Use this module to set up email templates that will be sent out according to different module settings. The templates created here can be used in the registration modules, the iCalendar module, and the RSVP module for customizing emails sent post registration, when users click the 'Add to calendar' button, and more.
All emails support the following tokens: {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} {COMPANY} {COUNTRY} {EMAIL} {URL} {QRCODE}. To add a template for each language, click +addRegistrationTemplate.
If you are using the emailLogin module, you can use {MAGICLINK} or {SESSIONSMAGICLINK} as an authentication link to the site. You can also use {MAGICLINK}&ref=[relative path] to direct users to a specific page after login.
1. Go to your Configuration Management console, and click the EmailTemplates module. You can also navigate directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/emailtemplates.
The EmailTemplates module page displays.
2. Configure the following:
+Add "template" - Click to add a template per local code. Configuring this section adds localized versions of a specific email template.
An additional section displays. Configure the following:
templateName - Enter a template name that will be used to identify the template, for example: Confirm registration and set password.
localizedTemplate - Click to add templates for a specific locales. When no locale fits - the template for En (English) is used.
Additional fields display:
languageCode - Select the language of the email from the drop-down menu. The default is English (En), and is used when no other selection fits.
subject - Type in the email subject line, for example, "Confirm registration and set password".
body - Type in the email body in HTML. This field supports custom tokens from the language module, and also the following local tokens: {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} {TITLE} {COMPANY} {COUNTRY} {EMAIL} {URL} {QRCODE}
You can use an HTML editor of your choice, such as Create a New Pen or W3Schools online HTML editor.
bodyAsText - This is for calendar invites only. This field contains the plain text that appears in the calendar invite itself. Tokens can still be used.
Do not use HTML in the bodyAsText field. Some calendar apps don’t support HTML and will show the raw code to users. Be sure to use plain text only.
The siteRegistration module is further configured to support this type of invitation.
iCalTitle - This field is used for calendar invites only. It defines the title that appears on the calendar (e.g., "Make sure to join the event on {date}!"). This content is visible in the calendar app, but not in the email. Enter plain text only - no HTML.
To learn how to customize the calendar download, check out the icalendar module.
3. Click Save.
HTML examples used in the body of the email
Confirm registration and set password
Click on the <a href={URL}> following link</a> to confirm your account registration and to set your password. <br>
Thank you!
Registration complete
Thank you for registering for the session. <br>
Please log into the <a href="{URL}"> session</a> <br><br>
Reset your password
Please <a href="{URL}"> click here </a> to reset your password <br><br>
Please note: This link will expire after 30 minutes. <br><br>
Reset password confirmation
Your password has been reset <br>
Please login to the <a href="{URL}"> KMS </a><br>