Setting User Permissions In LMS (To Connect To Live Room)

Legacy Notice Preview

ℹ️ Legacy notice

This article documents the legacy KME Room. For information on the new room, please visit the new Kaltura Room documentation.

Your students and instructors should already have set roles in your institution's LMS.  After the Newrow module is enabled, a system administrator must set permissions to allow access to the live room. 

Setting User Permissions In LMS

To set the permissions that will allow users to initiate a live room from media gallery, you must enter the KAF admin page and assign permissions.  

  1. Enter the KAF admin page.
  2. Click hosted module (you can search for it in the search box or scroll down and click on it in the right bar).
  3. Scroll down to the ltiRolesMapping.
  4. Click the drop down arrow next to kmsContextualRole, which will enable the administrator to control whether these users, who are mapped with a specific LTI role and KMS role, will be able to start a meeting or join a meeting.

Members & Contributors will be able to join the room and will have a student view inside the room. Moderators and Managers will be able to start/initiate the live room and will have an instructor view inside the room.

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