The Users tab is used to add or modify user information.
Only users who are authenticated and authorized by your system's administrators can access MediaSpace. Users who are not authenticated by your systems are denied access to MediaSpace and are not able to log in.
KMC users will not appear in the User Management table of KMS/KAF applications.
Adding or modifying users
- In the KMS/KAF Admin window select the Manage Users tab.
Action | Description |
Add New User | Add a new MediaSpace user. Define the following fields:
Delete Checked | Delete all selected users.
Note: Exercise caution when you perform this action. |
Submit CSV | Import a CSV file to add multiple new users. Note that only "End Users CSV" can be submitted.
"End Users Entitlements CSV", "Categories CSV" or "Entries CSV" must be submitted via the KMC. After you submit the CSV you can track the progress of your import from Kaltura Management Console (KMC). In KMC go to Content and click Upload Control. After the import is processed, refresh this page to view users and edit their properties. |
Download CSV | Download a CSV file with the Users' information. |
Editing Actions
Action | Description |
Edit User | Edit the user fields defined when you added the selected user. |
Login As | Select to login as any user. This action allows for better and faster support and investigations and is also beneficial for testing new features and preparing for new releases.
For KAF applications, this feature is not the same as using the LMS's impersonation tool inside a course. Instead this feature allows you to reach the user's My-media section. |
Show Groups | Select to see the groups an individual user belongs to. |
Clear Cache | Select to clear the cache for the user. |
Block | Select to block a specific user. This action enables you to block a user without deleting them from the site. A notice is displayed. You may unblock the user at any time. |
Delete | Delete the selected user. |
Displaying the Number of Users in the User Management Window
The total count of users is displayed in the application,
Displaying Additional Data
Toggle the “extra data” column to “user's registration” column using the extraUserInfoRow field in the Application module. Both columns present a different field from the user's object to the admin. (VIRTC-1668)
Deleting Users
- Deleting a user is a permanent action. The deleted user's content contribution records will be kept in the system.
- When you delete a user from the KMS admin, the user is no longer displayed, however, the user information is kept on the backend. A deleted user can no longer login to KMS nor be added as a media collaborator or owner. The content created by this owner will remain and will no longer have an owner.
- If you delete a user using the API, the user is removed and completely deleted. No information will be retained about that user. The content created by this owner will remain and will no longer have an owner.
Creating a new user with the same USER ID as a deleted user will not automatically associate the content with the new user.
Instead, to associate content with a user, see Bulk actions - change owner.