Categories module


This module is used to set the root category for the application and to define which external applications or categories should be displayed to the user. 

Categories define the taxonomy and hierarchical structure of your MediaSpace site. You can access categories through the Navigation icon and browse your content according to the categories in which they are contained. Each category opens up the list of sub-categories that are pre-configured by your account administrator.


You must first set up the categories (and subcategories) in the KMC.

To set up a MediaSpace category tree in the KMC, create a MediaSpace root category.

  1. Select the Content tab and then select the Categories tab.
  2. Click Add Category.
  3. On the New Category window, select the position of the root category and save your new category. See Managing Categories for more information.

rootCategory - Select the Root category from the available categories. 

showExternalPublish -  Set to Yes to show entry categories from external applications.

Add Content from External Applications

Click +AddexternalApplications to add external applications. You may configure multiple external applications

externalApplications -  Set the fields in this section for each external application you want to add. 

When you have an additional LMS extension or additional MediaSpace instances you may display where this media published in other applications that are connected to this MediaSpace. For more information, see Applications Interoperability - External Applications Feature.

applicationName - Select the display name for this application. Users will see this name in My media.

applicationRootCategory - Select the external application name.

Select the Category from the drop down list.

type - select either MediaSpace KAF application or other.

Restrict Categories to Certain Users

restricted - Restrict categories to specific roles. Only users with the specified role can view media in the restricted category. 

Only users with adminRole or unmoderatedAdminRole can add media to the restricted category. 

+Add "restricted" - Click to configure the restrictions. You may set restrictions on multiple categories.

category -  Select a category from the drop down menu.

roles - Select one or more roles that can access the restricted category. Use 'Ctrl' to select multiple roles.

Configure Who Can View Categories

By default, categories may be accessed by all authorized users.

allowAnonymousWhen allowAnonymous mode is enabled, open categories may also be viewed by anonymous users.

To enable Anonymous mode

  1. On the Configuration Management panel of the Kaltura MediaSpace Administration Area, open the Auth tab.
  2. Under allowAnonymous, select Yes and click Save.

Related Modules

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