The AddNew module is used to add the +Create button located at the top right of the navigation bar. The +Create drop-down menu and its contents are configured in this module.
Check out our Create menu user guide!
This module is supported in both KMS and KAF applications.
Enable the Theming module as well as the Header option within the module's features section.
Go to your Configuration Management page and click the AddNew module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_site_url}/admin/config/tab/addNew
The AddNew page displays.
buttonDisplay - This field lets you choose whether to show or hide the +Create button for anonymous users. For logged-in users, the button is displayed based on their permissions to add media. Choose from the following options:
- Show for guests
- Hide for guests
- Do not show
For more information about permissions, see our article Video Portal and KAF roles and permissions.
Here you can control what tools to show in the +Create menu, and in which section of the menu. The +Create menu is split into three sections and allows you to promote the most used creation tools/apps to the top of the menu. You can also choose to have all the tools in one section if that works for you.
The checkboxes next to the menu items determine their placement in the menu. Unchecking an item does not remove it from the menu; it will appear instead in its default location (unless checked in a different section). To fully remove an item, disable its module (see below).
Section 1
To place the most-used tools in the first section, check the boxes next to each one.
Section 2
To add additional tools under the heading Other Creation Tools, check the boxes next to the desired items in the second section.
Section 3
To add additional tools under the heading Collections, check the boxes next to the desired items in the third section.
This section lists the modules that add items to the +Create menu.
The Upload function is a core feature that is always enabled and will appear as the first item on the menu.
Enable and configure modules by clicking the configure option on the right, which will take you directly to that module. Here are your options:
kwebcast - Enables Town Hall (webcasting) in the menu.
newrow - Adds Meeting Room to the menu.
recorder - Displays Express Capture in the menu.
quiz - Adds Video Quiz to the menu.
kalturacapture - Shows Capture in the menu.
onedrive - Adds oneDrive to the menu.
raptmedia - Displays Interactive Video in the menu.
youtube - Adds YouTube to the menu.
draft - Shows Draft Entry in the menu.
stitch - Adds Stitch Videos to the menu.
This is an example configuration:
The result is as follows:
The Application module allows you to manage the overall settings of your application and customize the features displayed in your environment. Here you can set the title of the application and adjust various entry-related features such as enabling likes, restricting editing and deleting entries, setting the default language, and configuring other display options.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Application module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/application.
The Application page displays.
2. Configure the following:
Preset fields
These values are set during installation and are read only.
instanceId - This is the unique string to identify an installation of Kaltura's Video Portal (aka MediaSpace). Can be used to differentiate the instance in the KMC analytics.
privacyContext - This string is used to set as the privacy context on root category. The video portal root category must also be set with this value.
userRoleProfile - This is the Metadata Profile ID for the user's role per video portal installation instance.
virtualEventID - This is the event ID for this site, used for analytics and is a prerequisite for the Application Registry feature set (see below) and more. If empty, some instances may have a Generate Event ID button which you need to click to to enable it.
Application registry
Use the applicationRegistry to subscribe an application to various microservices, primarily Authbroker, but also others.
mainSiteAlias - Set the main site domain to be used in the Application Registry and AuthBroker modules (hostname only, no protocol, for example, “videos.kaltura.com“). Value should be completed automatically by the Event Platform Manager (EPM).
appRegistrationID - This is the application registry ID - a prerequisite for the Application Registry feature set (such as AuthBroker). If empty, some instances may have a Register App button which you need to click to to enable it.
userProfile - This field indicates the use of the User Profile for registration. Application must be registered in order to use this field. The default value is "1" , and only a Kaltura administrator is authorized to modify it.
Set the title of the application
title - Enter the title of your site. This title is displayed in the browser's title bar and is usually displayed in search engine results. Page titles consist of the name of the currently loaded media and the site title, for example, if a page features a video named 'My Video' and 'MediaSpace' is the site title, the page title would be 'My Video - MediaSpace'.
Set the site's footer
footer - Enter the footer text. The default is 'MediaSpace video portal by Kaltura'.
Add JavaScript (JS) to your pages
The following fields may be used to insert JS on all video portal (non-admin) pages, either by adding the JS directly in the app admin, or using a link to a hosted JS file. Do not use these fields if you are unfamiliar with the JS inserted.
headerJS - Enter any JS to be run on all video portal headers. Don't use if you're not familiar with the JS inserted. Will not work on admin pages.
headerJSlinks - Enter links to JS files to be loaded on all video portal headers. Do not use if you are not familiar with the JS inserted. Will not work on admin pages.
- Click +Add "headerJSlinks".
- url - Enter the full URL for the JS file (for example: https://myfiles.com/files/my.js).
bodyJS - Enter any JS to be run at the bottom of all video portal pages. Don't use this field if you're unfamiliar with the JS inserted. This field is not applicable to admin pages.
Set compatibility mode
forceIECompatibilityMode - Set to 'Yes' if you want Internet Explorer to use the latest rendering engine even when Compatibility Mode is on. By default, when Compatibility Mode is on, Internet Explorer uses IE7's engine to render pages. Turning on this option makes Internet Explorer use the latest rendering engine instead. For more details, please visit the link.
Since IE Is no longer supported, this field is only left for backward compatibility. Keep the value default if you are a new admin.
Add a theme
theme - This field is only left for backward compatibility. Keep the value default if you are a new admin. If your instance is configured with the Theming Design System, please see the Theming module.
Set the UI language(s)
languageConfiguration - Configure your instance to enable users to select a different language or multiple languages for their user interface. All non-configurable text in the UI will be automatically translated. However, manually entered text, such as category names or entry titles, will remain unchanged.
You can download a list of text resources for your instance in the Languages module > DownloadLocaleText.
To enable a single language, select Single Language Instance and choose the language from the language drop-down menu.
To enable multiple languages, select Multi Language Instance and choose the different languages you want to enable from the languageSelection menu (below).
languageSelection - Click the boxes next to the languages you want to display on the user interface.
You can edit existing languages and add custom languages using the Languages Module. See KMC, KMS & KAF Supported Languages for a list of supported languages.
showLanguageFlag - Select 'Yes' to show the available languages with the flag. Select 'No' to show the first 2 letters representing the language.
Language flags are not displayed in the Theming navigation bar.
language - Select the default language for new users. In the video portal, when users change the language from the dropdown menu, it will be saved on a persistent cookie. In KAF-based LMS, the language on Kaltura elements will match the language set by the user in the LMS settings.
User experience for Theming users
Enable "Likes" and displaying entry titles in the URL
enableLike - Set to 'Yes' to enable the 'Like' feature for entries.
enableEntryTitles - Set to 'Yes' to include the media title in the URL of the media page when browsing the site and sharing a link to the media.
Restrict editing or deleting published entries
If you're worried about accidental deletions or edits to published content, you can restrict these actions. Simply set the corresponding fields to "No" and save. This disables the Edit and Delete icons for published content.
allowEditPublished - Set to 'Yes' to enable editing of published entries.
allowDeletePublished - Set to 'Yes' to enable deletion of published entries.
enableEntryDelete - Set to 'Yes' to enable deleting media from your video portal.
Configure display options
enableViews - Set to 'Yes' to enable displaying the number of views per entry.
showPageTitles - Set to 'Yes' to display the page titles. Note that this feature applies only to specific pages and will not function on Theming pages.
showCreatedByIndicator - Set to 'Yes' to show the ‘Created By’ indication on the media page and in the global search.
showCreatedfromIndicator - Set to 'Yes' to display on the media page the original content from which media was created, such as clips or quizzes (as demonstrated in the image below).
enableUnlisted - Set to 'Yes' to enable setting entries as unlisted. An unlisted entry may be viewed by anyone with the link to the entry page but will not appear in any search results.
enableUnlisted is supported only on the Kaltura Video Portal (KMS). This feature is out of support for LMS apps that are restricted to authenticated users only.
timezone - Choose which timezone your video portal should use to present times and dates.
useUserTimezone - Set to 'Yes' to show webcast and scheduling time in the user's time zone.
Configure additional display options
assetConsolidationEnabled - Enable assets (js/css) consolidation and minification. Setting this field to 'Yes' will provide a faster load of the pages. Set to 'No' when looking to validate and investigate through the site's JS and CSS.
showEmailInUserSuggestions - Set to 'Yes' to show the user's email address in the user suggestions box when searching for users.
enableLoadButton - When you enable this setting, a 'Load More' button will show up on list pages (like channels, galleries, My media, etc.) after displaying the initial set of results. This feature allows more entries to load instead of endless scrolling. Please note that this applies only to specific pages and will not work on theming pages, as they are configured with pagination.
Set the user management window display
extraUserInfoRow - Choose what column to show on the user management table.
- Show extra info - displays the Extra Data column in the User Management window
- Show Registration Status - displays the Registration column in the User Management window
Click +Add "ssoDomains" and enter the email domains for SSO users. SSO users are instructed to login using the SSO authentication method, and are not allowed to:
- Login through Kaltura login
- Register in the external registration form
- Use the forgot password flow
Supported formats: xxx.yyy or xxx.yyy.zzz (for example, “domain.com” or “sub.domain.com”)
3. Click Save.
The Auth module manages user logins for the video portal. By default, it uses Kaltura Authentication. Please note:
- To switch to SAML authentication, check out the SAML module.
- For multiple authentication methods, use the 'enableMultiAuth' setting.
