to access different breakout tools including notes writing, whiteboard, documents annotations, and media
Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA) focuses on ensuring that communications and media
dialing in a number You can hear the conversation You can contribute to conversation You can hear Kaltura media
Clicking the 3 Dots menu will display options to record, access, and upload media files, and add files
For logged-in users, the button is displayed based on their permissions to add media.
You can also filter based on a variety of parameters, including tags and media type. … Social highlights - Total number of Likes and number of times the media was shared.
You can also filter based on a variety of parameters, including tags and media type. … Category Analytics dashboard through KMS and Kaltura Application Framework Applications: In the Channel/Media
the media server automatically adapts to any changes in each user's network and playback conditions. … Adaptive bitrate streaming provides consumers of streaming media with the best-possible experience, since
choosing different player, background color, logo, and more. (1) For more information see Customizing the Media
Kaltura Media Space (KMS) and Kaltura Application Framework (KAF) Integration : Currently meeting rooms
Last Updated: 10/17/2021 in Release notes Kaltura Meetings
the echo issue when streaming videos with speakers on by automatically muting all participants during media
KMS/KAF SUP-12137 V2UI – In some browser dimensions (width off 1897px), Media Gallery shifted to the
About Explore the Kaltura Webcasting Calendar, which integrates with Kaltura's media management tools
Added support to a session Echo Cancellation setting by muting all participants microphones during media
Last Updated: 01/10/2021 in Release notes Kaltura Meetings
built in translation has been fixed, NR2-2904 When playing a playlist and switching between shared media
entryType : 1 = hosted media, “externalMedia.externalMedia” = YouTube video.
KMS/KAF SUP-11346 The erroneous "Corrupted Media" label no longer appears on a working Webcast entry
Kaltura Media Space (KMS) and Kaltura Application Framework (KAF) Integration : Currently meeting rooms
Source Media Language - Select English from the drop-down menu.
See Source Media Languages . turnaroundTimeDefault Select the default turnaround time.