Facebook module


This module allows metadata tags like the thumbnail, entry name, description, and URL to display in posts on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and MS Teams. Without this module, pasting a Kaltura media page URL in a social media post will only show the URL, not the rich content.

Check out our Share and embed media user guide for more information.


  • Your Kaltura representative must disable Default Entitlement Enforcement in the Admin Console.
  • To share an entry, make sure it is published to an open category (gallery) or set as 'unlisted'. Please note that if the entry is published to a channel that requires authentication, it will not play. To learn about publishing entries, visit our article Publish media.

Step 1: Configure the Embed module

  1. Go to your Configuration Management console, and navigate to the Embed module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/embed

    The embed page displays.

  2. In the secureEmbed field, select 'No' from the dropdown.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Step 2: Configure the Auth module

  1. Select Auth from the panel on the left of the Configuration Management console.

    The Auth page displays.

  2. In the allowAnonymous field, select 'Yes'. 

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Step 3: Configure the Facebook module

  1. Select Facebook from the panel on the left of the Configuration Management console.

    The Facebook page displays.

  2. Configure the following:
    • enabled -  Set to 'Yes'.
    • siteDescription - Enter the text to send on the og:description property for the shared link for non-player pages. 'OG' stands for Open Graph, a protocol used by social media platforms to extract and display rich information from web pages. The og property specifically allows you to set a description that will appear when the page is shared on social media.
    • shareImageURL - Type in the link of an image you would like to use when users share content to non-media pages (such as the homepage). Leave this field empty to use the site logo.
  3. Click Save.

Below is an example of a shared link with text and logo.

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