- To help users change their login method after selecting "Remember My Selection," they can visit: https://<partnerId>.mediaspace.kaltura.com/user/clear-login-selection or clear their browser cookies."
AuthBroker is a "gateway" that sits on the partner (account) level and manages authentication to Kaltura via external Identity providers (IdP). AuthBroker works with the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and Open Authorization (OAuth 2.0) protocols. AuthBroker users are "shared users" (users who are shared between applications / instances in the partner).
AuthBroker works with a higher version of SAML and you no longer need to set up a new profile for each new account. You can set up profile(s) just once and easily use them in multiple applications/instances.
Go to your Configuration Management console, and navigate to the Auth module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/auth.
In the Auth module window, configure the following:
demoMode - Set to 'Yes' if you want to enable the demo login mode. After entering any user or password combination, the user has an admin role.
showLogin - Set to 'Yes' if you want to show login / logout menu on site header.
phUser - user ID alternate field placeholder
phPwd - password alternate field placeholder
phLoginInstruction - login instructions
enableMultiAuth set to 'No'
enableMultiAuth - Enable Multi-Authentication Methods configuration. If you leave the setting on 'No', complete the authNAdapter and authZAdapter fields below. If you select 'Yes', skip to the next section.
authNAdapter - What is the name of the PHP class for handling authentication? KalturaAuth enables the built-in User Management system (located at /admin/users).
When Theming is enabled, authNAdapter should be set to Kaltura Advanced AuthN.
LdapAuth lets you use your organizational LDAP/AD server to authenticate users. To use your own custom class, enter the custom class name, then click 'Add custom value'.
The value is added to the menu.
authZAdapter - What is the name of the PHP class for handling authorization? Authorization determines the user's role. KalturaAuth enables the built-in User Management system (located at /admin/users). LdapAuth lets you use your organizational LDAP/AD server to determine roles.
To use your own custom class, enter the custom class name, then click 'Add custom value'.
The value is added to the menu.
enableMultiAuth set to 'Yes'
enableMultiAuth - If you select 'Yes', a new section displays with multiAuthWelcome and multiAuthselect' fields, and a section for each authentication method you choose to configure.
multiAuthWelcome - Enter welcome text to show on login selection page.
multiAuthSelect - Enter the text to show on login selection page.
Click +Add "authMethods".
A new section displays.
method - Choose an authentication method from the drop-down menu. friendlyName - Enter the text to show the user on the login selection page, leave empty to use default. helpText - Enter the text to show when hovering over the question mark on the login selection page, leave empty to use default. authSlug - Fill in the URL ending to allow a direct link for users to login via this auth method. The new URL will be https://<my_mediaspace_instance>.kaltura.com/auth/SLUG. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed. |
allowAnonymous - Can users access MediaSpace without logging in? If you select 'yes,' anonymousRole users can browse the galleries and view videos. For anonymousRole users, links/buttons for actions that require more advanced roles are displayed. When an anonymousRole user clicks a link/button that requires a more advanced role, a login screen is displayed.
anonymousGreeting - What text should be used in the header instead of an actual user name?
sessionLifetime - Set how long (in seconds) a MediaSpace user session can last. If set value is lower than the minimum of 3600 seconds (1h), the minimum wil be utilized.
refreshDetailsOnLogin - Select 'Yes' to update the user's details on Kaltura upon login (recommended).
refreshRoleOnLogin - Select 'Yes' to update the user's role on Kaltura upon login. Select 'No' to allow KMS admin to override the user's role through Kaltura user management.
Click Expand to display the LDAP server options.
To configure KMS login through LDAP server, fill in the fields below. If needed, Kaltura's LDAP wizard can be used to test connectivity and suggest a configurations that works best with your LDAP server. Please also make sure that the relevant ports and IP range in the org firewall are available from the Kaltura servers. host - Enter the address of your LDAP Server. port - Enter the port of your LDAP Server. protocol - Enter the protocol your LDAP server uses (ldap or ldaps). Protocolversion - Enter the protocol version of your LDAP server (V2 or V3). baseDn - Enter the base DN of your LDAP server. bindMethod - Select the mode of operation used for authenticating with LDAP.
searchUserClick Expand to display the options. username - Typically the username would be in the following format "CN=xyz". If anonymous search is not allowed, what is the DN of the account that should be used to bind for searching users? For anonymous, do not enter a username. password - If anonymous search is not allowed, what is the password of the account that should be used to bind for searching users? For anonymous, do not enter a password. userSearchQueryPattern - Enter the pattern for querying the LDAP server to find a user. The @@USERNAME@@ token will be replaced with the actual username provided in the login screen. emailAttribute - What is the name of the attribute on the user record that contains the user ID? If you do not want to sync email with Kaltura, do not enter an emailAttribute. firstNameAttribute - What is the name of the attribute on the user record that contains the user's first name? If you do not want to sync the first name with Kaltura, do not enter a firstNameAttribute. lastNameAttribute - What is the name of the attribute on the user record that contains the user's last name? If you do not want to sync the last name with Kaltura, do not enter a lastNameAttribute. tlsCipherSuite - Advanced: Control the value of LDAPTLS_CIPHER_SUITE environment variable. Use with extra care! |
Click Expand to display the LDAP Options for group searches.
Configure the LDAP options for group searches. groupSearch - Select the option from the drop-down menu: Get user from groups or Get groups from user Get user from groupsIf you select Get user from groups, complete the byGroup section that follows: groupSearchQueryPattern - Enter the pattern for querying all groups in one query. The @@GROUPS_REPLACEMENTS@@ token will be replaced with the pattern that you specify under groupSearchEachGroupPattern (displayed below). The query results list all groups defined in the mapping settings. groupSearchEachGroupPattern - Enter the pattern for each group in the groupSearchQueryPattern (displayed above). This pattern is used multiple times: one time for each group defined in the mapping settings. The relation between the groups is OR. groupSearchQuery - Enter the LDAP query that finds all groups. This query runs only one time, so it returns all groups defined in the matching settings. If you enter a value for this LDAP query, the two settings displayed above (groupSearchQueryPattern and groupSearchEachGroupPattern) are not used. groupMembershipAttribute - Enter the attribute on a group record that lists the users who are members in the group. Get groups from userIf you select Get groups from user, complete the byUser section that follows: memberOfAttribute - Enter the memberOf attribute to use the memberof search filter to map groups to users. Note: The memberof search filter is not enabled by default on all LDAP servers. userSearchQueryPattern - Enter the pattern for querying the LDAP server to find a user. The @@USERNAME@@ token will be replaced with the actual user name provided in the login window. primaryGroupIdAttribute - (Optional) Enter the attribute name for the primary group ID (usually primaryGroupId). Use this field only to authorize by primary group ID when you are using AD. groupsMatchingOrder - Enter the order in which to match MediaSpace roles to LDAP groups. For example, if a user belongs to a group that is mapped to the admin role, enter adminRole before other roles ('adminRole,viewerRole') to find the admin role first and log in the user with the adminRole. |
Click Expand to map your LDAP server groups to MediaSpace roles. The group value should be the value of the CN part - i.e. 'faculty', not 'CN=faculty'
adminRole - Enter LDAP group names that match the MediaSpace adminRole. Click +Add "adminRole" to add another role. viewerRole - Enter LDAP group names that match the MediaSpace viewerRole. Click +Add "viewerRole" to add another role. privateOnlyRole - Enter LDAP group names that match the MediaSpace privateOnlyRole. Click +Add "privateOnlyRole" to add another role. unmoderatedAdminRole - Enter LDAP group names that match the MediaSpace unmoderatedAdminRole. Click +Add "unmoderatedAdminRole" to add another role. matchByPrimaryGroupIdTo match by primary group ID, click +Add "matchByPrimaryGroupId". A new section displays. primaryGroupId - Enter ID. roleForGroup - Select the desired role from the drop-down menu. |
Click Expand to configure the video portal login through SSO gateway.
secret - Enter a custom secret, or enter 'default' to use the Kaltura Admin Secret associated with your Kaltura account. loginUrl - What is the URL for the SSO gateway login page? Note: The 'ref' parameter is added automatically. logoutUrl - What is the URL to which a user is redirected after logging out of MediaSpace? Usually, you enter your organization's login page. hashAlgorithm - Choose the hash algorithm used to generate the session key - either 'SHA1' or 'SHA256'. |
Click Expand to configure KMS login through Header Authentication.
headerName - Set the name of the HTTP header that contains the user ID of the authenticated user. logoutURL - If 'allowAnonymous' value is set to 'No', you can specify a URL (instead of an 'unauthorized' page) to which the user is redirected when logged out. |
Click Expand to define the values for the Forgot Password options.
link - The 'link' options are:
emailSubject - If you enter an email address in the 'link' field, enter the text to populate the subject field of the email. If you do not want to populate the subject field, enter an empty string (' '). emailBody - If you enter an email address in the 'link' field, enter the text to populate the body of the email. If you do not want to populate the body, enter an empty string (' '). For KalturaAuth's User Management send new password feature: (If authClass is set to KalturaAuth, MediaSpace exposes a user management system. This system's admin can click on a user's email to open the admin's local email client to email the new password to the user.) reminderSubject - Enter the text to populate the subject field of the 'new password' email. If you do not want to populate the subject field, enter an empty string (' '). reminderBody - Enter the text to populate the body of the 'new password' email. The password will be inserted automatically at the end of the body text. If you do not want to populate the body, enter an empty string (' '). |
adminsGroup - Enter a group ID to which any KMC or EP users will be added upon login to the site.
