3D Object Entry Account Administrator Guide

Brand3D's integration with Kaltura MediaSpace provides users access to 3D effects and illustrations, a seamless point-and-click interface for adding 3D content, and the ability to introduce 3D effects during recording, editing, or after production of a video with a 3D overlay. Your audience can interact with the video in new ways that can be personalized to the preferences of each user. They can interrupt video playback and use 3D illustrations and objects to dive into a specific topic before continuing the video consumption. This integration tailors the video experience and allows you to better engage all individuals in the audience on their own terms.

This guide provides instructions on setting up the Brand3D Creator tool on a Kaltura MediaSpace instance, enabling the Brand3d module, and ensuring access to the tool through Kaltura MediaSpace. 

Click on Section 1 below to get started. 

Section 1 Overview of the Brand3D Integration with Kaltura MediaSpace

Section 2 Generate App Token

Section 3 Module Activation

Section 4 Ensure Ability to Add New 3D Object as Media Entry

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