Category modules


This module enhances the Secure Embed feature in the Embed module, and is a prerequisite for turning this module on. Once enabled, you can control if the content’s embeds can be taken from within the category. This is a KMS feature only, ...
Field Description enabled Enable the Categorymembers Module. preventAddingUsers When Enabled, if the category is mapped to a group name - the category manager will no longer be able to add/remove users manually. The only oth...
Gallery managers and moderators can approve or reject content before media is displayed. The Categorymoderation  module is used to enable moderation for a gallery. The Categorymoderation  module pertains to MediaSpace only. For KA...
This module may be used to enable a category manager to choose what is the first tab to load into categories. Field Description enabled Enable the Categorytheme Module. playerSet Create sets of players. Gallery managers wil...
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