Click Save.
This module is used to set the root category for the application and to define which external applications or categories should be displayed to the user.
Categories define the taxonomy and hierarchical structure of your MediaSpace site. You can access categories through the Navigation icon and browse your content according to the categories in which they are contained. Each category opens up the list of sub-categories that are pre-configured by your account administrator.
You must first set up the categories (and subcategories) in the KMC.
To set up a MediaSpace category tree in the KMC, create a MediaSpace root category.
- Select the Content tab and then select the Categories tab.
- Click Add Category.
- On the New Category window, select the position of the root category and save your new category. See Managing Categories for more information.
rootCategory - Select the Root category from the available categories.
showExternalPublish - Set to Yes to show entry categories from external applications.
Add Content from External Applications
Click +AddexternalApplications to add external applications. You may configure multiple external applications
externalApplications - Set the fields in this section for each external application you want to add.
When you have an additional LMS extension or additional MediaSpace instances you may display where this media published in other applications that are connected to this MediaSpace. For more information, see Applications Interoperability - External Applications Feature.
applicationName - Select the display name for this application. Users will see this name in My media.
applicationRootCategory - Select the external application name.
Select the Category from the drop down list.
type - select either MediaSpace KAF application or other.
Restrict Categories to Certain Users
restricted - Restrict categories to specific roles. Only users with the specified role can view media in the restricted category.
Only users with adminRole or unmoderatedAdminRole can add media to the restricted category.
+Add "restricted" - Click to configure the restrictions. You may set restrictions on multiple categories.
category - Select a category from the drop down menu.
roles - Select one or more roles that can access the restricted category. Use 'Ctrl' to select multiple roles.
Configure Who Can View Categories
By default, categories may be accessed by all authorized users.
allowAnonymous - When allowAnonymous mode is enabled, open categories may also be viewed by anonymous users.
To enable Anonymous mode
- On the Configuration Management panel of the Kaltura MediaSpace Administration Area, open the Auth tab.
- Under allowAnonymous, select Yes and click Save.
Related Modules
The Channels module is used to set up channels, configure roles and permissions for creating channels, and set the channel page display, sorting settings, and other configurations. To learn more about video portal channels, check out our article Understanding channels.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Channels module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/channels.
The Channels page displays.
2. Configure the following:
entriesPageSize - Enter the number of entries to display on each channel page (the default is 15).
pageSize - Enter how many channels to display on the channel page (the default is 20).
The settings below apply for the channel types and user permissions, see Kaltura MediaSpace Channels and Permissions Planning Guide for more information.
defaultChannelType - Select the default channel type when creating a new channel:
- Open
- Restricted
- Private
- Shared repository
- Public
- PublicOpen
channelCreatorOpen - Select the minimal role that can create Open Channels:
- No role - System admin only
- Viewer role
- Private only role
- Admin role
- Unmoderated admin role
- Specific users / groups
channelCreatorRestricted Select the minimal role that can create Restricted Channels:
- No role - System admin only
- Viewer role
- Private only role
- Admin role
- Unmoderated admin role
- Specific users / groups
channelCreatorPrivate - Select the minimal role that can create Private Channels:
- No role - System admin only
- Viewer role
- Private only role
- Admin role
- Unmoderated admin role
- Specific users / groups
channelCreatorSharedRepository - Select the minimal role that can create Shared Repositories:
- No role - System admin only
- Viewer role
- Private only role
- Admin role
- Unmoderated admin role
- Specific users / groups
channelCreatorPublic - Select the minimal role that can create "Public, Restricted" Channels:
- No role - System admin only
- Viewer role
- Private only role
- Admin role
- Unmoderated admin role
- Specific users / groups
channelCreatorPublicOpen - Select the minimal role that can create "Public, Open" Channels:
- No role - System admin only
- Viewer role
- Private only role
- Admin role
- Unmoderated admin role
- Specific users / groups
channelsTermUse - Enter the 'Terms of Use' text that describes a general agreement or policy that is displayed to users every time a channel is created. The text is displayed at the top of the 'Create a New Channel' screen.
supportPublicChannel - Set to 'Yes' to support the creation of channels that anonymous users will have access to. Contribution is allowed for logged-in users only according to their publishing entitlements. If set to 'No', anonymous users won't be able to view your public channels, and the option to create public channels will be removed from the 'Create a New Channel' page.
- If you enable and then disable the permission, any channel would have to be manually set to a new channel type. See Create a Channel for more information.
- If a channel was created manually (for example, via the KMC), this channel might become accessible to anonymous users by enabling this configuration.
channelsSorting - Use the drop-down menu to select the channels’ sorting default: Creation Date, Alphabetically A to Z, Alphabetically Z to A, Members, and Subscribers, Media Count, Update Date.
channelDefaultView - Select the default view for the channel page: Grid, Collapsed View, Detailed View, or Table.
The channelDefaultView is relevant to KMS V2UI only as seen in the graphics below. See Edit a Channel for layout options in the Theming UI.
Grid View (default view)In Grid View, click the three dots on the lower right side of a media item to display additional options.
Detailed View
Collapsed View
allChannelsPageDisplay - Select the minimal role that can view the All Channels Page:
- Anonymous role
- Viewer role
- Private only role
- Admin role
- Unmoderated admin role
- Specific users / groups
myChannelsPageDisplay - Select the minimal role that can view the My Channels Page:
- Viewer role
- Private only role
- Admin role
- Unmoderated admin role
- Specific users / groups
3. Click Save.
The Client module is used to manage and configure the connection between your video portal (KMS) site and the Kaltura server. It ensures that your video portal is properly linked to the server for streaming, analytics, and player functionality.
- Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Client module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/client.
- Configure the following:
The Client page displays.
serviceUrl - The URL used for API calls. This is where your KMS connects to the Kaltura server. If you're using a self-hosted (On-Prem) Kaltura server, update this field accordingly. The URL's prefix must be http:// or https://.
CDNUrl - The URL used by the Kaltura HTML5 player and html5lib to access media through the CDN.
- Default URL: http://cdnapi.kaltura.com is used by default. If you don't need a custom URL, you can leave this field empty.
- Custom CDN: If you're using a custom CDN for media delivery, enter the custom URL in this field.
- For HTTPS Configurations: When your KMS site is set up with HTTPS, update this field to the secure CDN URL: https://cdnapisec.kaltura.com.
SecuredCDNUrl - The secure CDN URL used by the Kaltura HTML5 player and html5lib to access media over HTTPS.
- Default URL: Leave this field empty to use Kaltura’s default secure CDN.
- For HTTPS Configurations: When your KMS site is configured for HTTPS, update this field to the secure CDN URL: https://cdnapisec.kaltura.com.
analyticsServiceUrl - The URL for analytics and reports. Leave it empty unless you have a custom setup for reporting.
partnerId - Enter your Kaltura account's Partner ID. You can find it in the KMC under Settings > Integration tab.
verifySSL - Set this to "No" if you're using a self-signed SSL certificate. This allows the connection to bypass strict SSL verification.
3. Click Save.
The Debug module is a tool used to manage and configure logging for your video portal (KMS) site. It helps identify and resolve bugs or defects by recording event logs and messages, ensuring proper system operation and preventing incorrect behavior in areas like streaming, analytics, or player functionality.
The Debug feature also supports recording logs and debug messages on remote devices, such as the Kaltura SaaS server or an On-Premises server. These logs capture detailed information for troubleshooting.
Logs on the Kaltura SaaS server are accessible only to Kaltura's Level 3 Support and Development teams.
- Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Debug module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/debug.
- Configure the following:
- Click Save.
The Debug page displays.
logLevel - The logLevel setting controls the severity and detail level of messages recorded in the KAF log file (logs/kms.log). This allows you to focus on specific types of events based on their importance or impact. Choose from the following levels:
Log level keyword | Level | Description |
ALERT | 1 | System unstable |
CRIT | 2 | Critical conditions |
ERR | 3 | Error conditions |
WARN | 4 | Warning conditions |
NOTICE | 5 | Notification conditions |
INFO | 6 | Informational messages only |
DEBUG | 7 | Debugging messages |
DUMP | 8 | Core dumps |
kalturaDebug - Enables detailed logging of requests to the Kaltura API (logs/apidebug.log)
kalturaStats - Tracks and logs statistics of API requests (logs/api.log)
consoleLog - Configures whether logs are displayed in the console.
enableTemporaryDump - Temporarily sets the log level to DUMP for 30 minutes, enabling in-depth debugging. Click the button to enable DUMP log level for 30 minutes.
The EmailService module lets you send emails to video portal users using the email service you choose to configure in the module. You can configure how user-triggered emails (like registration) are sent, and then set up email templates for each trigger/action using the EmailTemplates module.
- Select Local to send emails via the Kaltura service using a few predefined kaltura.com addresses.
- Choose SMTP to set up your own SMTP email service.
- To use SES (Amazon’s Simple Email Service), please contact your Kaltura representative.
- Select Kaltura Messaging Service to send emails using the Kaltura SendGrid based email service.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console, and click the EmailService module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/emailService.
The module page displays.
2. Configure the desired fields as follows:
There are four types of email services: Local, SMPT, SES or Kaltura messaging service.
