Video portal site registration


Administrators can enforce user registration before entering the video portal site. 

This functionality is separate from Entry Registration, in which administrators enforce user registration before viewing live events and VOD recordings in MediaSpace. 


Admins must enable and configure all of the following modules to enable this functionality.

  • Application - For non-Event Platform Managers (EPM), click the Register App button to the right of appRegistrationID to register the application.
  • Emailservice - Allow admin a way to send users emails.
  • Emailtemplates - Select or create a registration template. 
  • Theming - Customize the look and feel of KMS. Enabling this module is a prerequisite for 11 other modules, including the Login module. 
  • Login - Present an advanced login page to users.
  • Advancedkauth - Enable registration configuration (login and password, reset functionality).
  • Auth - Control the way users login to KMS.
  • Recaptcha - Provide the reCAPTCHA capabilities for the MediaSpace login and registration email sending flows.
  • Invitecodes - Create invite codes to be used in registration to assign user to a group and check quota.
  • Basesiteregistration - Create the registration form.

Modules dependent on type of registration

The administrator must enable and configure the appropriate module(s) from the list below depending on how they want to set up registration for the video portal site - through an "Invite Registration", "Form Registration", "Webhook Registration" or via a landing page. 

  • Inviteusers - Invite new users to KMS and pre-register them (AKA "Invite Registration").
  • Siteregistration - Register new users to KMS (AKA "Form Registration") with an option to take the registration form and easily embed it anywhere you'd like, for example, your corporate site. For more information, visit our article Siteregistration/embed-registration.
  • templatepages - Register new users ("Form Registration") directly from a landing page or homepage using this component. The registration form opens directly on the page, keeping the guests on the page, and providing a quick link to registration. For more information, visit our article Template pages/registration.
  • Webhookregistration - Register new users to KMS from external sources via a webhook (AKA "Webhook Registration").

End-user experience 

Depending on how the user is registering before entering the video portal site - through an "Invite Registration", "Form Registration", or "Webhook Registration", the end-user experience is as follows: 

Invite registration

  1. User receives an email with a link to set a password. 
  2. User clicks on the link. The Set Password window displays.

  3. User types a password, confirms the password, then clicks Set Password. User receives confirmation that their password has been set.

  4. User clicks Sign In to sign into account.

Form registration

  1. User receives an email with a link to a registration form. 
  2. User clicks on the link. The registration form displays.

  3. User completes the form, then clicks Register. User receives confirmation that their form was received.

  4. User clicks Sign In to sign into account.

Registration from a homepage or other landing page

User clicks on the registration CTA button and completes the form, then clicks Register.

Webhook registration 

Users can register through external applications like Facebook or LinkedIn. The registration experience varies by platform. Once an external form is connected to the video portal, user details are sent to the video portal upon form completion. The video portal then creates the user account, sends an email to set a password, and confirms once it's set, allowing the user to sign in.

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