Added support to a session Echo Cancellation setting by muting all participants microphones during media
Last Updated: 12/31/2020 in Release notes Kaltura Meetings
Resolved Issues Key Summary NR2-1439 The issue with the "Hide Webcams" button hiding the media player
KMS/KAF ADA-713 Media Page - Tags - a better announcement of the number of tags available.
About Certain events or media entries may require users to complete a registration form before accessing
Last Updated: 12/14/2022 in Kaltura Events
registration Entry ID = The video/asset ID in Kaltura’s platform Entry Name = The video title Media
Last Updated: 02/12/2024 in Marketplace add-ons Powtoon
If you want to add an image or video, click on the Media icon.
Application Error Issue: The user is receiving an Application Error message when they click on the My Media
Last Updated: 04/19/2022 in Marketplace add-ons Brand3D
Click the Play button to watch how your overlay behaves on the media. … Click Back to edit page in the upper right hand corner of the screen to navigate to the to Edit Media
KMS/KAF SUP-41049, FEC-13540 Hotspots in playlist now appear correctly for playlists with multiple media
Last Updated: 03/14/2021 in Release notes Kaltura Meetings
SUP-26485 Fixed an issue with duplicated recordings that were being uploaded to users media libraries
Click + Create to see the list of options for adding media.
the URL or Menu option, follow the steps in the next section. type - Choose one of the options ( My Media
Last Updated: 07/22/2024 in Marketplace add-ons Hive
Event Edit Page
Find the relevant Webcast in My Media. … Confirm Hive Streaming Details Event View Page
Find the relevant Webcast in My Media.
You can also filter based on a variety of parameters, including tags and media type. … Social highlights - Total number of Likes and number of times the media was shared.
the media server automatically adapts to any changes in each user's network and playback conditions. … Adaptive bitrate streaming provides consumers of streaming media with the best-possible experience, since
KMS SUP-38563, SUP-38562 The alert presented when a user is adding a media item without required information
to access different breakout tools including notes writing, whiteboard, documents annotations, and media
dialing in a number You can hear the conversation You can contribute to conversation You can hear Kaltura media
Clicking the 3 Dots menu will display options to record, access, and upload media files, and add files
For logged-in users, the button is displayed based on their permissions to add media.