If you want to use the SES (Amazon’s Simple Email Service), please reach out to your Kaltura representative.
Local uses the Kaltura service and sends emails from donotreply@kaltura.com. It doesn't give you any permission to modify or customize who the sender is.
- Service - Select 'Local' from the dropdown.
- emailFrom - Enter the email sender.
- nameFrom - Enter the sender's name to display on emails sent via the email service. If left blank, the site’s title will be used instead.
- Click Save
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a TCP/IP protocol used in sending and receiving email. It is typically used with POP3 or Internet Message Access Protocol to save messages in a server mailbox and download them periodically from the server for the user. This allows you to send emails from a gmail account or whatever service provider you choose.
For SMTP, configure the following:
- Service - Select 'SMTP' from the dropdown.
- host - Enter the SMTP host name.
- securedProtocol - Select from the dropdown the secured or encryption protocol that you want.
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure and safeguarding any sensitive data that is being sent between two systems. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is an updated, more secure, version of SSL.
- port - Enter the port used to connect to the SMTP host.
Port 587 is the default port for SMTP submission on the modern web. While you can use other ports for submission, you should always start with port 587 as the default and only use a different port if circumstances dictate (like your host blocking port 587 for some reason). Port 587 also supports TLS, which means that you can securely submit mail.
- authentication - Does your SMTP server require an authentication? If it does, select 'Yes'. If not, select 'No'. If you select 'Yes', the screen expands and you are asked to complete the following fields:
- username - used to authenticate
- password - used to authenticate
- emailFrom - Enter the email sender.
- nameFrom - Enter the sender's name to display on emails sent via the email service. If left blank, the site’s title will be used instead.
6. Click Save
Amazon SES is a cloud email service provider that can integrate into any application for sending bulk email and lets you reach customers without an on-premises Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) system. If you wish to use the SES (Amazon’s Simple Email Service), please reach out to your Kaltura representative.
Kaltura messaging service
Kaltura Messaging Service is a SendGrid-powered email option that enables sending user-triggered emails, such as registration confirmations and invitations, with enhanced customization and token support for personalized messaging.
For Kaltura Messaging Service, configure the following:
- Service - Select Kaltura Messaging Service from the dropdown.
- emailFrom - Enter the sender's email to show on emails sent by the app.
- nameFrom - Enter the sender's name to show on emails sent by the app. Leave empty to use the site’s title.
- Click Save.
Use this module to set up email templates that will be sent out to users.
Ensure there are no Access Control Profiles set up for specific domains. The video portal uses four types of email templates for registration:
- registrationEmailTemplates (verification mail)
- confirmationEmailTemplates (confirmation mail)
- passwordEmailTemplates (reset password mail)
- passwordConfirmEmailTemplates (password updated successfully)
All emails support the following tokens: {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} {COMPANY} {COUNTRY} {EMAIL} {URL} {QRCODE}. You can add a template for each language by clicking +addRegistrationTemplate.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console, and click the EmailTemplates module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/emailtemplates.
The EmailTemplates module page displays.
2. Configure the following:
+Add "template" - Click to add a template per local code. Configuring this section adds localized versions of a specific email template.
templateName - Enter a template name that will be used to identify the template, for example: Confirm registration and set password.
localizedTemplate - Templates for a specific locales. When no locale fits - the template for En (English) is used.
languageCode - Select the language of the email from the drop-down menu. The default is English (En), and is used when no other selection fits.
subject - Type in the email subject line, for example, Confirm registration and set password.
body - Type in the email body in html. This field supports custom tokens from the language module, and also the following local tokens: {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} {TITLE} {COMPANY} {COUNTRY} {EMAIL} {URL} {QRCODE}
You can use an HTML editor of your choice, such as Create a New Pen or W3Schools online HTML editor.
bodyAsText - This is for calendar invites only. The body of the invite, displayed in the email, supports HTML formatting. However, the bodyAsText field should be plain text without any HTML, as it appears in the calendar invite itself. Tokens can still be used, as shown in the example below:
The siteRegistration module is further configured to support this type of invitation.
If you are using the emailLogin module, you can use {MAGICLINK} as an authentication link to the site and {MAGICLINK}&ref=[relative path] to link to a specific URL.
3. Click Save.
HTML examples used in the body of the email
Confirm registration and set password
Click on the <a href={URL}> following link</a> to confirm your account registration and to set your password. <br>
Thank you!
Registration complete
Thank you for registering for the KMS. <br>
Please log into the <a href="{URL}"> KMS </a> <br><br>
Reset your password
Please <a href="{URL}"> click here </a> to reset your password <br><br>
Please note: This link will expire after 30 minutes. <br><br>
Reset password confirmation
Your password has been reset <br>
Please login to the <a href="{URL}"> KMS </a><br>
The Gallery module enables the setup and management of galleries, which establish the taxonomy and hierarchical structure of your video portal (KMS). Administrators create galleries through the KMC, and they can be accessed via the video portal’s navigation header. This module provides flexible configuration options for organizing and displaying content.
Check out our user guide Create a gallery for more information.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console, and click the Gallery module. Or navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/gallery.
The Gallery page displays.
2. Configure the following:
pageSize - How many entries should be loaded onto the display for the initial gallery page. (The default is 16, max is 150). You may scroll down to view all of the entries.
pageSizeWide - How many entries can be displayed on each gallery page in the Wide gallery view, e.g., search results, playlists (the default is 24).
defaultGalleryType - Select the default gallery type when creating a new gallery (the default is private):
- Open
- Restricted
- Private
galleryCreatorOpen - Select the minimal role that can create open galleries (the default is viewer role):
- No role - System admin only
- Viewer role
- Private only role
- Admin role
- Unmoderated admin role
- Specific users / groups
galleryCreatorRestricted Select the minimal role that can create restricted galleries (the default is viewer role):
- No role - System admin only
- Viewer role
- Private only role
- Admin role
- Unmoderated admin role
- Specific users / groups
galleryCreatorPrivate - Select the minimal role that can create private galleries (the default is viewer role):
- No role - System admin only
- Viewer role
- Private only role
- Admin role
- Unmoderated admin role
- Specific users / groups
sortMediaBy - Set the default media sort for all categories: Channels, Galleries in KMS, and Media Galleries in KAF Applications. Choose from the drop-down list:
- Creation date
- Update date
- Alphabetical
- Views
- Plays
- Likes
- Comments
- Webcast start / end date
globalSearchSortMediaBy - Select the default sorting method for media results in the global search. Choose from the drop-down list:
- views
- recent
- alphabetical
- likes
thumbnailRotator - Enable thumbnail image rotation on mouseover in galleries.
categoryDefaultView - Default view for categories. Select from Grid, Collapsed View or Detailed View.
The example below shows Detailed view.
playlistDefaultView - Choose the default view for playlist page (gallery-like page) that is linked from the homepage. Select from Grid, Collapsed View or Detailed View.
The example below shows Collapsed view.
firstTabLoad - Select the tab you want to load first in categories: media, categorymoderation or channelcategories.
In the example below, the channelcategories has been selected and displays as a Channels tab.
tableView - Set to 'Yes' to add the table view to all Channels. When enabled, this will be the default view on any channel for all users.
This view is not currently available with the Theming design system.
disableCategoryFullNameInURL - Set to 'Yes' to display only the category name, without its parent categories hierarchy in the URL. By default, the full category name is used, including the full hierarchy.
In the example below, the setting is 'Yes'.
In the example below, the setting is 'No'.
3. Click Save.
This module is used to configure settings for the header.
1. Go to your Configuration Management page and click the Header module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_site_url}/admin/config/tab/header
The Header page displays.
2. Configure the following:
headerStyle - Choose from light or dark to correspond with the background and theme for your video portal header.
logoImageUrl - Specify a URL for an image to use as the site's header logo.
If both logoImageUrl and logoImageUpload are filled, the logoImageUrl takes priority. The site header, footer, and login logos are restricted to a max-width of 140px and max-height of 36px. For registration modules with fallback to the Header module logo, the registration page logo is limited to a max-width of 343px and max-height of 48px.
logoImageUpload - Upload an image to use as the site's header logo.
If both logoImageUrl and logoImageUpload are filled, the logoImageUrl will take precedence.
logoAltText - 'logoAltText' serves two purposes:
- Accessibility: Conveys the "why" of the image to screen readers.
- Functional: In case the image in 'logoImageUrl' or 'logoImageUpload' is unavailable, the text will be displayed.
logoLink - Options for defining logo click behavior:
- Enter 'false' for a non-clickable logo.
- Enter 'home' to display the homepage when the video portal opens.
- Enter a full URL (starting with http://) to open a different page in a new browser window/tab.
enableUploadButton - Choose one of the options from the drop-down menu:
Enable - Shows the Add New button in the site's header (for instances with the basic UI) / enables the +Create button (for instances which have Theming enabled).
Disable - Hides the Add New button / disable the +Create button.
Logged-in Only - Hides the Add New button in the site's header (for instances with the basic UI) / disables the +Create button (for instances which have Theming enabled) if a user isn't logged in.
stickyNavbar - Set to 'Yes' to enable the navigation bar to remain visible when users scroll down.
