

About Kaltura uses transcoding to manage and deliver video and audio files efficiently, formatting them for various devices and quality levels.  Encoding : Compressing raw video files The journey of a video begins with ...
Create a transcoding profile Updated
In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to customize transcoding settings for your media assets, ensuring optimal quality and compatibility.
Transcoding Usage
How is Transcoding Usage Measured? Transcoding usage is defined as the volume in MB of transcoded assets, that are the output of transcoding. Transcoding usage is measured and billed one time per transcode,  unlike Storage for example, wh...
Supported transcoding formats
Kaltura supports a variety of media formats and codecs optimized for transcoding and delivery.
Multi-device transcoding best practices Updated
Introduction   Streaming video is an integral part of daily life. People expect to consume video content anywhere, anytime, on various devices. This article outlines the Best Practices for Multi-Device Tran...
How does Kaltura Generate Asset Flavors?
About Not all source flavors are generated into target flavors due to factors like low bitrate or small frame size. Kaltura’s ingestion logic optimizes flavor generation to preserve source quality and avoid redundancy, ensuring the best poss...
Multi-track audio files for VOD / pre-recorded sessions
About Kaltura Player supports the playback of multi-track audio files, as long as they're prepared, ingested, and delivered correctly. Prerequisites For the files to be ingested and heard correctly in the player, a matchi...
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