Share and embed media


Kaltura offers flexible ways to share and embed your videos, ensuring your content reaches the right audience. Embedding is the ability to take a Kaltura video, and place it into some other web page by means of HTML iframe code. A Kaltura embed removes access restriction from an entry unless secure embed is enabled (a mechanism that forces any user who attempts to load an embedded Kaltura entry to authenticate into the site). For information about secure embed, read our article Enhanced Settings for Secure Embed.

The embed settings are configured by your administrator in the embed module.

Ways of sharing

  • Direct link - Copy and paste the link provided.
  • Email - An email automatically opens with the link, ready to send.
  • Embed code - Copy and paste the embed provided.
  • Social networks - Click on the icon of the desired platform.

When a video portal user uses the iframe embed to share media, all entry entitlements are removed.

Access permissions may apply. Ensure you have the necessary rights to share and embed the video.

Theming-based sites

 Via the player

If your player has been configured for sharing, you can share media using the share icon as follows: 

Visit our article Share for more information about configuring your player.

  1. Navigate to the desired video.
  2. Click the share icon located in the upper right corner of the player.
    The Share window displays.
  3. Choose from the following share methods:

Direct link 

  1. Click the copy iconnext to the link.
    A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen: Link copied to clipboard.
  2. Paste the link into the desired site.


  1. Click the email icon.
    An email page opens.
  2. Enter the 'To' details and click Send.

Embed code

  1. Click the embed code  icon
  2. Paste the embed code wherever you want to share or embed the video.

Social networks

Click on the icon of the platform you want to share to (e.g., Facebook, X). Add any relevant text and share accordingly.

Start at - You can share the video from a specific time. Choose 'Start at' and enter the time according to the format given (00.00.00). For example, if you want a video to start at 1 minute and 30 seconds into the video, enter 00.01.30

Share clip - You can share a segment of a video by choosing 'Share clip' and then selecting the start and end position of the segment you'd like to share. For example, if you want a video to start at 1 minute and 30 seconds into the video, enter 00.01.30, and then enter the time for the end time.

Via the media page

  1. Navigate to the desired video.
  2. Click the Share button under the media player.
    The Share window displays.
  3. Choose from the following share methods:

Direct link 

  1. Click the copy iconnext to the link.
    A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen: Link copied to clipboard
  2. Paste the link into the desired site.

Social networks

Click on the icon of the platform you want to share on (e.g., Facebook, X). Add any relevant text and share accordingly.


  1. Click the email icon.
    An email page opens.
  2. Enter the 'To' details and click Send.

Start video at - To have a video start playing from a specific point, check the box next to 'Start video at' and enter the time according to the format give (00.00.00). For example, if you want a video to start at 1 minute and 30 seconds into the video, you'd enter 00.01.30.

Embed code

  1. Click the embed icon.
  2. The preview window opens.
  3. Choose the player skin.
  4. Choose embed size.
  5. Start video at - To have a video start playing from a specific point, check the box next to 'Start video at' and enter the time according to the format give (00.00.00). For example, if you want a video to start at 1 minute and 30 seconds into the video, you would enter 00.01.30.
  6. Click Copy embed.

    A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen: Link copied to clipboard.
  7. Click Close and paste the copied embed code wherever you want to embed the video.

Non-theming-based sites

  1. Navigate to the desired video.
  2. Click the Share button under the media player.
    The options for sharing display.
  3. Choose from the following share methods:

Link to Media Page 

  1. On the Link To Media Page tab, copy the link (ctrl +C). 
  2. Start Time - To have a video start playing from a specific point, check the box next to 'Start at' and enter the time according to the format give (00.00.00). For example, if you want a video to start at 1 minute and 30 seconds into the video, you would enter 00.01.30.
  3. Paste the link accordingly.

If the media is restricted, only authorized users can access the shared media page.


  1. Click the Embed tab.

  2. Start Time - To have a video start playing from a specific point, check the box next to 'Start at' and enter the time according to the format give (00.00.00). For example, if you want a video to start at 1 minute and 30 seconds into the video, you would enter 00.01.30
  3. Choose Player Size:  608 w x 402 h / 400 w x 285 h / 304 w x 231 h
  4. Responsive sizing - toggle on to use responsive sizing

Responsive sizing refers to the ability of a video player to automatically adjust its dimensions to fit different screen sizes and devices, ensuring optimal viewing experiences across various platforms.

5. Copy the embed code (ctrl + C) and paste accordingly. 


  1. Click the Email tab.
     An email page opens.
  2. Enter the 'To' details and click Send.

You can also embed Kaltura media using a "referenceId", but either the "entryId" or the "widgetId" must also be included.

Kaltura also allows embedding playlists. See our article Share & Embed Playlists for more information.

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