3. Click Save.
User experience
The example below shows a Video Portal homepage with the sticky navbar enabled:
The example below shows a Video Portal homepage with the sticky navbar disabled:
Related Modules
The Languages module in Kaltura's Video Portal and KAF applications provides powerful tools for customizing and localizing text across the platform. It enables administrators to adapt the user interface for regional specificity, support multi-language events, and make modifications to preconfigured text as needed.
Using the Languages module, KMS and KAF admins can:
- Replace text anywhere in the environment to reflect local preferences or meet client requirements.
- Configure localization for multi-language events, ensuring a seamless user experience for diverse audiences.
- Modify system-generated text to align with specific branding or terminology.
The module is case-sensitive.
Watch the video tutorial for information on customizing languages and text in the video portal.
In the Application module, set the following:
- languageConfiguration – Set the instance configuration: multi-language instance or single language instance.
- languageSelection - When the instance is configured to multi-language, select the languages available.
- language - Choose the default language for a new user in this specific instance.
The available languages in the languageSelection field are built from the out-of-the-box Kaltura languages in addition to custom languages that were created by the admin previously.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Languages module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/languages.
The Languages page displays.
2. Configure the following:
Click Download Texts to download a zip file containing all the latest UI text strings for all languages used in this instance. These text resources represent the words and phrases displayed on the site's user interface (UI) and can be used to create or update custom languages.
Example of PO file in English
Select the desired language and modify the text as necessary. You can use translation editors available on the web, for example, poedit, to modify text. The final result should be a binary .mo file.
If a required language is not available, you can add it here.
Click +Add "UploadCustomLanguage".
Additional fields display.
languageAdminName - Insert the name of the language to be presented in the language drop-down list for admin, in the Application module's 'languageSelection' and 'language' fields.
languageClientName - Insert the name of the language to be presented in the language drop-down list for the users.
languageCode - for KAF only - Select the formal language code for syncing the instance language with the hosting application (LMS, CMS, SBS).
localeFile - Upload your customize .MO file.
You can use online tools to convert .PO files to .MO.
localeIcon - Click Upload Flag to upload a custom language flag icon to display in the KMS drop-down list when the language is selected. The icon should be in one of the following formats: *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.png, *.gif, *.tif, *.tiff, *.ico, and sized to 30px x 26px for best visual results (images will be resized automatically if needed).
You can also select icons from this icon library.
languageId - Unique language id for application usage (not for KMS/KAF admin usage).
KAF-specific information When the instance is from a KAF-based LMS Extension (specifically, Sakai, Blackboard, Canvas, Brightspace, Moodle to follow in the future) the following is relevant: The Kaltura instance (the Kaltura screens) receives the language settings from the hosting application (Sakai, Blackboard, Canvas, Brightspace) – whether created or added by the application admin or the user. Custom languages may be added as described in UploadCustomLanguage above. The languageCode field is for KAF use only. The KAF admin should set it for a custom language. This field is used to sync the instance language to the hosting application chosen language. The languageCode of a custom language takes precedence over the Kaltura default language with the same code. |
Use this section to customize site text for translations in multi-language events or to modify existing terminology. Download the English PO file to retrieve all relevant text in the form of msgid.
Click +Add LanguageException.
Additional fields display.
Language - Select the language you want to apply the exception to.
msgid - This is the text you would like to change. You should copy the EXACT msgid text from the PO file.
Exception - Enter the new text (the translation) to replace the existing one.
You can change words and expressions from the same language according to clients request, for example:
Click Save.
The list of languages displayed is from the available POs.
Note if a PO is removed, the exception may remain however the application will not render the changed text string.
Below is an example:
You can manage language exceptions for your site.
Click Expand.
Click Export Exceptions to download a file of all exceptions you have configured.
The file format is CSV, without a header line, and contains three columns: the selected language, the msgid, and the Exception. An example is shown below:
Import - You can upload a list of all language exceptions. Click Choose file and upload the CSV document from your computer.
If you choose to upload your own list of language exceptions, it will override all the existing exceptions in the LanguageException section above.
Custom tokens provide a simple way to replace variables in KMS text. They are especially useful for creating and personalizing email templates or other text sent to users, such as disclaimers.
You can insert custom tokens into the body of an email template or other text fields, and the system will automatically populate their values. Additionally, you can set a language for each custom token, ensuring that when the KMS instance language is changed, the token value updates automatically to match the selected language.
The following System Tokens are saved and cannot be used as custom token IDs: {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} {TITLE} {COMPANY} {COUNTRY} {EMAIL} {URL}
Click +Add "CustomToken".
An additional field displays.
TokenID - Enter an alphanumeric ID. This will be used as {Your_Token_ID} in other modules.
LocalizedToken - Use this to translate the token into multiple languages, if needed. If no translation is needed for the token - use only one localized token.
Click + Add "LocalizedToken".
Additional fields display.
Language - Specify the language code for the token.
TokenValue - Enter the replacement text for the token. This is the value that is displayed wherever the custom token is used.
In the following screen, SITETITLE is used as the TokenID.
The custom token (enclosed in curly brackets) is applied in the Disclaimer text.
The TokenValue, in this case, "my super site," replaces every instance of the TokenID. You can substitute different TokenValues as needed without modifying the Disclaimer text or Email Templates directly.
Custom tokens can be configured for all available languages. For example, you can select a language and input a TokenValue (for example, "Los Videos").
When you change the language of your instance, the custom token automatically updates with the corresponding TokenValue, eliminating the need to manually adjust the Disclaimer or Email Template text.
3. When you have finished configuring the module, click Done.
This module requires the Theming module to be enabled.
The KMS login page is relevant for any authentication using the KMS login page (e.g. LDAP, or Kaltura Authentication). The login page is not relevant for external login (e.g. SAML).
Related modules
Configuration fields
Page header
The following fields define the header display for the login page:
headerText - Enter text that is displayed at the top of the page, next to the logo.
headerBannerDefaultImg - Use to upload an image to display as the background of the login page's header. Since the image will be cut according to page size, is it recommended to upload an atmospheric image the size of around 1600x400 pixels. Leave empty to use the default blue.
showLanguageSelector Use to present the language selector (assuming it is available on the site), set to 'Yes'.
customLogo - use to set a different logo on this page from the site's logo.
Page texts
Title - Use to change the main title of the login page. leave empty to use default
- Login instructions and field placeholders can be added/set from the Auth module, using the phLoginInstruction, phUser, and phPwd fields.
Multi Authentication
The multi authentication page will automatically be updated to the new UI. The settings will remain the same and may be re-configured from the Auth module)
Call to Action feature
You may add a call to action on the login page using the showCallToAction fields. Set the showCallToAction field to Yes, to open the CallToAction section.
Fill in the configuration as you please to show a call to action button on the login page:
Follow these steps to configure your Media Collaboration settings, enabling collaboration features, managing media ownership, and customizing user options.
To add a user as co-editor, co-publisher, co-viewer, or Webcast moderator, the user must have an applicative user created for them prior to using this feature. An easy way to achieve this is by simply logging into the video portal or KAF.
Check out our Add / remove collaborators user guide.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console, and click the MediaCollaboration module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/mediaCollaboration.
The MediaCollaboration page displays.
2. Configure the following:
mediaCollaborationEnabled - Set to 'Yes". Enabling this feature also allows the media owner to be changed, and co-editors, co-publishers, co-viewers and Webcasting moderators to be edited.
Note: If this configuration is set to 'No' after having been set to 'Yes', and in the meantime some entries were added with collaborators, those collaborators will lose their ability to view, edit or publish these entries.
changeOwnerEnabled - (This field is only available when the MediaCollaboration module is enabled.) The 'change media owner' feature (as shown below) provides the ability to change the owner of the media.
Note that once you pass the ownership to someone else, your access to the media will be removed unless you add yourself as a collaborator first.
collaborationEnabledInUploadForm - Enable the option to add collaborators (co-editors, co-publishers, co-viewers, Webcasting moderators) in the upload media form.
collaborationEnabledInUploadForm is relevant to the basic UI only.
showInSearch - Set to 'Yes' to enable filtering by ownership and collaboration.
excludeGroups - Enter the group or user IDs, separated by commas, to hide from the 'Add a Collaborator' and 'Change Media Owner' search (as shown below). This means that those users and groups will be excluded from the search options; all others can be found.
3. Click Save.
User experience
After enabling the module, a Collaboration tab displays on the Edit media page:
Users can Change Media Owner:
Users can Add a Collaborator:
The Metadata module ensures data consistency and improves content organization. It requires essential fields like descriptions and tags to be filled, ensuring comprehensive metadata for each piece of content. The "Read more" feature shortens lengthy descriptions for better display, preserving content integrity. Additionally, customized tooltips provide guidance for users during content creation or editing.
For the user guide, see Media metadata.
- Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Metadata module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/metadata.
The Metadata module displays. - Configure the following fields:
descriptionRequired - Set to 'Yes' if you want to require users to fill in the Description field before media can be published or added to a playlist.
tagsRequired - Set to 'Yes' if you want to require users to fill in the Tags field before media can be published or added to a playlist.
readMoreEnabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable Read more for media, channel, and gallery descriptions, shortening them to 500 characters.This field does not pertain to the Theming feature set.
basicNameFieldHelperText - Enter text for a tooltip for the Name field when uploading or editing an entry.
basicDescriptionFieldHelperText - Enter text for a tooltip for the Description field when uploading or editing an entry.
basicTagsFieldHelperText - Enter text for a tooltip for the Tags field when uploading or editing an entry.
showDescriptionInTooltipMeta - Set to 'Yes' to display the field's description as a tooltip. - Click Save.
