EmailTemplates module


Use this module to set up email templates to be sent out to users. 

  • Be certain that you do not have Access Control Profiles setup for any specific domains.
  • There are four types of mail templates used for KMS registration:
    • registrationEmailTemplates (verification mail)
    • confirmationEmailTemplates (confirmation mail)
    • passwordEmailTemplates (reset password mail)
    • passwordConfirmEmailTemplates (password updated successfully)
  • Each template has the following configurations:
    • languageCode - for events supporting multiple languages. You may  configure a mail template per local.
    • subject - the subject that will be displayed in the mail
    • template - the body of the mail in HTML
  • All mails support the following tokens: {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} {COMPANY} {COUNTRY} {EMAIL} {URL} {QRCODE}
  • You can add a template per local code by clicking +addRegistrationTemplate.


emailFrom - Enter the email sender.

+addRegistrationTemplate - Click to add a template per local code. Configuring this section adds localized versions of a specific email template. 

templateName - Enter a template name that will be used to identify the template, for example: Confirm Registration and Set Password.

localizedTemplate - Templates for a specific locales. When no locale fits - the template for En (English) is used. 

languageCode - The template language code. The default is En (English), and is used when no other selection fits. 

subject - The email subject, for example, Email confirmation and set password.

body - The email body. Supported tokens - {FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME} {TITLE} {COMPANY} {COUNTRY} {EMAIL} {URL} {QRCODE}

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