdminRole

defaultJoinLinkExpiry - Event Join Link expiry in seconds

eventName - Enter the event name. This name will be used in email notifications if the provided eventId does not resolve to a valid entry ID.

registerLink - Enter link to the event registration form.

defaultConfirmationEmailSubject - You can use {FNAME}, {LNAME} and {EVENT_NAME} to dynamically populate the registration info.

defaultConfirmationEmailBody - You can use {FNAME}, {LNAME}, {EVENT_NAME} and {MAGIC_LINK} to dynamically populate the registration info. HTML tags are supported.

registrationEmailFrom - The email that registration email messages are sent from.



Click +Add "fieldMapping" to add field mapping. An additional section displays.

name - Enter a name.

options - Write every option on a new line.

emailLanguageParamName - Enter the name of language parameter received by set password request.


Set the list of email templates per language for the set-password-success email.

Click +Add "tokens".

An additional section displays.

Complete the following fields:

tokenName - Enter the token name as appears in the email template.

tokenValue - Enter the token value.


Create the list of email templates per language.

Click +Add "languages".

An additional section displays.

Complete the following fields:

language - Enter the language value as sent via the webhook.

templateName - Enter the email template name for this language.


Set the list of email templates per language for the set-password-fail email.

Click +Add "tokens".

An additional section displays.

Complete the following fields:

tokenName - Enter the token name as appears in the email template.

tokenValue - Enter the token value.


Click +Add "languageMapping".

An additional section displays.

Complete the following fields:

externalLanguageCode - Enter the language code. 

language - Choose a language from the drop-down list.

3. Click Save.

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