The Debug module is a tool used to manage and configure logging for your video portal (KMS) site. It helps identify and resolve bugs or defects by recording event logs and messages, ensuring proper system operation and preventing incorrect behavior in areas like streaming, analytics, or player functionality.
The Debug feature also supports recording logs and debug messages on remote devices, such as the Kaltura SaaS server or an On-Premises server. These logs capture detailed information for troubleshooting.
Logs on the Kaltura SaaS server are accessible only to Kaltura's Level 3 Support and Development teams.
- Go to your Configuration Management console and click on the Debug module. You can also navigate to it directly using a link: https://{your_KMS_URL}/admin/config/tab/debug.
- Configure the following:
- Click Save.
The Debug page displays.
logLevel - The logLevel setting controls the severity and detail level of messages recorded in the KAF log file (logs/kms.log). This allows you to focus on specific types of events based on their importance or impact. Choose from the following levels:
Log level keyword | Level | Description |
ALERT | 1 | System unstable |
CRIT | 2 | Critical conditions |
ERR | 3 | Error conditions |
WARN | 4 | Warning conditions |
NOTICE | 5 | Notification conditions |
INFO | 6 | Informational messages only |
DEBUG | 7 | Debugging messages |
DUMP | 8 | Core dumps |
kalturaDebug - Enables detailed logging of requests to the Kaltura API (logs/apidebug.log)
kalturaStats - Tracks and logs statistics of API requests (logs/api.log)
consoleLog - Configures whether logs are displayed in the console.
enableTemporaryDump - Temporarily sets the log level to DUMP for 30 minutes, enabling in-depth debugging. Click the button to enable DUMP log level for 30 minutes.