

When enabled, this module allows the ability to generate a report for the user which can be based on media analytics (i.e., quizzes)

Channel/Course Managers can measure and analyze user engagement and contribution to their channels/courses. These contextual analytics allow channel/course managers to answer important questions such as: What are the most popular videos in the channel/course? Who are the members that watch the most videos and what is their drop-off rate? Who are the members that contribute the most media to the channel/course?

The Userreports & mediaAnalytics fields should be enabled to display the Analytics option. The Analytics dashboard is available for media owners and is accessed from the 'Actions' drop-down of the entry page. As seen in the graphics below: 

The Analytics report is identical to the analytics for the entry in the KMC. To learn more, please visit Entry Level Analytics.


enable - set to Yes to enable the module.

mediaAnalytics  - Enable media analytics for media owner

num_days - Default number of days.This field is only relevant for Quiz analytics OR Live Analytics OR Custom Reports. 

pageSize - Default page size. Only relevant for Quiz analytics OR Live Analytics OR Custom Reports.

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