Player accessibility
The Kaltura player is fully accessible and meets the general accessibility requirements.
Ad blocker detection in player
Ad blockers can deny Kaltura the option of collecting viewership data which could affect features such as certifications (CPE/education), badges, leaderboard, and lead reporting on viewership-based events.
Audio player Updated
Kaltura's Audio player is tailored for audio tracks, while also supporting VOD and Live media entries.
Video bumpers are short video clips that typically show the brand or company that your video represents.
Call to action (CTA) in player
Interact directly with your audience using our Call to Action plugin.
Captions and audio tracks
The Kaltura Player supports subtitles, closed captions and audio description for both VOD and live content.
The Cast plugin lets you stream your video content from your phone, tablet, or laptop right to your TV or speakers.
Documents in player New
Kaltura's Documents plugin ensures convenient access to any documents that may have been included in content loaded in the player, for example, as part of a playlist.
The Download plugin allows users to download video entries (in the flavor(s) they choose), along with the files that are attached to the entries (attachments) and any caption types available directly from within the player.
Dual screen
The Dual screen plugin enriches the user experience by enabling playback of two synchronized videos or a video and a slide presentation from different sources in one player.
Error slate
The Error slate setting allows you to set an alternative image to be used as a background for player error messages.
Floating player
As the viewer scrolls down, if the player moves out of view, a floating player will pop up and position itself according to the configuration.
Hotspots are clickable interactive objects in a video that viewers interact with to further engage with the content.
Info icon
The Info icon allows users to get details about the video they're watching.
Kaltura’s Live plugin enhances your live streaming with powerful features.
Live Q&A
About Kaltura Player has been enhanced to improve the user experience for viewing a Live broadcast along with moderated Q&A. Setup To learn how to set the Live Q & A Plugin on the player, see The Kaltura Player Studio Admin Guide ...
Logo plugin
The Logo plugin adds an icon to the bottom right corner of the player, helping to identify your company's brand and enhance brand awareness.
Moderation plugin
The Moderation plugin ‘flag’ appears on the top right corner so that viewers can flag content that doesn’t uphold the guidelines and rules set by the organization and/or administrators as suitable for publishing.
Navigation plugin
The navigation plugin appears in the top right corner, letting viewers search and navigate content, chapters, slides, hotspots, and questions.
The Playlist plugin allows you to organize and present multiple videos in a continuous sequence.
Prevent forward seeking
The Kaltura player supports forward and backward seeking.
Interactive Video Quiz seamlessly embeds questions at any point in a video.
Reels player
Kaltura's new Reels player is an engaging way to watch playlists of short, snackable videos.
Our Related plugin enhances your video player by displaying a list of related videos.
Search engine optimization
The Search engine optimization (SEO) plugin makes life easier for search engines, helping them understand your video's key elements.
Share & embed
The Share & embed plugin appears at the top right corner of the screen, and offers the viewer the ability to share content to social media channels, email, or as a direct link.
Skip intro / outro
If enabled, an option to "Skip Intro" displays on the lower right corner of the player for a set time from the start of the video.
Summary & chapters plugin
Kaltura's Content Lab allows you to instantly produce concise summaries and chapters for your videos using AI.
The transcript plugin displays captions in a window next to or below the player, allowing viewers to follow along or search and jump to a specific point in the video where a word was spoken.
Watermark plugin
The Watermark plugin can include an image overlay on the video to protect your content and strengthen your brand's awareness.
360 & VR
The Kaltura Player supports 360° video and VR on desktop and mobile devices with any motion - mouse, touch, device motion, and keyboard keys.