Video Portal user interface

Kaltura's Video Portal aka MediaSpace implements a responsive web design for optimal user experience across all devices. The user interface displays differently on each device.

The accounts shown herein have the Theming module enabled. 

Video Portal header on a desktop:

Header on a mobile device:

+ Create menu expanded:

User menu expanded:

Depending on what is enabled on your environment, your + Create menu may look slightly different. If there is an option missing, please contact your Kaltura administrator to discuss how to enable it on your environment.

+ Create menu items on a standard installation:

The following items are only available after configuration by your site administrator and may be used to access other Kaltura applications:

Depending on what is enabled on your environment, your user menu may look slightly different. If there is an option missing, please contact your Kaltura administrator to discuss how to enable it on your environment.

User menu items on a standard installation:

The following items are available only after configuration by your site administrator and may be used to access other Kaltura applications:

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