PlayKit JS Bumper

PlayKit JS Bumper is written in ECMAScript6, statically analyzed using Typescript, and transpiled in ECMAScript5 using Babel.

Getting Started


The plugin requires Kaltura Player to be loaded first.


First, clone and run yarn to install dependencies:

git clone cd playkit-js-bumper yarn install


Then, build the player

yarn run build

Embed the library on your test page

Finally, add the bundle as a script tag on your page, and initialize the player

<script type="text/javascript" src="/PATH/TO/FILE/kaltura-player.js"></script>
<!--Kaltura player-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/PATH/TO/FILE/bumper.js"></script>
<!--PlayKit info plugin-->
<div id="player-placeholder" style="height:360px; width:640px">  <script type="text/javascript">    var playerContainer = document.querySelector("#player-placeholder");    var config = {     ...     targetId: 'player-placeholder',     plugins: {       "bumper": {
               "url": "<BUMPER URL>"
            }     }     ...    };    var player = KalturaPlayer.setup(config);    player.loadMedia(...);  </script>


The bumper plugin's purpose is to give the application a way to display a short clip before/after the main entry playback Allow the player to display a short clip before the main entry. (Channel id, Sponsored by and more)


In order to enable the plugin you can give the following config parameters while url it is the only "must" key to make the plugin work


default = '' - The bumper container div id


the url of the bumper video


URL to a website that will be opened when clicking on the bumper screen


default [0] - bumper before video playback, it receives an array that configured wheter bumper will be shown on playback start, playback end or both => [0], [-1], [0, -1]


default = false, when using main video tag we will want it to be true


default = false, may be used as true on TV's, ios plays inline = false or ios native full screen mode.

Default Config Json Example

plugins: {       bumper: {             id: '',             url: '',             clickThroughUrl: '',             position: [],             disableMediaPreload: false,             playOnMainVideoTag: false         }  }


Bumper Plugin Example

Coding style tests

We use ESLint recommended set with some additions for enforcing [Flow] types and other rules.

See ESLint config for full configuration.

We also use .editorconfig to maintain consistent coding styles and settings, please make sure you comply with the styling.


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details

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