The Webhookregistration module is set up to enable external registration providers to create new users in the video portal, grant them access to specific entries or channels, and send a confirmation email to the registrant. This email includes a magic link, allowing direct access to the entry, channel, or homepage.
1. Go to your Configuration Management page and click the Webhookregistration module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_site_url}/admin/config/tab/webhookregistration.
The Webhookregistration page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
createPreRegisteredUser - When set to 'Yes,' a user is created as soon as the webhook is sent. The user's attendanceInfo will show a status of "Pre-registered," and the user's status will be set to "Blocked."
registrationKey - This is the key to validate the request.
To set up cognito user pools, complete the following fields:
userPoolId - Enter the cognito user pool id.
clientId - Enter the cognito user pool client id.
region - Enter the region used in the user pool.
allowedAddresses - Provide specific IP addresses or ranges to restrict access to the webhook registration action. Click +Add "allowedAddreesses" to add additional IPs.
If no IPs are configured, access is allowed to all IPs. Examples of acceptable formats include:
- Single IP:
- Subnet Mask:
- CIDR Notation:
- IP Range:
magicLinkExpiry - The duration, in seconds, for which the link will be accessible (starting from the moment the email is generated).
setPasswordLinkExpiry - The duration, in seconds, for which the link will be accessible (starting from the moment the email is generated).
emailAction - Select from the drop-down menu either Magic Link or Set Password. When set to Magic Link the email will include a KS allowing the user to login and watch the event; when set to Set Password, the link will allow the user to set their Cognito password and login.
defaultRole - Select the user application role to be set for newly created users. Choose from the following options:
- viewerRole
- privateOnlyRole
- adminRole
- unmoderatedAdminRole
defaultJoinLinkExpiry - Event Join Link expiry in seconds
eventName - Enter the event name. This name will be used in email notifications if the provided eventId does not resolve to a valid entry ID.
registerLink - Enter link to the event registration form.
defaultConfirmationEmailSubject - You can use {FNAME}, {LNAME} and {EVENT_NAME} to dynamically populate the registration info.
defaultConfirmationEmailBody - You can use {FNAME}, {LNAME}, {EVENT_NAME} and {MAGIC_LINK} to dynamically populate the registration info. HTML tags are supported.
registrationEmailFrom - The email that registration email messages are sent from.
sendCognitoLanguage -
Click +Add "fieldMapping" to add field mapping. An additional section displays.
name - Enter a name.
options - Write every option on a new line.
emailLanguageParamName - Enter the name of language parameter received by set password request.
Set the list of email templates per language for the set-password-success email.
Click +Add "tokens".
An additional section displays.
Complete the following fields:
tokenName - Enter the token name as appears in the email template.
tokenValue - Enter the token value.
Create the list of email templates per language.
Click +Add "languages".
An additional section displays.
Complete the following fields:
language - Enter the language value as sent via the webhook.
templateName - Enter the email template name for this language.
Set the list of email templates per language for the set-password-fail email.
Click +Add "tokens".
An additional section displays.
Complete the following fields:
tokenName - Enter the token name as appears in the email template.
tokenValue - Enter the token value.
Click +Add "languageMapping".
An additional section displays.
Complete the following fields:
externalLanguageCode - Enter the language code.
language - Choose a language from the drop-down list.
3. Click Save.