User & Group Management


User management
The Users tab is used to add or modify user information.  Only users who are authenticated and authorized by your system's administrators can access MediaSpace. Users who are not authenticated by your systems are denied access to MediaSpac...
How to add users in bulk
The following article explores options for adding users in bulk via the Kaltura Management Console (aka KMC) and via the KMS/KAF admin page. You can choose the option that works for you! There is a 5000 user limitation on channel an...
Group Support in Kaltura Applications
Groups may be used   to manage entitlements and category assignments for a large number of users in Kaltura applications. What is a group? A  group  is a single manageable entity that represents a collection of users. Technically, a group ...
Manage groups from the Video Portal or KAF Configuration Management console
Groups are a convenient way to assign access to a large number of users in Kaltura applications. For example, you can create groups and then assign entitlements and collaboration rights. The Manage Groups tab is located in the KMS and KAF Confi...
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