Popular Articles

  1. Backstage during interlude

    About This feature lets moderators have private discussions or prepare for sessions during interludes away from the view of attendees. When an interlude begins, moderators move into 'backstage' mode, while attendees remain in interlude view...
  2. Media metadata in Canvas

    Media metadata refers to the descriptive information associated with a media file, such as an image, video, or audio file.
  3. Send feedback and logs during a session

    About Want to send feedback? Report an issue you're experiencing? You can easily give feedback on webcam and microphone quality and content playback during a session. That feedback, along with a support log, will be submitted to technical support...
  4. Add content to a shared repository

    You can add content to a shared repository by selecting media and publishing it.
  5. Media stitching in Canvas - Theming

    Combine multiple videos and images into one video
  6. Remove media from a playlist in Canvas

    Refreshing your playlists by removing outdated media helps keep your content up-to-date and engaging.
  7. Moderate Media Gallery content

    About Media Gallery managers and moderators can approve or reject content when moderation is required before media is displayed. Access pending media Access your course, then on the left menu bar, click on Media Gallery . ...
  8. Edit captions in KMC

    Kaltura’s Closed Captions Editor allows you to review and edit captions for your videos, whether they’re generated by REACH or uploaded manually.
  9. Search in My Channels

    The My Channels page in Kaltura's video portal offers robust search and filtering tools, making it easy to locate specific channels or groups of channels based on your preferences.
  10. Open Source Components in KMS GO

    Open Source Components in KMS GO - Android Volley -  https://developer.android.com/training/volley/index.html Picasso -  http://square.github.io/picasso/ Crashlytics -  https://fabric.io/kits/android/crashlytics/summary RoundedImageView - ...
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