How is Transcoding Usage Measured?
Transcoding usage is defined as the volume in MB of transcoded assets, that are the output of transcoding. Transcoding usage is measured and billed one time per transcode, unlike Storage for example, which is measured and billed repeatedly per the consumed storage even if a new entry was not added.
Failed transcoded jobs are not counted, even if the failure was due to a corrupted source file (which may have been uploaded by the user) or due to a Kaltura transcoding malfunction.
Exampes of transcoding usage measuring:
- A partner is uploading 10GB of source for transcoding.
- Transcoding is done on the 10GB and outputs with 7 flavors of total 25GB (including the source).
- Transcoding Usage will be 15GB (25GB - 10GB of source files)
A more complex example may be as follows:
- A partner is uploading 10GB of source for transcoding as well as 2GB of ready-made flavors (not for transcoding).
- Transcoding is done on the 10GB and outputs with 7 flavors. The total storage is 27GB.
- The partner then deletes 1GB of flavors.
- The total storage for this partner is 26GB.
- Transcoding Usage in this case is 15GB (27GB – 2GB – 10GB).
- All the deleted flavors and the ready-made flavors do not impact the transcoding usage.
How to Display the Transcoding Usage Report?
The Transcoding Usage Report is displayed by selecting Publisher Bandwidth and Storage Report, in the Kaltura Management Console. The report does not appear in the End Users’ drill down.
Admin Console
The Transcoding Usage Report may be viewed by selecting Publishers’ Usage from the Publishers tab in the Kaltura Admin Console.
Multi-Account Console
The Transcoding Usage Report may be viewed by selecting Usage Reports in the Multi-Account Management Console.

Kaltura offers pre-defined packages of BW, Storage, and Transcoding. Contact your Kaltura representative to learn more.