For v7 player, text can be changed directly from the player. To customize the moderation reasons, go to Advanced Settings and edit the moderateOptions labels. To learn more, see The Kaltura Player Studio Admin Guide - Top & Bottom Bar Settings.
Users can click on the flag icon, and then choose a reason for reporting the content. The administrator can then review content before it's published to eliminate spam and inappropriate content.
Using the Moderation module administrators can change the reasons for moderation text. See Moderating Content to learn more about the KMC admin's experience.
The Moderation plugin must be available on the player for users to select it.
To learn how to set the Moderation Plugin on the player, see https://knowledge.kaltura.com/help/universal-studio-information-guide#moderation.
- Go to the KMS admin page and navigate to the Moderation module.
- Enter the reasons users can choose for flagging media. (If none are provided, the default Kaltura reasons will be used)
- reasonSex
- reasonViolence
- reasonHarmful
- reasonSpam
- Click Save.
Use this module to select which columns to display for the My Media table view.
The table view is displayed when selecting the Table View icon on your My Media Page.
Field | Description |
Select what columns to show on the table view. Please consider columns width when choosing many columns. | |
initialView | Select which view to load first. |
Site navigation is the way visitors move through your site's pages and content. The navigation bar generally displays the pages and sections on your site that your visitors can click on and be redirected to..
Applies exclusively to the Video Portal.
The Theming module has been enabled for this guide. To select your preferred navigation bar with Theming, visit navigation bar settings in the template pages.
Navigation style
- Go to your Configuration Management console, and navigate to the Navigation module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/navigation.
The module page displays. - Configure the following:
showNavigation - Choose if navigation should be displayed (the default is 'Yes').
The image below displays showNavigation set to 'No'.
The image below displays showNavigation set to 'Yes'.
navigationStyle - Choose whether you want a horizontal or vertical header. Vertical displays a hidden menu on the left side for all screen sizes, while horizontal shows a top menu on desktops and switches to vertical on smaller screens.
The image below shows the navigation style set to vertical.
showNavbarSearch - Choose if the search box in the header should be displayed (as shown in the image below). The default is 'Yes'.
includeCategories - Select 'No' if you don't want the categories to display in the main navigation and only want PRE and POST items to appear
For more information about adding a category, read our article Categories.
Landing page
Set a special landing page for guests either by creating a custom page in the templatepages module or using an existing page like Global search. Add your page to the custompages module, then link it to the site navigation using the landingPage field (as shown below). Ensure the page is accessible to guests by setting it to Guest override or using a public channel page.
- enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the landing page.
If set to 'No' (disabled), and "allowanonymous" is set to 'No', guests reaching the base URL will be redirected to the login page.
- type - Select the type of page to use from the drop-down menu:
- Playlist - Enter a playlist ID. This will redirect users to that playlist's page.
- Link - Enter any link to redirect users to (for static pages).
- Category - Choose a gallery from a drop-down list. This will redirect users to that gallery.
- Entry ID - Enter an entry ID. Will redirect users to that entry's media page.
- Channels page - This will redirect users to the Channels page (https://{Your mediaspace}.kaltura.com/channels).
- Channel - Choose a channel from the drop-down list. This will redirect users to that channel's main page.
- Custom page - Choose a custom page from the drop-down menu (added from the custompages module). This will redirect guests to the template page.
- value - Enter the relevant value for the selected type: URL for links, ID for Playlist. To add the homepage you created above, simply enter a slash (/) in the field instead of the entire slug.
- category - Click the blue Select Gallery button and enter the gallery name or ID.
- entryID - Enter an entry ID to redirect users to that entry's media page.
- channel - Click the blue Select Channel button and enter the channel name or ID.
- page - Select a custom page from the drop-down list (as shown in the example below). A custom page in status 'disabled' won't be shown on the menu.
Page types other than 'link' must be in a video portal that has been set to allow anonymous users.
Depending on what you choose from the type drop-down list, other options will display as follows:
Here you can add one or multiple pages to your site's base URL for logged-in users. You can design a new page in the templatepages module, or use a page such as the Global search as your homepage. Just add your page to the custompages module, then link it to the site navigation here.
Click +Add "homePages".
In the section that displays, configure the following:
- enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the landing page.
- type - Select the type of page to use from the drop-down menu:
- Playlist - Enter a playlist ID. This will redirect users to that playlist's page.
- Link - Enter any link to redirect users to (for static pages).
- Category - Choose a gallery from a drop-down list. This will redirect users to that gallery.
- Entry ID - Enter an entry ID. Will redirect users to that entry's media page.
- Channels page - This will redirect users to the Channels page (https://{Your mediaspace}.kaltura.com/channels).
- Channel - Choose a channel from the drop-down list. This will redirect users to that channel's main page.
- My Media - This will redirect users to the My Media Page, and will only show for permitted roles.
- My Playlists - This will redirect users to the My Playlists page.
- My Channels - This will redirect users to the My Channels page.
- My content analytics - This will redirect users to the My content analytics page.
- Custom page - Choose a custom page from the drop-down menu (added from the Custompages module). This will redirect users to the custom page, and will only show if the page is enabled.
- value - Enter the relevant value for the selected type: URL for links, ID for playlist.
- allowedGroups - You can choose a group to display this homepage to. Leave it empty to show it to all users or users not in any homepage group. For users in multiple groups, the first homepage will appear. If no groups or alternative homepages exist, the first item from the Pre/Post navigation list they have access to will be shown.
- Click +Add "allowedGroups".
- In the new section that displays, click Select Groups.
- Type in a group name or ID.
- Click Submit.
Repeat these steps to add more groups.
'Pre' menu
Next is the Pre section. This is where you'll add menu items to the beginning of the navigation bar (before the galleries or 'categories'). Your video portal displays the items in the order you define here.
Configure the following:
name - Enter the label for the menu item. The label is displayed in the main navigation bar.
type - Select one of the options:
- Playlist - Enter a playlist ID. This will redirect users to that playlist's page.
- My Media - This will redirect users to the My Media page, and will only show for permitted roles.
- My Playlists - This will redirect users to the My Playlists page.
- Link - Enter any link to redirect users to.
- Category - Choose a gallery from a drop-down list. This will redirect users to the gallery page.
- Entry ID - Enter an entry ID. Will redirect users to that entry's media page.
- Channels page - This will redirect users to the All Channels page.
- My Channels - This will redirect users to the My Channels page.
- Channel - Choose a channel from the drop-down list. This will redirect users to that channel's main page.
- Label - Only input text for a label. You can use this to organize content beneath the label in a hierarchy.
- Partner KMS URL - Enter a link to another Video Portal in the same partner. This enables logged-in users to access that Video Portal without needing to log in again.
- My Content Analytics - This will redirect users to the My Content analytics page.
- Custom page - Choose a custom page from the drop-down menu (added from the Custompages module). This will redirect users to the custom page, and will only show if the page is enabled.
Depending on what you choose from the type drop-down list, other options will display:
- value - Enter the relevant value for the selected type: URL for links, ID for Playlist. To add the homepage you created above, simply enter a slash (/) in the field instead of the entire slug.
- sameWindow - The default is 'No'. Select 'Yes' if you want the page to open in the same window.
- category - Click the blue Select Gallery button and enter the gallery name or ID.
- entryID - Enter an entry ID to redirect users to that entry's media page.
- channel - Click the blue Select Channel button and enter the channel name or ID.
- url - Enter the base URL of another video portal in the same partner. This enables logged-in users to access that video portal without needing to log in again.
- page - Select a custom page from the drop-down list. (A custom page in status 'disabled' won't be shown on the menu.)
allowedGroups - Choose the group that should see this item. A user who's not in that group won't see this page in their navigation menu.
If you choose a type which has a drop-down menu, you can add items to the dropdown by clicking +Add items.
The items section expands. Configure the following:
- name - Enter the name of the menu item. The name is displayed in the main navigation bar.
- type - Select one of the options from the drop-down list (see above). Depending on what you choose from the drop-down list, other options will display (see above).
To create the next 'pre' element, click +Add "pre" and repeat the steps.
If you would like your first item on the header to be a homepage, you can follow the steps in Setup a Homepage.
To learn more about setting up pages for your site, you can read Create and use a template page.
Below is an example of 'Home' positioned as the first item in the navigation bar, using the homepage that was configured in the homepages section above.
'Post' menu
Next is the Post section. This is where you'll add items that come after the galleries (also known as 'categories'). Your Video Portal displays the items in the order you define here.
Click +Add "post".
Follow the steps in the Pre menu section above.
To create the next post element, click +Add "post" again and repeat the steps.
Below is an example of the Channels page as the main link, and the 'Survival skills' channel as the first item in the drop-down menu.
Finally, when you have finished your configurations, scroll down and click Save.
If you'd like to learn more about adding a channel to your navigation menu, you can follow the steps in Create a new channel.
This module is used to set the default main player in KMS and KAF applications. The height of the player UI may be configured as well as the ratio of the video inside of the player.

playerId - Enter the player ID (uiConf ID) for the instance’s main default player used in all media pages. This is also the fallback for many modules, in case no specific player is entered.
