Global Search


Introducing our new design system global search page! Instantly get what you need with smarter results and easily drill down with intuitive filters. Experience the upgraded search function - an advanced engine empowering you to seamlessly explore content and uncover unexpected treasures across every corner of the website.

Key points

  • Dive deeper: Our advanced algorithms ensure you find what you need quickly.
  • Navigate with precision: Refine your searches using advanced filters and sorting functions. 
  • Explore effortlessly: Our streamlined design makes searching a breeze. Access all information effortlessly, whether you're a researcher or explorer. 

The global search page is set up by your system administrator through the Search module  and the 'globalsearch' feature in the Theming module.

Perform a search

The global search page can be reached from the top right of your video portal navigation bar by either entering a search term and pressing enter or by clicking in the search field then pressing Enter on your keyboard. 

You can also reach the global search page directly the following URL: https://{your_KMS_URL}/search?

To search for content, enter your keyword(s) in the search field. As you type, you will see your search history. If you hover, you'll see an 'x', which you can click to remove the search from your 'previous searches'.

Press Enter on your keyboard to activate the search.

After conducting a search, you can access advanced search options for specific fields by clicking the gear icon

The gear icon will not be visible unless a search term is entered.

The gear icon opens a drop-down menu with filters allowing you to search for the term in one of these specific fields:

  • All fields
  • Title
  • Description
  • Tags
  • Chapters / Slides
  • Captions
  • Polls
  • Quiz (results from quiz questions and answers)
  • Comments

Please note Playlists are not currently searchable in the video portal.


All the filters are listed vertically on the left of the page. The filters open automatically, and the top two items are expanded by default. Use the filters below the search field to filter, sort, and adjust your search. If a filter is not relevant, it will be grayed out. 

Sort By

You can sort results using the Sort by feature.

Available sorts:

  • Relevance - scored according to how well search results match the query and its context
  • Creation Date
  • Update Date 
  • Alphabetically 
  • Views
  • Plays
  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Webcast start date
  • Webcast end date

Media type

Media type filters:

Please note that the filtering options below may vary depending on what has been configured on your account.

  • All media
  • Video
  • Quiz
  • Audio
  • 3D Object
  • Document
  • Draft
  • Image
  • Webcasting events
  • Room
  • Powtoon
  • Interactive video
  • Wochit

More filters

  • Webcasts – All webcasts / Live Webcasts / Upcoming Webcasts / Recorded Webcasts / Archived Webcasts
  • Ownership – Any Owner/Media my group owns /Media I can edit / Media I can publish
  • Captions - All captions / Available / Not available
  • Duration – Any/00:00-10:00 min/10:00-30:00 min/30:00-60:00 min/Custom
  • Creation Date – Any/Last 7 days/Last 30 days/Custom
  • Last update date - Any date / Last 7 days / Last 30 days / custom

Expand your filtering options by configuring custom metadata.

Click Clear all filters to reset all filters and sorting back to the defaults. If no filters were used, the button will be grayed out.

Read the results

The media results are displayed in the form of a 'card'.

The title and description(1) of the media are displayed next to the thumbnail.

On the thumbnail, a small icon indicates what type of media it is. If no icon is present, it's a video.

Found in results (2) - If keywords are found in metadata fields other than title or description, they are displayed in the section below the description. Available metadata fields:

  • Tags – Hover to see the results

  • Details – Custom fields other than the basic metadata. 
  • Quiz – Results from quiz Questions and Answers.
  • Chapters, Slides, Comments, Captions

A Scheduled indicator (3) is displayed for Live, VOD, Kaltura Meetings, Simulive, and Webcast entries. 

Each metadata type found is clickable, for example, clicking the media title or thumbnail redirects you to the media page, or clicking ‘2 Chapters’ will display where the keywords are found (up to 5 chapters). A second click closes the displayed chapters.

When the metadata type is time based, a number is displayed on the left, indicating the location of the keyword in the media’s timeline. Clicking the time indicator takes you to the video’s page, where the video starts playing from the time indicated. 


If more than 5 keywords are found in any of the metadata types, the Explore link is displayed. This scenario may happen when searching for a word that re-appears many times in a captions file. Explore displays all the results found for this entry. Click Explore to open a sidebar which displays where the keywords were found, as well as additional information about the entry, such as Owner, Creation date, and Views.

Click Go to Media to navigate directly to the entry. 

Click Close at the top of the side bar to collapse the results.

Channel and gallery results

Channel and gallery results are displayed below the first three media results (only on the first page). If there are no channel or gallery results, you won't see those components on the page.

Your administrator can choose whether to display or hide the channels / gallery results on the global search page in the Search module.

The top results are displayed. Click See All to access the Channels page or Galleries page.

If no results are returned, a 'No matching results found' page displays with a message: Consider using different keywords or adjusting the filter to see more results. Below the message, three of the highest searched terms in the past 6 months are displayed.

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