

In this article, you can find information about our player plugins. You can also read the Playback functionality article to learn more. 

What is a player plugin?

Plugins are add-on components that you can install on top of players to enhance their capabilities, make them more powerful, or target them for specific tasks. Plugins are typically developed to:

  • Modify the default behavior of a player

  • Add functionality to a player

  • Customize player appearance

Why should I install plugins on my player?

To ensure a positive viewing experience, your player must be visually appealing and easy to use. By adding plugins to your player, you can enhance its performance and provide an up-to-date experience for your users. Some plugins can enrich the viewing experience with additional capabilities. 

For information on creating your custom plugins, see here.

Plugins and core settings

Core capabilities

All core capabilities are part of the basic settings of the vanilla Kaltura Player. For the admin guides, see Core Capabilities

Enrichment plugins

The enrichment plugins can be added to the player via the Kaltura Player Studio. For the admin guides, see The Kaltura Player Studio Admin Guides

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