Set the Visual Display of the Player
Use the following fields to determine the player's display on your screen.
playerBarHeightPixels - Enter the height (in pixels) of the player UI that is not part of the actual video (for example - the bottom bar.)
playerVideoRatioPercent - The ratio (in percent) of the video inside the player. Standard values: 16:9 = 56.25 , 4:3 = 75 , 16:10 = 62.5.
Set a Player for Editing Purposes
playerEditId - You may choose to edit entries using a different player. Enter the Player ID for editing data. If left empty the default Player ID is used.
autoPlayOnLoad - When set to Yes, the video that is loaded in the player begins playing automatically. Autoplay is triggered each time a new page loads.
Selecting Yes or No will override the player settings, whereas choosing UsePlayerSettings will retain the current player settings.
(1) Autoplay is triggered when MediaSpace starts and each time new page loads, such as when switching from My Playlists to a gallery page.
(2) The player always begins playing automatically when a user clicks a video in a gallery, regardless of whether autoPlayOnLoad is enabled.
Set a Player for Moderated Content
playerModerationId - The Player ID for the player used in Channel and Gallery moderation ta. If left empty the default Player ID is used. For more information about moderation in KMS see Managing a Gallery in Kaltura MediaSpace or Managing a Channel in Kaltura MediaSpace.
Where Can you Set Player IDs for Different Types of Media?
Media Players are created and configured in the KMC Studio tab. You can apply the same player across the application or customize multiple players for different types of media/repositories/components. In the KMC, navigate to the Kaltura Player Studio tab to find the Players List. Please visit The Kaltura Player Studio Getting Started to learn more.
The following lists the types of media and where you may override the default player's id:
- Video - uses the playerId from the Player module.
- Quiz - uses the quizPlayerId or the BSEPlayerId from the Quiz module.
- Audio - uses the customPlayerId from the Audioentry module.
- Playlists - uses the playerId from the PlaylistPage module.
- Image - uses the customPlayerId from the Imageentry module.
- Webcast/Live - uses the PlayerUiconfId from the Kwebcast module.
- Rapt Media - uses the playerId from the Raptmedia module.
- Youtube - uses the previewPlayer from the Youtube module.
- Twitter - uses the tPlayerId from the Twitter module.
- Facebook - uses the fPlayerId from the Facebook module.
- Oembed - uses the PlayerId from the Oembed module. For more information, see the article about MediaSpace oEmbed Integration.
- Embed - uses the uiConfId from the Embed module.
- Browseandembed - uses the BSEPlayerId from the Browseandembed module.
To view the full player's list, see the Kaltura Players list in KMS and KAF
Related Modules
- Quiz module
- Audioentry module
- PlaylistPage module
- Imageentry module
- Kwebcast module
- Raptmedia module
- Youtube module
- Twitter module
- Facebook module
- Oembed module
- Embed module
- Browseandembed module
- Channeltheme module
- Entrydesign module
This module controls the visibility of playlists.
- To enable the Channel Playlist functionality, navigate to the Channelplaylists module.
- To enable the ability to add content to personal playlists, navigate to the Addtoplaylists module.
- To enable the ability for users to grab embed codes of playlists, navigate to the Embedplaylist module.
This module depends on enabling the Theming module.
Check out our Playlists user guide.
- Go to your KMS or KAF admin page, and navigate to the PlaylistPage module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/playlistPage.
The PlaylistPage window displays.
playerID - The playerId field should already be populated. To change the playerId, see The Kaltura Player Getting Started Guide. - Thumblink - Choose how you'd like the thumbnail link to behave:
- Redirect to Playlist Player - This will redirect the user to a dedicated playlist page with the player pointing to the selected media.
- Redirect to Single Media page - This will take the user to the single media page, without the context of the playlist.
Please note that this applies to manual playlists only. For dynamic playlists configured in the Templatepages module, such as "Most recent" or "Most viewed", (excluding "Custom playlist"), clicking on the thumbnail will exclusively direct you to the entry page and not the playlist page.
- Click Save.
Access the Headermenu module to change or remove the "My Playlist" link that is automatically created in the user pull down menu. Access the Theming module to turn on the theming based playlist grid page design.
Example of playlist with Thumblink set to Redirect to Playlist player:
Example of playlist with Thumblink set to Redirect to single media page:
The Recaptcha module enhances security in Kaltura's Video Portal by integrating reCAPTCHA capabilities into login and registration email workflows. It helps prevent abuse, such as repetitive email-sending attacks, by using the reCAPTCHA service.
To configure this module, you'll need specific API values provided by your Kaltura representative. These values ensure seamless integration and optimal security for your video portal instance.
- Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Recaptcha module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/recaptcha .
- The Recaptcha page displays.
- Configure the following:
apiKey - Fill in API Key as provided by the reCAPTCHA provider. Kaltura domain default is: AIzaSyBnnWQH1fQdGIfMBcjKhK0vaXBAJVob96I
projectId - Fill in Project Id as provided by the reCAPTCHA provider. Kaltura domain default is: firestore-android-633cf
siteKey - Fill in Site Key as provided by the reCAPTCHA provider.
- Kaltura domain default for visible reCAPTCHA is: 6LcIrW0dAAAAAI3lMqpYjPoBuoa3RiJLkXKUe-Sh
- Kaltura domain default for hidden reCAPTCHA is: 6LdxTKMhAAAAAJHcLLlmKhOl_eitdyGwuMBaiPcg
theme - Choose to use the Dark or Light reCAPTCHA theme.
mode - Choose to use a visible or hidden reCAPTCHA in your site. Make sure to change the siteKey to a dedicated key per your selection.
- Click Save.
The Search module unlocks your vast video library, offering convenient access through both the header bar and the dedicated global search page. Optimized for video content, it provides accurate and efficient search capabilities.
This module is exclusive to the Video Portal.
Key features
- Tailored for video: Understands video-specific metadata for relevant results.
- Comprehensive search: Covers regular, custom, and temporal metadata.
- Complete access: Search your entire library, including private and niche content.
- Fine-grained control: eSearch API empowers advanced query construction.
- Elasticsearch integration: Delivers seamless and unified search results across all data fields.
Search options
- Instant header search: Quickly find specific videos using keywords on any page.
- Deep dive with global search: Explore the entire library, browse categories, and refine your search.
Specially for Theming users!
- Customized homepage: Transform the search page into your site's entry portal. Customize the title and description to reflect your site's identity or brand, and create a unique starting point for your users' adventures.
These instructions will help you choose the right tools for your use case.
For Theming users, check out our Global search user guide.
Using the Search module
1. Go to your Configuration Management console, and navigate to the Search module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/search.
The Search page displays.
2.Configure the following settings depending on whether you have Theming enabled or not.
For non-Theming users
If you don't have the Theming feature set enabled, this section is for you.
Configure eSearch options
eSearchIn this section, you can choose searchable data on your site by using the eSearch options (matches in the title and subject of media are always included). tags - Set to 'Yes' to have media tags returned in the search results. Owner - Set to 'Yes' to have media owners returned in the search results. RefId - Set to 'Yes' to have media reference IDs returned in the search results. captions - Set to 'Yes' to have captions returned in the search results. Please note that this feature can be enabled regardless of the captions module status. custommetadata - Navigate to the Customdata module to have media custom metadata returned in the search results. kwebcast - Navigate to the Kwebcast module to have kwebcast fields returned in the search results. mediaCollaboration - Navigate to the MediaCollaboration module to enable the ownership filter. pageSize - Select how many search results to display per page. Remember, higher numbers may slow down page loading. We suggest a page size of 30 results for best performance. SearchContext - Choose how search suggestions are shared between KMS instances.
Your SearchContext selection determines the 'recent searches' suggestions that will display in the search box. |
Configure the remaining settings as follows:
showMediaSearch - Choose to display or hide the on-page media search.
inVideoPageSize - Choose the number of results to show in the media entry page’s timeline tab ‘search in media’ feature (for example, 5).
instantSearch - Choose whether search results on the global search page should appear instantly or only after pressing Enter. We recommend lowering the page size to allow faster results population.
This does not apply to the header on the navigation bar.
showinfo - Select 'Yes' to provide an information icon next to the search field.
infotext - This text will show as a tool tip when hovering over the information icon. If left empty, the following default text will be used: To search for an exact match, please use Quotation Marks. Example: "computer"
When you have finished, click Save.
For Theming users
If you have Theming enabled on your site, this is the section for you. Just make sure to set the globalsearch configuration to 'Yes', found under the Features section of the Theming module:

allContentText - This section is specifically for using the search page as a homepage. Check it out below if you're interested!
Configure the remaining settings as follows:
GalleryResults - Choose to display or hide the gallery results on the global search page.
ChannelResults - Choose to display or hide the channel results on the global search page.
eSearchChoose searchable data on your site by using the eSearch options (matches in the title and subject of media are always included). tags - Set to 'Yes' to search for media tags and have tags returned in the search results. Owner - Set to 'Yes' to search for media owners and return results based on media they own. RefId - Set to 'Yes' to have media reference IDs searched for and returned in the search results. captions - Set to 'Yes' to have captions searched for and returned in the search results. Please note this feature can be enabled regardless of the captions module status. customMetadata - Navigate to the Customdata module to configure the handling of custom metadata in the search results. kwebcast - Navigate to the Kwebcast module to configure which kwebcast fields will be returned in the search results. mediaCollaboration - Navigate to the MediaCollaboration module to enable the ownership filter. pageSize - Select how many search results to display per page. Remember, higher numbers may slow down page loading. We suggest a page size of 30 results for best performance. SearchContext - Choose how search suggestions are shared between KMS instances.
