Disclaimer module


Administrators can require end-users to review and accept the Terms of Agreement via a checkbox before they upload or publish content.

Please note that displaying different disclaimer messages based on the audience's country is not supported.


1. Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Disclaimer module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/disclaimer.

The Disclaimer page displays.

2. Configure the following:

enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable.

disclaimerProfileId - Enter the custom data profile ID for the disclaimer.

See our article Create a custom data schema to learn more about creating a custom data profile.

disclaimerField - Specify the custom data field that must be checked when uploading or publishing media.

disclaimerText - Enter the text that explains the purpose of the disclaimer checkbox (see example below). 

You can use BB code to format your text. You can click on the link provided in the module (full list here) or use the basic tags provided below.

agreeText - Enter the text displayed next to the checkbox, indicating the user agrees to the terms.

Does not apply to the Theming upload page and KMSGo Mobile app.

displayArea -  Choose from the following options:

  • Before Upload - Terms of agreement are shown before users can contribute content. After agreeing, the upload and other options are enabled, and the checkbox cannot be unchecked.
  • Before Publish - Terms of agreement appear as part of the metadata on the upload and edit media screens. The checkbox can be required, preventing media from being published unless selected. Once agreed to, the checkbox becomes view-only and cannot be unchecked.

3. Click Save.


Below is a sample configuration and the resulting user experience.


What the user sees before uploading content:

Once the box is checked, the upload screen displays:

BB code tags

BB code is a simplified version of HTML that lets you format your messages without affecting page layout. Here’s a list of basic BB code tags you can use to format your text:


Don't put spaces between the bracketed code and the text you are applying the code to.

The end brackets must include a forward slash ([/list])

Format Usage Example usage
Bold / italics / underline [b]

[b]this text is bold[/b]

[I]this text is italic[/i]

[u]this text is underlined[/u]

Color [color=Option]value[/color] 

{color=blue]this text is blue[/color]

[size=Option]value[/size] = size

Size [size=Option]value[/size] [size=+2]this text is two sizes larger than normal[/size]
Alignment [left]value[/left]
[center]value[/center] [right]value[/right] 

[left]this text is left-aligned[/left]

[center]this text is center-aligned[/center]

[right]this text is right-aligned[/right]

Bulleted list [list]value[/list]


[*]list item 1

[*]list item 2


Font [font=Option]value[/font] [font=courier]this text is in the courier font[/font]
URL hyperlinking



[url] https://knowledge.kaltura.com/help[/url]

[url=https://knowledge.kaltura.com/help]Knowledge Center[/url]

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