Your SearchContext selection determines the 'recent searches' suggestions that will display in the search box. |
Customizing search filters
Choose which filters to display on the search filters. This will affect search in all locations.
MediaType - Provides the ability to filter content by type, such as video, image, audio, and more.
Webcasts - Provides the ability to filter live content by its scheduling time.
Captions - Provides the ability to filter content with or without captions.
Duration - Provides the ability to filter content by duration of the media.
CreationDate - Provides the ability to filter content by creation date of the media.
LastUpdateDate - Provides the ability to filter content by the last update date of the media.
Ownership - Configured from the mediaCollaboration module.
PublishStatus - Provides the ability to filter content by its publishing status. Available for the My Media page only.
Scheduling - Provides the ability to filter content by its scheduling status. Available for the My Media page only.
To control customized filters, please visit the customData module.
When you have configured all the settings, don't forget to activate the global search page by setting the globalsearch configuration to 'Yes', found under the Features section of the Theming module.
Below is an example of a Theming-based global search page:
Global search as homepage
allContentText - Enter the text you want to display at the top of the page (HTML markup is supported).
Next, you'll need to set up the page in the Navigation module's pre-menu section. This ensures users land on it first when logging in.
Below is an example of a global search page that also serves as a homepage (Theming):
The Security module in Kaltura's Video Portal helps administrators implement advanced security measures to protect the platform. Key features include enforcing HTTPS connections, restricting playback to specific IPs, and configuring HTTP headers like Content-Security-Policy, Permissions-Policy, and Cross-Origin policies.
These tools ensure secure access, control resource loading, and protect against unauthorized sharing and other vulnerabilities.
- Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Security module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/security.
- Configure the following:
The Security page displays.
allowLoadInIframe - Allow MediaSpace to be loaded in Iframe. The default is NO for XFS.
enabledHsts - Return HSTS header. The HSTS header (HTTP Strict Transport Security) is a widely recognized security practice (not proprietary to Kaltura) used to enhance web application security. In Kaltura's Video Portal, this header is automatically returned when the sslSettings are configured as All Site in the Auth admin tab.
When the HSTS header is applied, the browser enforces HTTPS for the application domain where the header is set. Any attempt to access the site over HTTP will be internally redirected by the browser to HTTPS, ensuring secure connections at all times.
securePlaybackWithIprestrict - When enabled, this feature restricts every Kaltura Session (read more here) to the IP address that originally requested the playback, providing an additional layer of protection against unauthorized sharing.
The user's IP address is embedded into the KS, ensuring that if someone copies the embed code (which includes the KS) and shares it with another user, playback will be denied unless the second user accesses the Kaltura API from the same IP address.
cspHeader - This configuration adds the Content-Security-Policy (CSP) HTTP header to all web pages, specifying which resources the user agent is allowed to load for each page. It is important to thoroughly test the site after implementing any CSP headers to ensure all functionality operates as expected.
permissionsPolicyHeader - This configuration adds the Permissions-Policy HTTP header to all web pages, explicitly specifying which functionalities are allowed or restricted on the website.
referrerPolicyHeader - This configuration adds the Referrer-Policy HTTP header to all web pages that controls how much referrer information should be included with requests. Choose from the following options:
- no-referrer
- no-referrer-when-downgrade
- origin
- origin-when-cross-origin
- same-origin
- strict-origin
- strict-origin-when-cross-origin
- unsafe-url
crossOriginEmbedderPolicyHeader - This configuration adds the Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy HTTP header to all web pages and used to configure embedding cross-origin resources into the document policy.
Choose from the following options:
- none
- unsafe-none
- require-corp
- credentialless
crossOriginOpenerPolicyHeader - This configuration adds the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy HTTP header to all web pages and allows you to ensure a top-level document does not share a browsing context group with cross-origin documents.
Choose from the following options:
- none
- unsafe-none
- same-origin-allow-popups
- same-origin
crossOriginResourcePolicyHeader - This configuration adds the Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy HTTP header to all web pages instructing the browser to block no-cors cross-origin or cross-site requests to the specified resource.
Choose from the following options:
- none
- same-site
- cross-origin
- same-origin
The SharedRepositories module lets educational institutions and enterprises create a shared media library where anyone with access can publish content to other areas in the video portal and KAF. Members can browse and publish media from the shared repository to other channels or categories.
1. Go to your Configuration Management page, and navigate to the SharedRepositories module. Your link should look like this: https://{your_site_url}/admin/config/tab/SharedRepositories
The SharedRepositories page displays.
2. Configure the following:
enabled - Set to 'Yes' to enable the module.
amountOfSharedRepositories - Enter the number of shared repositories to show in the user dropdown (as shown below) when adding media to a channel from shared repository.
termsOfUseLink - Enter a link to the Terms of Use page.
nestedFilters - Set to 'Yes' to enable nested filters. Configure them as nested categories under root > site category in KMC. To learn more, visit our article Create nested filters.
customDataProfileId - Choose a custom metadata schema for media in the shared repository. All custom data schemas are created in the KMC and can be viewed in KMC > settings > custom data in KMC.
The customDataProfileId you select MUST be different to the profileId selected in the Customdata module.
To learn more, visit our article Create a custom data schema.
requiredFields - Choose which custom metadata fields are required before publishing media to a shared repository. Use custom data system names from KMC > settings > custom data.
To learn more, visit our article Create a custom data schema.
3. Click Save.
Currently, searching for nested filters is only available through the Shared Repository's Advanced Search. To enable this feature in your video portal, ensure that CustomDataProfileId and/or nested filters are defined for the Advanced Search form to appear.
The TimeAndDate module allows administrators to customize how dates and times are displayed throughout the application. This includes adjusting default date formats for different languages and defining how time is represented.
With this module, admins can configure three date formats used in various locations in the application:
- Long: Full date, including the day of the week (e.g., Saturday, June 12, 2025).
- Short: Date without the day of the week (e.g., June 12, 2025).
- Long with no year: Full date without the year (e.g., Saturday, June 12).
Each format is used on different pages or locations within the application. For details, see the Setting the Date and Time Format Display article.
Admins can also define language-specific date formats, which is especially useful for languages like Japanese, where unique date characters are required. By default, the system uses preconfigured formats, but these can be customized using tokens.
Date format tokens
Admins can build custom date formats using the following tokens:
- YYYY: 4-digit year (e.g., 2019)
- YY: 2-digit year (e.g., 19)
- MMMM: Full-length month (e.g., June)
- MMM: Abbreviated month (e.g., Jun)
- MM: Zero-padded month (e.g., 06)
- M: Month (e.g., 6)
- dddd: Full day of the week (e.g., Sunday)
- DD: Zero-padded day of the month (e.g., 01)
- D: Day of the month (e.g., 1)
- Do: Day of the month with an ordinal (e.g., 1st)
Examples of common date formats
- YYYY-MM-DD: Displays as 2019-06-01
- MMMM Do, YYYY: Displays as June 1st, 2019
- [The] Do [of] MMMM: Displays as The 1st of June
- M/D/YYYY: Displays as 6/1/2019
- YYYY[年] MM[月] DD[日] dddd: Displays as 2020年 5月11日 火曜日
- Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the TimeAndDate module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/timeAndDate.
- Configure the following:
The TimeAndDate page displays.
timeDisplay - Choose how to show the time in the application. Choose from AM/PM or 24h.
Change the default date formats for any of the site’s languages.
Click +Add "languageDates".
Additional fields display.
language - Choose the language from the drop-down list you would like to apply these specific date format to from the site’s languages. Each language may have its own setting, if left empty, the default is used.
longDate - Full date including the day of the week, for example, Saturday, June 12, 2025.
shortDate - Date not including the day of the week, for example, June 12, 2025.
longDateNoYear - Date including the day of the week, but no year, for example, Saturday, June 12.
weekStartDay - Choose from the drop-down list which day starts the week.
uploadDateStyle - Select how the media upload date is displayed to users:
- Choose x time ago to display relative dates, such as "3 months ago" or "4 days ago."
- Choose On date to display absolute dates, such as "On 4/5/2019," based on the selected date format.
editTimeDisplay - Choose the display format for date selectors when editing media data of type "date only":
- Month-Day (American)
- Day-Month (European)
3. Click Save.
Using the Widgets module, you can set the Join Now button to appear on session cards a specified number of minutes before each session starts, helping users know exactly when to join. You can also control the visibility of media thumbnails on these session cards, which appear across Theming-based pages like the Channel page, Profile page, and Agenda page.
- Go to your Configuration Management console and click the Widgets module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_video portal_URL}/admin/config/tab/widgets.
- Configure the following:
- Click Save.
The Widgets page displays.
ThumbnailOnSessionCard - Choose whether you want the thumbnail on the session card to be visible or hidden.
SessionCardJoinNowIndication - Enter the number of minutes before the session start time for the Join Now button to appear. Leave blank to use the default of 15 minutes. For example, if a session starts at 10:45 am and the indication is set for 15 minutes, the Join Now button will appear at 10:30 am, prompting users to join.
User experience
The image below displays a My Profile page with session cards where media thumbnails are set to visible:
For more information about session cards, visit our article Session cards.